Analyze Spending Chain Procedures (Misc. Pay Non-PPA)


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Presentation transcript:


Terminal Learning Objective Action: Analyze Spending Chain Procedures Conditions: Mid-grade FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercise, personal experience, handouts, and discussion with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: With a minimum of 80% accuracy, learners must demonstrate proficiency with processing applicable Accounts Payable documents while adhering to system procedures while maintaining Separation of Duties (SOD). 2

Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA Contract Types Standard Procurement System (SPS) T-Codes Miscellaneous Pay PPA T-Codes Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA T-Codes ME51N ME21N (Auto-Created) MIGO MIRO ME51N – Create Purchase Requisition ME21N – Create a Purchase Order ML81N – Services Entry Sheet MIRO- Create IR ME5A – PR list Display FB02 - Invoice/Block ME23N – View Status FB02- Unblock IR MIR4 – View/Display MR8M – Cancel/Reverse Invoice F-44- Clear vendor Header FMY1 – Pre-Commit Document FMZ1 – Create Funds Commitment Document FB60 – Enter Invoice FB03 – View Invoice FB02 – File Attach FB02 – Invoice Block 3

Miscellaneous Pay Not Subject to the Prompt Payment Act 4

Miscellaneous Pay Examples (Non-PPA) Code 1 (TRNG) – Training / Educational Expenses (Non-Contract) Code 2 (VETE) – Veterinary Services Code 3 (MISV) – Miscellaneous Pay - Vendor Code 4 (RENE) – Lease and Rental Agreements Code 5 (REUE) – Utility and Reconnection Fees Code 6 (NTSE) – Non-Temporary Storage Code 7 (CCAE) Civilian Clothing Allowance Code 8 (GIFE) – Training / Educational Expenses (Non-Contract) 5

Misc. Pay Non PPA Rhythm 6

Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA (What is it?) A valid obligation of the Army containing one or more of the following attributes: - Payments for non-recurring, non-contractual purchases Ex. Payments for morale, welfare, and recreation functions when use of the Government Purchase Card (GPC) is not feasible - Payment per special authoritative arrangements other than formal contracting agreement Ex. Military services directives that are based on acts and executive orders - Payments and funding made by other federal agencies under special authority that necessitates special billing/reimbursement conditions Ex. Fees paid by the Department of Justice (DOJ) or per instruction from the DOJ Legal Fees 7

Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA (Expense Types) Payments to Federal Government Employees/Military Members Primarily authorized when government employee/military member (active, reserve, and National Guard) need to be reimbursed for legitimate expenses incurred as part of their official duties (Observer/Controller, Quality Assurance, etc.) Payments to Non-Federal Entities State and local government, business, non-profit organizations, private schools, not-for-profit hospitals, and government owned corporations Includes payments to individuals outside the government 8

Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA (Role) The Miscellaneous Pay Approver is a restricted role that requires users to have completed and submitted an updated version of Form 577 to EDA prior to being approved for the role in GRC.   The Miscellaneous Pay Approver role is now available for selection in GRC for Wave 8a organizations. GRC Approvers should immediately begin identifying users and creating GRC requests for users who require the Miscellaneous Pay Approver role. 9

Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA (Funds Commitment Document) Funds Commitment Documents: Are used primarily for government employees / military personnel and in some cases, utilities. Commit AND Obligate Funds Are NOT Subject to the Prompt Payment Act Do NOT require a goods receipt Invoices are done by the Army 10

Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA (Funds Commitment Document) Funds Pre-commitment Docs are entered in GFEBS using the T-code FMY1 Funds Commitment Docs are entered in GFEBS using the T-code FMZ1 Terms should not be less than 7 days In case of emergency, coordination with DFAS must be made in order to pay earlier The document type F9 is used for miscellaneous payments The reference field in the Header section should be populated with the external reference document number, ie, TANUM, payroll number, etc. 11

Create Commitment / Obligation Doc. 12

Create Funds Commitment / Obligation Document (FMZ1) 13

Create Funds Commitment / Obligation Document (FMZ1) Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided 14

Check on Learning Q. What is the ‘F’ code for the Misc.-Pay Document type? F7 F11 F5 A. Q. What is the T-code for the Funds Pre-Commitment Document? Q. T/F: Funds Commitment Documents (Non-PPA) REQUIRE a Goods Receipt? F9 15

Summary: Create Commitment / Obligation Doc 16

Create and Post an FB60 Invoice 17

Create Invoice Doc. 18

Create and Post a Vendor Invoice FB60 Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided 19

Check on Learning Q. What ‘Document Type’ is necessary to process this FB60 Transaction? SPS PR MIPR Reimbursable Misc. Pay (MP) A. Q. The Commitment and Obligation document number goes in the ______ / _______ column. Q. T/F: The Invoice Receipt Date is the ORIGINAL creation date of the invoice? 20

Summary: Create / Post Invoice 21

View Invoice Status 22

FB03 – View Vendor Invoice Status Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided 23

Create File Attachment (Manual Invoice) 24

File Attachment Examples DD577 25

Create Attachment for Invoice 26

Create Invoice Attachment FB02 Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided 27

Check on Learning Q. T/F: FB02 is the sole T-code for uploading attachments to an Invoice? A. 28

Summary: Create Invoice Attachment 29

Block Invoice Attachment FB02 Simulation The instructor demonstrates this activity while you follow along Hands on Exercise The instructor will lead you step by step through the activity using the training materials provided 30

Check on Learning Q. What do the ‘Payment Terms’ default to on the Invoice in question? Net 20 B. Net 40 NPR (No Payment Required) Net 30 (ZO30) 31

Summary: Block Invoice Attachment 32

Process Complete 33

Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA Contract Types Standard Procurement System (SPS) T-Codes Miscellaneous Pay PPA T-Codes Miscellaneous Pay Non-PPA T-Codes ME51N ME21N (Auto-Created) MIGO MIRO ME51N – Create Purchase Requisition ME21N – Create a Purchase Order ML81N – Services Entry Sheet MIRO- Create IR ME5A – PR list Display FB02 - Invoice/Block ME23N – View Status FB02- Unblock IR MIR4 – View/Display MR8M – Cancel/Reverse Invoice F-44- Clear vendor Header FMY1 – Pre-Commit Document FMZ1 – Create Funds Commitment Document FB60 – Enter Invoice FB03 – View Invoice FB02 – File Attach FB02 – Invoice Block 34

Summary: Misc. Pay Non-PPA 35

TLO Summary Action: Analyze Spending Chain Procedures Conditions: Mid-grade FM Leaders in a classroom environment working individually and as a member of a small group, using doctrinal and administrative publications, practical exercise, personal experience, handouts, and discussion with an awareness of the Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors. Standard: With a minimum of 80% accuracy, learners must demonstrate proficiency with processing applicable Accounts Payable documents while adhering to system procedures while maintaining Separation of Duties (SOD). 36