The Course and Conduct of World War I
New Policies by Congress The Espionage Act provided for a fine up to $10,000 and a prison term of twenty years for anyone who interfered with the draft or encouraged disloyalty. The Sedition Act provided the same penalty for anyone who would print, write, or publish any disloyal, or abusive language about the American government.
War advancements Machine Gun- rapid firing weapon Airplanes- WWI was first war where planes are widely used Flamethrower- mobile and lightweight, a single person could carry one Poison Gas- Mustard gas used to cause blindness and lethal damage to lungs Big Berthas- Largest mobile gun ever used in battle, could fire shells 9 miles Trench Warfare- trenches dug to give soldiers a place to avoid sniper fire and to shoot from a concealed location Barbed Wire- sharp wire used in “no-man’s land” to prevent soldiers running to another trench
A War of Firsts First time the government agreed to commit large numbers of American Soldiers to a distant war. First Selective Service Act: Created the first national draft (men ages 21 to 30 were required to register) 2.9 million men drafted 400,000 African Americans will join the armed forces
American Expeditionary Force (AEF) American forces were desperately needed on the battlefield. The AEF, nicknamed “the doughboys”, was the American infantry sent to Europe. General John J. Pershing was the commander Pershing wants to fight an “offensive” war rather than just sending his troops to replace other wounded soldiers
Russians Exit Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 will begin turning Russia into the Soviet Union. Treaty of Brest – Litovsk; the Russians exit the war and give up large amounts of territory. Closed the Eastern Front Beginning of the increased tensions between Soviet Union and the West
War Draws To A Close Battle of Argonne Forrest – Last battle of World War I Six weeks of hard fighting through the Argonne Forrest the Americans punched through Germany’s main supply and communication line. November 11, 1918 Germany will agree to an armistice.
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