Tobacco is a drug too! The reality of the harms of usage
Addictiveness of nicotine. Learning Points Addictiveness of nicotine. Dangers of flavored tobacco. Definition of cigarillos/little cigars. Explain what students will learn from this presentation.
Why is tobacco addictive? Tobacco contains nicotine which is a highly addictive neurotoxin and exposure to nicotine, either in cigarettes or e-cigarettes, can harm brain development. Within 10 seconds of entering your body, the nicotine reaches your brain. It causes the brain to release adrenaline, creating a buzz of pleasure and energy. Highlights From the chart, highlight the high dependence factor for nicotine. Because of the high dependency of nicotine, it is difficult for many smokers to quit.
Highlights 90% of adult smokers start in middle school and high school. Cigarettes are prohibited (not allowed) from having flavors except than menthol. As of June, 2016, the legal age to purchase tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, in the state of California is 21.
Highlights Because of their sweet flavors and bright packaging, flavored tobacco products are especially appealing to children. Our major concern with this is that the flavorings disguise the natural harshness of tobacco. Young people are more likely to use candy- and fruit-flavored tobacco products than adults, and this can lead to long-term addiction.
Little cigars, or cigarillos, are the same size and shape of cigarettes, although they differ in that little cigars are wrapped in tobacco leaf, or paper containing tobacco. Little cigars contain the same toxic and cancer-causing chemicals found in cigarettes. Highlights Little cigars, or cigarillos, are the same size and shape of cigarettes, although they differ in that little cigars are wrapped in tobacco leaf, or paper containing tobacco. Cigarillos are popular amongst teens because of their flavors and cheap prices. However, they contain the same toxic and cancer-causing chemicals found in cigarettes. In 2014, among middle and high school students who used cigars in the past 30 days, 63.5% reported using a flavored cigar during that time. - Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Marketing efforts promote cigars as symbols of a luxury and successful lifestyle. What promotional strategies contribute to the increased acceptability of cigar smoking? What promotional strategies contribute to the increased acceptability of cigar smoking? Endorsements by celebrities Development of cigar-friendly magazines (e.g., Cigar Aficionado) Images of highly visible women smoking cigars Product placement in movies
Highlights With almost all tobacco products, flavor products are preferred over non-flavored products. A reminder that flavored tobacco products contain the same toxic and cancer-causing chemicals found in cigarettes. Percentage of high school students who used flavored tobacco products or only nonflavored tobacco products during the preceding 30 days — National Youth Tobacco Survey, United States, 2014
Why is it important to understand that tobacco is a drug too? Nicotine in tobacco is more addictive than most illegal drugs. Smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States… more than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, and firearm-related incidents COMBINED! For teen smokers, flavored tobacco is the preferred products of use – one of the main reasons for the popularity of e-cigarettes and vape pens. These products are also heavily marketed in places where youth frequent. Flavored tobacco products contain the same toxic and cancer-causing chemicals found in cigarettes. October Kahoot: