Auction sites Lesson objectives In this lesson students are learning about: Features of internet auction sites Benefits and drawbacks of buying and selling goods on an internet auction site Schemes designed to protect people buying and selling on internet auction sites Methods of paying for goods purchased in an internet auction At the end of this lesson students will be able to: All will be able to describe features of internet auction sites and the benefits and drawbacks of buying and selling goods on an internet auction site Most will evaluate schemes that protect people buying and selling on internet auction sites Some will analyse methods of paying for goods purchased in an internet auction
At the end of this lesson students will be able to: All will be able to describe features of internet auction sites and the benefits and drawbacks of buying and selling goods on an internet auction site (MB1) Most will evaluate schemes that protect people buying and selling on internet auction sites (MB2) Some will analyse methods of paying for goods purchased in an internet auction(MB3) Starter How many of YOU would be willing to buy second hand goods online? If not, why not? What risks do customers take when purchasing from an internet auction site? Does the chance of bagging a bargain outweigh the risks?
At the end of this lesson students will be able to: All will be able to describe features of internet auction sites and the benefits and drawbacks of buying and selling goods on an internet auction site (MB1) Most will evaluate schemes that protect people buying and selling on internet auction sites (MB2) Some will analyse methods of paying for goods purchased in an internet auction(MB3) Key vocabulary bid consumer protection escrow service internet auction profile reserve price
At the end of this lesson students will be able to: All will be able to describe features of internet auction sites and the benefits and drawbacks of buying and selling goods on an internet auction site (MB1) Most will evaluate schemes that protect people buying and selling on internet auction sites (MB2) Some will analyse methods of paying for goods purchased in an internet auction(MB3) Features of internet auction sites Explain to the class how an internet auction works. Ask students to work in pairs to investigate online auction sites (e.g. eBay, eBid, Play Trader, Amazon Marketplace). They should pick one and complete worksheet Features of Online Auction Sites.doc. Use class discussion and questioning to draw out common Features/characteristics and differences between sites. Use this opportunity to revise methods of paying for goods online (credit/debit cards, e-money, pre-paid cards).
At the end of this lesson students will be able to: All will be able to describe features of internet auction sites and the benefits and drawbacks of buying and selling goods on an internet auction site (MB1) Most will evaluate schemes that protect people buying and selling on internet auction sites (MB2) Some will analyse methods of paying for goods purchased in an internet auction(MB3) Selling online Work with the class to produce a list of the benefits and drawbacks of selling online for private individuals. Ask students to watch the Selling Tips for Online Auctions video and complete the table in Selling Online.doc.
At the end of this lesson students will be able to: All will be able to describe features of internet auction sites and the benefits and drawbacks of buying and selling goods on an internet auction site (MB1) Most will evaluate schemes that protect people buying and selling on internet auction sites (MB2) Some will analyse methods of paying for goods purchased in an internet auction(MB3) Consumer protection Explain to the class that not all sellers on an internet auction site are private individuals. Some are business traders. Shoppers have the same rights when buying from a business trader selling on an online auction site as they have when purchasing goods from an online store. Use this opportunity to revise legislation that protects people shopping online. Use Buying Online From Private Individuals.ppt to explain how few rights shoppers have when buying from a private individual on an internet auction site and outline schemes that are available to protect shoppers.
At the end of this lesson students will be able to: All will be able to describe features of internet auction sites and the benefits and drawbacks of buying and selling goods on an internet auction site (MB1) Most will evaluate schemes that protect people buying and selling on internet auction sites (MB2) Some will analyse methods of paying for goods purchased in an internet auction(MB3) Plenary Remind students of the lesson objectives. Ask them to write down the five most important things they have learnt about buying and selling on internet auction sites.
At the end of this lesson students will be able to: All will be able to describe features of internet auction sites and the benefits and drawbacks of buying and selling goods on an internet auction site (MB1) Most will evaluate schemes that protect people buying and selling on internet auction sites (MB2) Some will analyse methods of paying for goods purchased in an internet auction(MB3) Introduce the homework task, Online Payment Methods.doc.