10th Grade Classroom Guidance Lesson
Who is your school counselor? Last Name School Counselor A – C Mr. Pearson D – J & Magnet Ms. Claire K – P Mrs. Burke Q – Z Ms. Cox Mrs. Burton – Counselor Clerk Please insert department information on this slide.
How do I plan for my future? Essential Question How do I plan for my future?
Let’s talk about… Knowing where you stand with graduation requirements Reading your transcript Knowing your HOPE status College Credit Now/MOWR Dual Enrollment Career Cruising Finding information on careers Finding careers that match your interests Learning what type of training is needed for careers This is your agenda for the lesson.
2019 Graduation Requirements English 4 Credits 9th Literature World Literature American Literature AP Lan 4th Literature- Brit or Multi Science 4 Credits Biology Physics or Physical Science Chemistry or Environmental Science 4th Science – Zoology Human/Anatomy, AP Bio, Forensic Sci Math 4 Credits CCGPS/GSE Algebra CCGPS/GSE Geometry Advanced Algebra/GSE Algebra II 4th Math – AMDM, Pre Cal, AP Stat, College Algebra Social Studies 3 Credits World History US History Economics (.5) Government (.5)
2019 Graduation Requirements Cont’d Personal Fitness (.5) Health (.5) Electives General Electives (4 Credits) Completion of Career Pathway (3 Credits) Students must take 3 consecutive courses in at least one of three area: Career Tech World Language Fine Arts JROTC
Keeping on Track Sophomore Year On Track Academic Courses World History World Lit Biology Geometry 4 Electives
Keeping on Track Cont’d Junior Year On Track Academic Courses American Lit or AP Language US History GSE Algebra II Physics or Chemistry or Environmental Science 4 Electives Senior Year On Track Academic Courses British Lit or Multicultural Lit or AP Lit 4th Year Math Economics & Government 4th Year Science 4 Electives
Transcript Check Find your GPA Find your class rank Find the number of credits earned and attempted Make sure all credits earned (including middle school credits) are on your transcript Check your transcript against the graduation requirements Give students copies of their transcripts and some type of status check sheet (school specific or the one provided).
GPA – 3 TYPES OF GPA YOU MAY SEE Weighted GPA Unweighted GPA HOPE GPA GPA 4.0 Grade Conversion A = 90-100 = 4.0 B = 89 - 90 = 3.0 C = 79 – 74 = 2.0 D = 73 - 70 = 1.0 F = Below 70 = 0.0
GPA – HOPE GPA/HOPE Scholarship Requirements for Class of 2019 Only Academic and World Language grades are calculated into the HOPE GPA Graduating with a HOPE GPA of 3.0 or higher Completed and Passed at least 4 Academically Rigorous courses Examples: AP, Honor, IB, Physics, Chemistry, AMDM, Pre-Cal Dual Enrollment courses Eligible US Citizen and Georgia Resident The Zell Miller Scholarship requires a 3.70 HOPE GPA
What classes count for HOPE? All classes that begin with the following numbers… 23. x English 27. x Mathematics 26. x Science 40. x Science 45. x Social Studies 60. x Foreign language x Foreign language ??. x Additional courses approved for fourth year of science HOPE counts all courses that begin with the listed numbers…. BOTH required and elective courses. Explain the course numbers using the first two digits of the course number so students understand that required courses and electives count for HOPE. See handout regarding rigor requirements. Certain technical courses will count in the HOPE GPA as the fourth year of science. Review HOPE rigor requirements
Is there HOPE for me? https://www.gafutures.org Formerly GA411 Is there HOPE for me? https://www.gafutures.org Explain to students that they can find their current HOPE GPA if they set up an account on GAFUTURES and link the account to the high school they attend. Encourage students to use the lunch number as the user name and date of birth for the password. Refer to brochure on HOPE GPA. Make copies of the included PDF brochure or order brochures for free from Georgia Student Finance Commission at: https://www.gsfc.org/gheac/order_loan/index.cfm?guid=&returnurl=https%3a%2f%2fsecure.gacollege411.org%2fHome%2fEducator.aspx
Earn College Credit while in High School Advanced Placement Courses Other Course Options Earn College Credit while in High School Move On When Ready MOWR Give copy of brochure to each student and discuss in detail. Brochure is located in the 10th grade lesson folder. Advanced Placement Courses
MOWR- Move On When Ready
Interested in Move On When Ready? Research admissions requirements Know application deadlines for individual schools (some are early) Take SAT/ACT/ACCUPLACER Look into full-time and part-time options Talk to your parent/guardian about this experience Make an appointment with your counselor Consider challenges… Activities during and after the school day Transportation Rigorous college level classes Scheduling of classes at college and high school
www.careercruising.com Take students to Career Cruising to indicate they have read the information on College Credit Now. (Required by Bridge Bill Law) Advise students that they must see the school counselor if they are interested in College Credit Now.
10th Grade College Credit Now Career Cruising Instructions www.careercruising.com On the Main page, enter your username and password for Career Cruising. If this is your first time logging in, you will be asked to create a new password. It is strongly recommended that you include your email on your portfolio. Part 1: Exploring College Credit Now Step 1: Select My Plan on the top Step 2: Select My Goals & Plans on left hand side Step 3: Select Career Planning Activities Step 4: Select Add an Activity Step 5: Select “Learned about Dual Enrollment” from the drop down menu Step 6: Enter “College Credit Now” under Title/Organization Step 7: Select today’s month and year for start and end dates Step 8: Click Save Either project these instructions or provide them with a copy of these instructions (handout available on Blackboard too).
“No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions.” Charles Steinmetz Time for questions