1984 Research Essay
Requirements At least three pages in length Standard MLA Format At least two outside sources, cited MLA-style
Schedule Next week, we will be in the computer lab working on research and rough drafts On Monday, November 5th, we will have a peer workshop Your final draft will be due on Sunday, November 11th
Prompts 1. George Orwell was clearly basing the totalitarian government of 1984 on the examples set by real dictators in history. Discuss the elements and examples of history that influenced 1984. Use specific examples from both history and the text. Cite as necessary. 2. Choose the most useful method that Big Brother utilizes to keep the population in line, and discuss why it is the most useful in comparison to the others. Support your argument with examples from real-world population control techniques. For example, propaganda is utilized in Oceania and in modern-day China to great effect, for the following reasons… 3. Analyze how the world of Big Brother reflects and warns us about the growing control of corporations and government over citizens’ lives in the modern age. You may want to use some of the articles that we have read over the past few weeks to look for parallels. 4. Analyze how doublethink and newspeak have crept into modern American English, as well as how the idea of thoughtcrime and the thought police is becoming a reality in modern life. You may want to consider the online world and social media and the impact they have on these ideas, but this is not required.