The Great War Begins US History II
Ripple Effect Assassination of FF Alliance system accelerated involvement Europe is at total war in a matter of weeks
Schlieffen Plan Germany’s strategic plan to win WWI Attack France on Western Front first with 90% of German army (How and Why?) Move through Holland, Belgium, & Luxembourg Win quickly (within weeks) Once France is defeated concentrate all efforts on Eastern Front – Russia
Stalemate Emerges trench warfare Soldiers dug in – fixed positions Defensive warfare “No Man’s Land” Offensive attacks resulted in high casualties Horrible conditions (trench foot, etc.)
<Sept. 1914> Battle of the Marne 1st horrific battle of the war 500,000 casualties on both sides German invasion stalls – the beginning of 3 years of stalemate trench warfare
<April 1915> Battle of Gallipoli Gallipoli peninsula in Turkey British/French attempt to take the capitol Constantinople Get Turkey out of the war Secure a supply route to Russia Attempt failed – heavy casualties 300,000 Turks / 214,000 Allies
<Feb.-Dec. 1916> Battle of Verdun German massive attack in northeast France Historically significant to the French – they would defend homeland at all costs Longest and bloodiest battle of WWI 250,000 deaths and over 1 million wounded No ground was gained for either side
<July-Nov. 1916> Battle of the Somme Allies attack Germany north & south of the Somme River Allies gain only 5 miles of territory “pals” joined together wiped out many town’s generation of young men British 420,000, French 195,000 & German 650,000 casualties