Data Pipeline Town Hall April 14th, 2016


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Presentation transcript:

Data Pipeline Town Hall April 14th, 2016 The goal of the webinar is to provide updates on the Data Pipeline and current and upcoming collections. These webinars also provide a forum for districts, BOCES, and Administrative Units to have questions answered about Data Pipeline. We will begin the webinar shortly Dial in number is 1-866-764-6750 Data Pipeline support email is

Webinar Etiquette Mute Your Phone (*# Mutes and Un-mutes Individual Phones); many phones have a mute button on them. If you receive a call and need to pick up, please disconnect from the webinar. Otherwise, all town hall participants hear your hold music! We will hold the Q&A session at the end of the presentation: Type it in the Chat Box for a response OR Raise Your Hand: A presenter will call your name After your name is called, un-mute your phone and speak your question/comment Please be respectful of others time; we may need to have a separate conversation later to best help you 2

Important Reminder Lists are generated from IdM groups LEAs are responsible for maintaining the groups Please be sure to update accounts for changes including no longer at your LEA, change of email, names, adding phone numbers. Thank you 3

Importance of Data Privacy 11/12/2018 Importance of Data Privacy Federal and state laws govern data privacy, confidentiality and security and require CDE to collect data that may include personally identifiable information (PII). Name, address, personal identifier Other indirect identifiers (e.g., date or place of birth) Information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty. (§ 99.3) 4

How to Share Data Check local policies for restrictions Use secure-file transfer protocols Call CDE with questions about how to transmit PII securely Do not send PII over e-mail or fax Do not use PII in trainings Do not share PII with unauthorized individuals Do not share passwords For more information 5

Today’s Agenda Open Collections in Data Pipeline Identity Management Discipline Special Education End of Year READ Collection School Discipline and Attendance (SDA) Student End of Year Confirmation of Attendance/Document Request Directory Student Biographical Data CDE Data Collections Regional Tour Data Pipeline Users Group

Introductions 7

Open Collections in Data Pipeline 8

Open Data Pipeline Collections Year Round Directory 4 Day School Week School Code Changes RITS EDIS Periodic 9

Open Data Pipeline Collections 11/12/2018 Open Data Pipeline Collections Snapshots Student End of Year (Soft Open) Teacher Student Data Link READ Special Education Discipline Coming Soon 10

Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 11

Identity Management 12

(Students with Disabilities Uploaded by Districts) Discipline (Students with Disabilities Uploaded by Districts) 13

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) Discipline Interchange is O P E N OPEN! Thank you to the early submitters! Remember the Early Bird Gets the Worm 14

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) Folks with the DIS and SPI roles received an important email Monday about discipline including About the Collection Roles and Responsibilities Identity Management Documentation What’s New for 2015-16 Tips/Hints Timeline Trainings Technical Assistance 15

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) About the collection IDEA requires that states report the number of children with disability by Disability Race Gender ELL Status Who were subject to: Unilateral Removal by School Personnel for one of the following reasons Drug Weapons Serious Bodily Injury Removal based on a Hearing Officer Determination regarding likely injury Suspension In-School and Out-of-School totaling less than 10 school days and totaling more than 10 school days Expulsion With and without education services 16

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) Roles and Responsibilities DISTRICTS Responsible for uploading the Discipline Action Interchange file containing discipline data for students with a disability. ADMINSITRATIVE UNITS Responsible for the timely and valid reporting of the discipline data for students with disabilities. SPECIAL EDUCATION DIRECTORS: Responsible for the overall collection. Should be working with Superintendents and other school personnel to ensure accurate discipline reporting for students with disabilities. 17

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) Identity Management DISTRICTS In order to upload the “Discipline” Action interchange file to the Data Pipeline website district respondent will first need the DIS role assigned by the district Local Access Manager (LAM) in the Colorado Department of Education Identity Management System (IdM).  ADMINSITRATIVE UNITS In order for the Administrative Unit to oversee the Special Education Discipline Data Collection functions the respondent will first need the SPI role assigned by the Administrative Unit Local Access Manager (LAM) in the Colorado Department of Education Identity Management System (IdM)   18

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) Exempt Districts Development is working on a requested mechanism in the system that districts will be able to access to notify CDE they are exempt. This information in turn will be included in the District Activity Report the Administrative Unit accesses for the status of interchange uploads and errors. We are currently testing this in our test environment. As soon as the testing has concluded we will let districts know the process so you can update the information on line. Once the process is in place, districts without discipline events for students with disabilities will be letting CDE know this information via the data pipeline. 19

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) Interchange Documentation File Layout and Definitions Modified to include clarification around the reporting of School Days vs Calendar Days Updated Administrative Unit field requirement Be sure to read the File Layouts and Definitions closely for guidance on how to report various different types of discipline events applicable to this collection. How to load the Discipline file in Data Pipeline 20

