- Kahoot review tomorrow morning - Get out your Do Now If you did not turn in your poem or the Global Impact worksheet turn them into the back - Kahoot review tomorrow morning Find your new seat. 1st – Red 3rd – Green 4th - Blue
What do you want to know more about? CNN Student News K-W-L What do you know? What do you want to know more about? What did you learn?
Modern Day Slavery During the clip write down in your notes 3 ways slavery exists today and how it is used. Remember, slavery has existed since the beginning of civilization.
Textiles and manufactured goods Triangular Trade Raw goods (sugar, tobacco, and cotton) Textiles and manufactured goods Original map retrieved from: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Atlantic_Ocean_location_map.svg Slaves
What do you see here? What strikes you about this image? The Door of No Return Elmina Slave Castle
Elmina Slave Castle
Before going to slave castles many slaves were shackled and forced to walk many miles
Last Bath
Central Historical Question How did people experience the Middle Passage?
Activity We will read aloud A and B then answer the questions that follow as well as the graphic organizer. We will debrief as a whole class With your neighbor you will read aloud C, D, and E then answer the questions that follow as well as the graphic organizer You will do the last part of the assignment by yourself to turn in, it should be at least 5 sentences. Write in clear and complete sentences.
Document D: Diagram of Slave Ship Image retrieved from http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.rbc/rbpe.28204300