Assessment & Student Learning Outcomes Ben Peterson, Ph.D. Teaching Innovations Office, UTLC
Today’s Plan Your experience with SLOs Form and Function Assessment Design Tools: Visualizing SLOs
Participants will be able to… Reflect on existing practices of writing learning outcomes Identify the key components of the most beneficial learning outcomes Experiment with additional ways of using learning outcomes in a course Recognize strategies for making the process of constructing SLOs more useful
How do you construct and use learning outcomes now?
How do you construct and use learning outcomes now? As a begrudged requirement? As a syllabus guide? As a course design tool? As a teaching tool? All of the above?
Form and Function
Astin’s I-E-O Model and Assessment Environments Inputs Outcomes
Learning Outcomes Express what the student will be able to know or do following a particular experience in an environment Focus on recognizing the culmination of efforts Are measurable (i.e., identifiable or observable) Are detailed and specific Identify specific actions (using precise action verbs)
Use in Learning Environments Initial Communication Ongoing Communication Formative Assessment Agile Assignments Summative Assessment Course Revision
Writing with Function in Mind Gen Ed Requirements Prerequisite Courses Assignments Diverse Learning Experiences
Is there a learning experience for which you would like to be able to give the learner a more directed expectation?
Design and Assessment
Learning Outcomes and Design
The Value of Precision
Specific and Measurable Students will… will appreciate the benefits of exercise science. will understand the scientific method. will become familiar with correct grammar and literary devices. will develop problem-solving and conflict resolution skills. Writing and Assessing Student Learning Outcomes, IUPUI Center for Teaching and Learning
Specific and Measurable Students will… will appreciate exercise as a stress reduction tool. will apply the scientific method in problem solving. will demonstrate the use of correct grammar and various literary devices. will demonstrate critical thinking skills, such as problem solving as it relates to social issues.
Specific and Measurable Students will… will explain how the science of exercise affects stress. will design a grounded research study using the scientific method. will demonstrate the use of correct grammar and various literary devices in creating an essay. will analyze and respond to arguments about racial discrimination.
Specific and Measurable Students will… will explain how the science of exercise affects stress. will design a grounded research study using the scientific method. will demonstrate the use of correct grammar and various literary devices in creating an essay. will analyze and respond to arguments about racial discrimination.
Visualizing Student Learning Outcomes
How do you construct and use learning outcomes now?
How might you construct and use learning outcomes now?
Thanks! Ben Peterson