War Begins – The Schlieffen Plan Two Parts: [1] Quick defeat of France, & then [2] Cooperate with Austria-Hungary against Russia
First Battle of the Marne, Sept. 1914 - German advance stopped, “Race to the Sea” began, as well as trench warfare
“Race to the Sea,” Sept – Oct, 1914 - France & Britain, as well as Germany, attempt to outflank each other
First Battle of Ypres, Oct. – Nov. 1914 - The end of the “Race to the Sea” & trench warfare is established throughout western Europe
German Spring Offensive, 1918 Last attempt to defeat the Allies before American contributions ** What was the major consequence?
Allies Hundred Day Offensive Aug. 8 to Nov. 11, last stage of the war ** Why was this so effective?
Paris 1919: Six Months that Changed the World Peace Conference Paris 1919: Six Months that Changed the World Enthusiastic response … Allies wanted to punish Germany!! 14 Points vs. Treaty of Versailles…
Point 1 – Open alliances Points 2 & 3 – Open seas & Free Trade Points 4 – Reduction of “Arms” Point 5 – “Impartial adjustment” of colonial claims
Point 6 - 13 “National Self-Determination” Point 14 – a “League of Nations”
Consequences of Treaty or Versailles (1) Completely changes the map of Europe
Consequences of Treaty or Versailles
Consequences of Treaty or Versailles (2) Completely changes the map of Middle East, Mandate System
Consequences of Treaty or Versailles (3) Severe punishment of Germany: including, war guilt clause & war reparations "The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments …” (4) Allied Powers take over German colonies
Consequences of WWI (1) Creates conditions for future wars … In Europe (Germany war guilt, reparations, loss of colonies & land, and disbanding military) … In Middle East (promises to many ethnic groups) (2) End of four empires (Germany, Russia, Ottoman Empire, and Austria-Hungary) (3) Completely new maps in Europe and the Middle East (Nine new nations in Europe & Mandate System) (4) Tremendous loss of life, more than 17 million deaths (Military and civilians) (5) Expands power of governments over Economies (6) Economic prosperity for the United States