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) What’s New for 2015-2016 Incident File Eliminated Action File Added “Date of Incident” Removed: Habitually Disruptive Student Referred to Alternative School or Program 21

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) Timeline DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITY Discipline Interchange file may be uploaded to the Data Pipeline. ADMINISTRATIVE UNIT RESPONSIBILITY Special Education Discipline Data Collection Snapshot Available. INTERCHANGE FILES MUST BE UPLOADED Discipline, Student, IEP 22

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) Tips/Hints Report a valid Administrative Unit code Either a Discipline or a Removal is reported not both Special Education Flag will always equal 1 Incident Date and School must align with enrollment data Whether a student receives services is collected for Expulsions only Unilateral Removals by School Personnel is the only discipline event where Reason is required The Secret word is????????? 23

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) Secret Word Oscar the Grouch A Snuffleupagus B Grover C 24

C 25

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) OSEP Partner Support We’ve had some questions come up recently in regard to the collection now that we’ve added Incident and Action with the new reporting system. We’ve asked OSEP Partner Support to provide guidance on the following:   What is meant by “student with disabilities”? Is that meaning applicable to all discipline events: suspensions, expulsions, removals? Should district only be reporting the removal days when they were identified as students with disabilities? Or from the time of the start of the action until the end of the removal if they were ever reported as a student with disabilities during the removal? 26

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) Interchange Training Put this place holder in your calendar – More Information to follow once URL is determined Please plan to join me on April 26th at 1-2 (up to 100 participants) 27

DISCIPLINE (students with disabilities) Technical Assistance;; Remember to include the Administrative Unit and District Number, Collection, and Subject. If you are getting a specific error or have an issue with a particular report provide the business rule or report name. Email with technical issues and copy the team. Just a phone call away Kristi 303-866-4620 28

Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 29

Special Education End of Year 30

Special Education EOY: Training Webinar Tuesday May17 from 2:15 – 4:00 (slides sent out one week prior to go over) webinar will consist of examples (coding scenarios) and Q&A. More info coming soon 31

Special Education EOY: Timeline May Monday May 2- snapshot opens June No deadlines – uploading files, creating snapshots, clearing errors July July 7- Interchange errors cleared and at least one 15-16 Snapshot created

Detained at Detention Center in AU Who to Report AU Served Evaluated Detained at Detention Center in AU 33

Special Education EOY: Reporting Rule of Thumb 11/12/2018 Special Education EOY: Reporting Rule of Thumb *Only report INITIAL referrals/evaluations* *Report Path 1 children in school year they were evaluated *Report Path 2 and 3 students in school year the IEP was implemented Includes ages 0-3 evaluated for Part C Path 1 Includes ages 2.5-3.9 referred from Part C to Part B services Path 2 Includes ages 2.5-21 referred to Part B services Path 3 19

What Path to Report in? What services is the student being evaluated for? Part C Services Part B Services It is possible a student will be reported in more than one path. Was the student receiving Part C services immediately prior to this Part B evaluation? Yes No This chart is also posted on the Data Pipeline website. It is a good chart to have handy while working on the collection to help you decide what Path a student should be reported in. Path 1 Students in this Path are 0 to 3 years old. Path 2 Students in this Path are 2.5 but not yet 4 years old. Path 3 Students in this Path are 2.5 to 21 years old.

Special Education EOY Resource Page 36

Special Education EOY – What’s New? SY260: WARNING - Possible Duplicate, this student is also reported as in attendance (not exited) at another AU/SOP. Please verify your records for this student. If your data is reported accurately you may disregard this warning. Error message will list other AU reporting the student this year. Special Education EOY Contact List (under Cognos Reports) new Date Child Referred to Part C System [path 2] Date field no longer required and may be zero-filled business rules checking this field have been deactivated 37

Special Education EOY: Questions? Special Education EOY Contact Information Lindsey Heitman – 303-866-5759 Kristi Gleason – 303-866-4620 Orla Bolger – 303-866-6896 *Please remember to include your AU #, Error code #, and phone number in all emails. Thanks. 38

READ Collection 39

READ Data Collection Purpose: Criteria: The purpose of the READ collection is to determine per-pupil funding for students who are identified as having a significant reading deficiency at the end of the school year Criteria: Create and submit records for all students who: Are in K-3rd grade enrolled at the time of data submission AND 4-12th grade students who are included in the READ cohort from any district For the 2015-16 school year you will include all K-3 students enrolled on the date of submission and 4-6 grade cohort students 40

