#KWFR #KWRI FOLLOW TALK Keep em on Your Site with Video! J.P. Lewis
#KWFR J.P. Lewis Austin, TX Director of Media Production, KWRI Keep 'em on Your Site with Video!2
Please complete an evaluation form found in the back of your program guide. Keep 'em on Your Site with Video!3
#KWFR Video Models/Trends for Your Website Keep 'em on Your Site with Video! Community/Lifestyle Listing Videos (only with professionally shot video or photos) Testimonials Market/Industry Unique Value Proposition (aka Branding/Agent Bios) You can also show off you or your teams personality in any of these! Videos embedded on the website should reflect the style, branding, tone of the website. 4
#KWFR Your Website Keep 'em on Your Site with Video! eAgentCeAgentC eEdgeeEdge Other Vendor-provided OptionsOther Vendor-provided Options 5
YouTube Google Business Apps now includes YouTube!Google Business Apps now includes YouTube! Pay attention to the YouTube embed codePay attention to the YouTube embed code iframe vs. old embed codeiframe vs. old embed code related videosrelated videos YouTube watermark/brandingYouTube watermark/branding can embed playlistscan embed playlists Keep 'em on Your Site with Video!6
KW Video Includes professional video hosting branded to youIncludes professional video hosting branded to you Keeps them on your siteKeeps them on your site Sends traffic back to your siteSends traffic back to your site Send your videos to YouTube with one clickSend your videos to YouTube with one click Keep 'em on Your Site with Video!7 #KWFR #KWRI FOLLOW TALK Thank You! Please complete an evaluation form found in the back of your program guide. To download a free copy of this presentation, GO TO: #KWFR #KWRI FOLLOW TALK