Word Within a Word List 5 1st / 2nd period: 5A
SHADED List 5 1st / 2nd period: 5.1
VITA - LIFE Revitalize – to make alive again Vitamin – good for your life
COGN - KNOW Recognize – to know again Cognizant – knowing of something
SUR - OVER Surplus – more than enough Surface – a layer over the top of something
ASTRO - STAR Astronomy – “naming” of stars Asteroid – a large star-like object
CHRON - TIME Chronometer – an instrument for measuring time Synchronize – timed “together”
HYPER - OVER Hyperactive – Overly active Hyperventilate – Breathing over the normal rate
LUNA - MOON Lunatic – someone who’s crazy behavior is driven by the moon Lunar – dealing with the moon (ex: lunar eclipse)
CONTRA - AGAINST Contradict – to “say” something against another Contrast – work against something else
GEO - EARTH Geothermal – internal heat of the earth Geology – science of the earth
THERMO - HEAT Thermostat – measures heat Thermotropic Thermos – keeps in the heat
METER - MEASURE Odometer – measures mileage Thermometer – measures temperature (“heat”)
SON - SOUND Sonar – sound waves Sonnet – poem with a specific sound form
STELL - STAR Interstellar – “between” stars Stellate – a star pattern (constellation / stellar)
NOT SHADED List 5 1st / 2nd period: 5.2
DEMO - PEOPLE Democracy – governed by the people Demography – sort of people that live in an area
STEREO - SOLID Stereotype – solid/hard to break assumption about others Stereoscope – a solid picture made from two images (like 3D)
ISM - DOCTRINE Capitalism – doctrine in which money drives society (set of rules) Capitalism – doctrine in which money drives society Communism – doctrine in which government owning distribution of goods
ALTER - OTHER Alteration – act of changing into another Altercation – disagreement with other person
DYNA - POWER Dynamic – powerful Dynasty – powerful rulers
OCTA - EIGHT Octahedron – a 3D shape with 8 flat sides Octopus – eight legged animal
GYRO/A - TURN Gyrate – turn in a quick circle (like paddles in the water) Gyroscope – turning wheel for navigation
HELIO - SUN Helios – the sun personified as a god in Greek mythology Heliocentric – the sun is the “center” (vs. geocentric)
TETRA - FOUR Tetracycline – an antibiotic with 4 molecular rings Tetrahedron – a 4-sided pyramid
SCOPE - LOOK Periscope – the instrument used to look out of a submarine Horoscope – a look into the future
DEC - TEN Decade – 10 years Decimal – divides into 10’s
AMAT - LOVE Amateur – trying something new you might come to love Amorous – loving