2015-16 READ Data Element Updates 11/12/2018 2015-16 READ Data Element Updates How do identify your cohort students: 1. Run the Extract Report in COGNOS – “Student extract of 4-12 graders with a significant reading deficiency in the prior year” 2. Run this report for the current school year (2015-2016). Districts will be able to download an excel file pre-loaded with all READ fields for 4-12 graders except for the READ Plan field. 3. Districts must add the value for READ Plan ( 0 or 1) to indicate if the cohort student remains in the cohort or if they have exited from the cohort based on READ Plan ( 0 – No or 1 – Yes) 4. Districts will then remove the Entry Grade Level column and copy and paste this information into their READ file before submitting data IMPORTANT: Districts must ensure that the student interchange is updated prior to running this report This report now includes grade level! For your 4-6th grade cohort students, you are only reporting the 4-6th grade students that appear in your cohort. NOT all of the 4-6 grade students who are enrolled. 41

Tips/Updates Current Defects Recently Corrected Issues The Student Extract of 4-12th Graders with a Significant Reading Deficiency in the Prior Year report in Cognos is not pulling correctly for the 2015-16 school year. Recently Corrected Issues RD216 has been changed to a warning instead of an error in the business rules If READ Status = ‘2’ then at least one READ Plan support field (full-day kindergarten, summer school, tutoring or other) must = ‘1’ (yes) Link to view the recorded webinar from 3/31 has been updated 42

READ Collection Key Dates 11/12/2018 READ Collection Key Dates April 1: READ collection opens May 15: All districts create and submit beginning READ file to ensure correct file layout June 16: Districts complete submission of READ files by close of business – all submissions are finalized and submissions will be locked July 1: Districts resubmit with duplicates removed from file – the READ collection closes July 27: Final SRD numbers and funding are emailed to districts READ respondents and superintendents Week of August 10: Anticipate distribution of READ funds to districts 43

Identity Management Roles 11/12/2018 Identity Management Roles Before you do any loads to Data Pipeline, ensure you have the correct roles: For uploading and editing the READ file: Submit and Modify Role REDLEAUSER For uploading, editing and submitting READ file: Approve Role REDLEAAPPROVER This is the group of people who will receive all communications for our collection through our list serve You will need to ask your Local Access Manager (LAM) for the necessary rights if you do not have them Please contact the READ collection manager (Whitney Westgaard) if you do not know your LAM to obtain this information 44

11/12/2018 READ Resources READ resources can be found at: Data collection timeline Data Elements File layout (no change) Business Rules (updated 4/12/16) RD216 is now a Warning and not an Error Webinar trainings (recorded webinar from 3/31) Additional resources – Frequently Asked Questions and Assessment Cut Scores 45

Questions? THANK YOU! Contact Whitney Westgaard 11/12/2018 Questions? Contact Whitney Westgaard Email: Phone: 303-866-6421 THANK YOU! 46

Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 47

School Discipline and Attendance 48

Training Dates Thursday, April 28th from 3 to 4 pm Wednesday, May 4th from 12 to 1 pm Monday, May 9th from 2 to 3 pm Tuesday, May 17th from 11 to 12 (noon) All trainings will be identical No registration is needed 49

Timeline Monday, May 9th – Collection Opens Friday, June 10th – Upload at least 1 file and update ‘No Reportable Incidents’ tab Thursday, June 16th – All applicable files uploaded Thursday, June 23rd – All applicable files are error free Thursday, June 30th – All files are finalized Bold – required Italicized – goals

What is Reported? All students disciplined during the school year All student attendance info- count of days and partial days Include the student and incident: If the student is disciplined with a Classroom Suspension, In-School Suspension, Out of School Suspension, Expelled, or Referred to Law Enforcement OR If the incident is categorized as any of the listed behaviors except ‘Other Violations of Code of Conduct’

Quick Review of Process Update ‘No Reportable Incidents’ Tab Create and Upload Data files in order: Discipline by Action File Discipline by Student Demographic File Firearm (GFSA) Discipline File Attendance File Review error reports, correct data and re-upload files as needed Review data reports for accuracy Finalize data

File Layout Updates Discipline by Action File: New/Updated Behavior Codes Revised Law Enforcement Referral definition Discipline by Student Demographic File: Removed Habitually Disruptive Students field Firearm (GFSA) Discipline File: Added Grade Level field Attendance Data File: No updates

Questions? Contact Annette Severson at for assistance Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 54

Student End of Year 55

11/12/2018 2015-16 End of Year Schedule Full timeline now available: Business Rules documentation will continue to be clarified and updated as we approach the hard open. Interchange files are the same as you’ve updated all year, the business rule changes help provide clarification to the process If you are new and would appreciate a more detailed walkthrough of the EOY process, please contact Duncan to schedule an introductory training. — (303)-866-6970 Student End of Year — Duncan Anderson — 56 Student End of Year — Duncan Anderson —

