Year 10 Wooden Amplifier Project
In this project you will: Create a wooden acoustic amplifier project for a personal handheld device. Investigate different commercially available designs. Enhance marking out techniques and skills using traditional woodworking tools. Learn about wood joining techniques and finishes.
Lesson 1: Model Making Video Clips Best DIY Smartphone Speakers DIY Cellphone Speakers These video clips show how to make a model amplifier using household items. You can use these clips in different ways: Watch either of these two clips as an introduction to the topic. Preview each one and select the one most appropriate for your class. With your class, watch your selected clip with the sound off. Ask your pupils to make notes on what is happening so that they can replicate the amplifier using their own materials. Then, watch the clip with the sound on and ask your pupils to discuss the best way to proceed. Highlight any safety features that your pupils need to consider when using the tools. Please select the most appropriate way forward for your class and delete the rest.
Model Making Each group needs these materials create their own audio amplifier: One empty paper towel roll Two plastic or paper cups Scissors Masking tape Cutting knife Pen or marker for each group Paint or pens for decoration Access to a tablet or a smartphone A device to record the decibel level from each dock Pre-selected Thinking Cards
Model Making - Testing Audio Amplifier Testing (Decibel dB) Use a decibel monitor to test the sound from your device before and after you place it in your project. Follow these steps: Choose a team name and record it on your sheet. Play a song from your device for 15 to 20 seconds and record the highest volume level. Place your device into your amplifier and follow Step 2 again. Calculate the difference in volume and record it on the sheet.
Lesson 2: Situation, Design Brief & Specification These words are used in Technology and Design. Situation A Situation is a problem that you as a designer are going to solve. For example, Hannah goes to the caravan every weekend. She likes to listen to music and would like a portable way to do this. Design Brief This is an outline of what you are going to make. For example, design and manufacture a portable wooden amplifier that I can play music through Specification This specifies what your product must do. For example, the product must work with specific brand of device and be finished to a high standard.
Investigation Task Mood Board A mood board is a collection of images, drawings, fabrics and materials that all relate to a common theme. In Task 2 you must create a mood board on Wooden Amplifiers. You should consider colour, shape, location and size. Zen Organic Food
Research Task Research three existing wooden amplifiers to gather ideas for your own design. The layout should be as follows. Please provide as much information as you can about the product. Picture Shape Colour Theme User Rectangular front with sloped sides Trapezium shape Dark Brown Hardwood Mahogany Natural Woodworking Geometric People aged 12 to 18 Young adults 18 to 24 Adults aged 25 to 40
My Design Things to consider when drawing out your designs: the number of output amplification holes you want on the front; the size of your phone; the location of the phone and amplification hole or holes; and how the sound will travel from the phone to the amplification holes.
Marking Out 4: Leave back piece as it is. 4 Mark out each piece of plywood according to the dimensions of your phone. The holes must be drilled in the same place. Cut the slot the correct size for your phone. Cut the channel according to where your speaker is located. 3: Cut a channel for sound to travel through and a 40mm hole for amplifying sound. 3 2: Cut a slot the width of your phone, a channel from the speaker and a 40 mm hole for amplifying sound. 2 1: Cut a 40 mm hole for amplifying sound. 1
Manufacturing Diary Using notes and sketches, outline what you did in the workshop on particular days. DATE WHAT I DID TODAY 22/09/17 Today I drilled holes in the first three sections of wood, using a 40 mm Forstner Bit and a Pedestal Drill. 29/09/17 Today I used the Coping Saw to cut the channel from the hole to the speaker so the sound could amplify. I then used a hand file to file down the rough edges.
Tools used in the manufacture Describe what you used each of the tools for in the manufacture of the Wooden Amplifier. Page 9 (15 Marks) Steel Ruler Try Square Scroll Saw Coping Saw Pedestal Drill Linisher