19th vs. 21st Century Women Female Realism
19th Century CLOTHING 21st Century
19th Century CAREER 21st Century
19TH Century HOUSE DUTIES 21st Century
Writers broke barriers as women’s roles slowly shifted due to: women’s ___________ movement reemerged university education became more available to women Writing reflected society’s limitations : unhappy women who find life dull, but discover touches of joy and beauty in life FEMALE REALISM A New Role for Women
Touches of Romanticism in Female Realism According to the Oxford Companion to American Literature, “In [female realism] one finds the dual influence of romanticism and realism, since the author frequently looks away from ordinary life to distant lands, strange customs, or exotic scene, but retains through minute detail a sense of fidelity and accuracy of description.” Female writers develop a lyrical, poetic style with beautiful use of _______________ Touches of Romanticism in Female Realism
Faithful Wife and Mother: husband supported her independent streak - she smoked cigarettes, explored the city unescorted, wrote short stories and novels A Budding Writer: developed an interest in complex issues such as longing for freedom and self-fulfillment among women Kate Chopin
A Late-Blooming Classic 1899 Chopin published The ____________ about a housewife’s adulterous affair and suicide as a last, desperate act of freedom Reviewers reviled the novel as immoral & novel remained languished out of print for 50 years & ended Chopin’s career 1950s novel rediscovered & sparked renewed interest The Awakening among the top five most-read American novels today A Late-Blooming Classic