About VBA BankPAC The VBA Bank Political Action Committee is the financial arm of our advocacy and legislative efforts. Our PAC financially supports those candidates who understand that the banking industry drives economic growth and who work to promote a pro-banking environment in the Commonwealth.
Components of the VBA BankPAC Campaign (Funds Raised in 2016 - $431,141 total)
1,568 bank employees and directors participated in the 2016 BankPAC campaign.
68 banks participated in the 2016 BankPAC campaign.
For the past seven years, VBA BankPAC has exceeded its goal.
On behalf of BankPAC, 83 bankers attended fundraisers in 2016, representing 26 different banks.
2016 Diamond Level Participants (Contributed More Than $1,500) G. William Beale Union Bank & Trust Michael W. Clarke Access National Bank J. Peter Clements The Bank of Southside Virginia T. Gaylon Layfield, III Xenith Bank Robert F. Shuford, Jr. Old Point National Bank Robert F. Shuford, Sr. Old Point National Bank Jeffrey M. Szyperski Chesapeake Bank Bruce Whitehurst Virginia Bankers Association
Top Banks by Asset Size: 2016 Over $1.5 Billion: $150 Million to $300 Million: Union Bank & Trust Blue Ridge Bank $1 Billion to $1.5 Billion: Under $150 Million: C&F Bank River Community Bank $500 Million to $1 Billion: Top PAC-to-PAC Contributor: The Bank of Southside Virginia SunTrust Bank $300 Million to $500 Million: Top Overall Contributor: Freedom Bank of Virginia
VBA vs. Virginia Credit Union League: Campaign Contributions 2016
Disbursements: Federal
Federal Contributions (Last Election Total) Virginia - House Representatives: $44,000 Virginia - Senate Representatives: $25,000 Total: $69,000* *Contributed in conjunction with ABA BankPAC
Federal Contributions (Last Election Total) - Virginia *Completed in conjunction with ABA BankPAC
Disbursements: State
Total of 2016 State Contributions: $232,237 (Includes Leadership Caucus Contributions)
State Campaign Contributions Totaling $186,410 in 2016 (to State Senators and House of Delegates Members)
State Level Party Break-Down
Committee and Caucus Contributions 2016: House Democratic Caucus $1,500 House Republican Campaign Committee $11,000 Joint Democratic Caucus $8,250 Senate Democratic Caucus $2,500 Senate Republican Caucus $10,500 Virginia Legislative Black Caucus $2,500 Total: $36,250
of BankPAC expenditures went directly to federal and state candidates in 2016.
BankPAC & Your Bank
Diamond Level Participants (Contributed More Than $1,500) Names?
Contribution Amounts Over Past Three Years
Why Should You Support BankPAC? To support the banking industry and the legislators that support a healthy banking environment, so that we can remain engaged with our delegation and strengthen our relationships with them. To ensure there is a unified voice for our industry Because combining our efforts makes a bigger impact To enhance the VBA’s legislative efforts To educate public officials on the implications of their decisions on your bank To ensure new laws don’t negatively impact the banking industry To financially support candidates who understand that banks drive economic growth To financially support candidates who promote a pro-banking environment Because BankPAC is your voice in the political process To support candidates in office who support our banking system So that your voice can be heard To manage your political risk Because political risk cannot be ignored To have a seat at the table.
Have a seat at the table. Questions?
Thank you for considering supporting VBA BankPAC!