Santa Barbara Mission We are USC are names are Justin, Lee-on, Donovan, and Delano.
Introduction Established Santa Barbara Santa Barbara Mission was the third mission established in land of the Chumash.The livestock in Santa Barbara had sizeable livestock herd exceeded 10,000 hand in years 1802-1823 13,732 animals including 3,500 cattle and 9,000 sheep. The highest population over recorded was 1,992.
Mission Church The Mission church was completed in 1820 with one tower. The second tower was added in 1830, collapsed within two years and was rebuilt in 1830. Active Roman catholic church owned and operated by Franciscans. Santa Barbara is the only mission continuously operated the Franciscans since it’s founding.
Water Source Water was channeled from a dam constructed in Pedragoso creek, high above the mission. A tow-mile long stone aqueduct carried water .To a storage reservoir feeder resevoir and attributed to Indian mason Miguel Blanca of Baja California.
Agricultural output Over the year 1787-1834 Santa Barbara reported harvesting 223,285 bushels of wheat ,barley, corn, beans, peas, lentils, garbanzo’s (broad beans). The Mission had two vineyards and many fruit trees.
Mission Art The mission church is filled with original and noteworthy painting and statues, including a unique abalone encrusted Chumash altar. In 1790, the two largest religious painting in all of the missions are at Santa Barbara.