Interactive Google Campus Map for Princeton University Students
Overview (Pugling): The campus grid has been overlaid onto a Google hybrid map centered on our campus The buildings are color coded: orange dormitories, blue administrative and classroom buildings, green athletic facilities, and teal eating clubs Note that a search window is included, as well as checkboxes for various student services on the main interface Using this site we created, we were able to pull exact latitude and longitude information at this zoom depth to populate our database of buildings, clusters, and coffee locations with their associated latitudes and longitudes as well as other attributes As you can see from this screen shot, we can pinpoint exactly the location of the 1901 computer cluster
Services By checking any of the checkboxes on the interface, the user is provided a list of clusters, coffee locations, or eating clubs as well as markers for these services on the map Clicking on any member of the list will center the map on selected item using its latitude and longitude The following slide depicts a map fully populated with the markers for all our services
Fully Populated Service Map: Clusters, Coffee, and Eating Clubs
Search Functionality Here you can see the search function utilizes Princeton’s LDAP server to find anyone whose name contains the search field On submitting the search, the site returns a link which, when clicked, plots a marker at the building location of the selected person
Zoom and Attributes This image depicts the full zoom capacity of the Google map, you can clearly see and recognize Pyne Hall Furthermore, this image shows the clickable markers for the services and the attributes associated: the Pyne cluster contains only a printer on the third floor These attributes were found at the site:
Business Model General plan to interact with Nassau and other local businesses – they pay fees (monthly/yearly) for their inclusion in the site as well as in site advertisement When a business local marker is clicked, its bubble popup can contain ads, company logos, and links to the company site For expansion, this software package could be marketed to other universities, business parks, or hospitals who desire to improve their own maps. We would license the software on a yearly basis The cost overhead is essentially nothing other than site development time, thus all revenue is profit
The Glorious “I Like To Pugle” - Gokhvat