11/12/2018 2015-16 End of Year Changes New language in the 2015-16 reports concerning GED to HSED name change HSED stands for High School Equivalency Diploma To give students more options to attain a high school equivalency diploma, CDE has approved the use of three vendors – GED, HiSET and TASC These tests are only slowly being rolled out across the state, but End of Year reports now refer to HSED instead of only the GED. Please let me know if you continue to see any reference to GED in reports as you proceed with the collect as many changes have already been made. Student End of Year — Duncan Anderson — 57 Student End of Year — Duncan Anderson —

Confirmation of Attendance/ Document Request 58

Records Request/Confirmation of E & A (Student End of Year – Duncan Anderson) The two-in-one Record Request/Confirmation of Enrollment and Attendance template is now live on the adequate documentation page: These templates can be modified to suit the needs of individual districts and schools, but should still communicate the same information. Please let me know if you have any questions about the appropriate usage of this form. Additional information is available is last weeks Town Hall recording. Student End of Year — Duncan Anderson — 59 Student End of Year — Duncan Anderson —

Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 60

Directory 61

Directory 4 Day School Week 4 Day School Week Application REQUIRED Application must be submitted each year! School districts operating a school on four-day school week (less than 160 scheduled days per school year) are required to submit a request for approval. Only for schools that include grades 1-12. To be considered for the of 2016-2017 school year, please complete the application via Data Pipeline by Friday, May 13, 2016. Application guide available at: 62


Directory School Code Changes If your school district has a - New School Code Request Name Change Grade Change Closing a School You may submit those changes. CDE has a cross unit review team that looks at all school code changes. Forms can be found at: 64

Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 65

Student Biographical Data 66

Future SBD Dates SBD for CMAS (includes PARCC) SBD for ACT SBD for DLM Tuesday, May 31st, 2016 to Thursday, June 9th, 2016 SBD for ACT Monday, June 13th, 2016 to Monday, June 20th, 2016 SBD for DLM Monday, June 20th, 2016 to Monday, June 27th, 2016 SBD for PSAT To be determined

Assessment Unit ‘Trainings’ Website 11/12/2018 Assessment Unit ‘Trainings’ Website Link for the Assessment Unit Data Pipeline Manual for SBD is under the ‘Data Trainings’ tab. CDE’s Data Pipeline system is used for SBD reviews. General information about the SBD collections can be found using the navigation menu on the main data pipeline webpage. The link to the main data pipeline webpage is provided at the top of this slide. Links for Assessment collection websites are under the Periodic Collections on the left side of the main page. Pages 5 of SBD Manual 68

Assessment Unit Data Pipeline Manual for SBD Link to the Assessment Unit Data Pipeline Manual for SBD SBD webinar trainings in May More to come 69

Contact Information Suggestions or Questions? Different members of the assessment data team are responsible for each SBD collection. If you have questions about a collection for a specific assessment, please contact the Assessment Unit staff member responsible for that collection. For general questions about SBDs, please contact Jasmine Carey or Melissa Mincic You can also call the general phone number for the Assessment Unit at 303-866-6929 and Margo will direct you to the person who can best answer your question.

Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 71

CDE Data Collections Statewide Tour 72

Statewide Tour Upcoming locations Email was sent out last week Wednesday, April 27, Jefferson County (Golden) Monday, May 2, Douglas County Wednesday, May 4, Colorado Springs Monday, May 9, Ft. Morgan Email was sent out last week 73

Statewide Tour Trainings will be two sessions Morning 9:00 – 12:00 Geared towards people new to data collections or who would like a refresher Introduction and Overview of system Why CDE collects the data Lunch on your own Afternoon 1:00 – 4:00 More advanced material covered plus additional information including: Data Privacy Common concerns 74

Statewide Tour Who should attend? People who work with RITS or EDIS Respondents who work with Data Pipeline collections Administrative Units and District data managers 75

Statewide Tour Please let us know if there is anything specific you would like to see at a training. Please register via email to Genevieve Hale( or Kevin Smith( Indicate if attending morning, afternoon or both Include full name, email, and phone number in case of cancellation Any specific questions or material you would like to see 76

Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 77

Data Pipeline Users Group 78

Data Pipeline Users Group Next meeting is this afternoon Discussion items Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) Graduation Guidelines SBD Processing Collecting military family designation 79

Questions? Phones will be unmuted for a moment and questions can be asked. If you prefer type in your questions in the chat box. 80

Thursday, April 21st, 2016 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Thanks for joining us today! Next Town Hall: Thursday, April 21st, 2016 9 a.m.-10 a.m. 81