So far we’ve seen dystopian societies based off chaos and oppression… Could a dystopian society exist you wanted to live in? What would it be like? Explain! Can too much freedom and pleasure lead to oppression? Explain! As always, other appropriate questions and comments are allowed. Thought-box
What do these covers tell you about the book?
What do these covers tell you about the book?
Brave new world background Author: British- Aldous Huxley Written in only four months in 1931 Published: 1932 Huxley: Already a published writer- four novels and articles in “Vanity Fair” and “Vogue” BNW: Huxley’s fifth novel and first dystopian work, revisited later in both~ BNW Revisited (1958) Island Aldous Huxley would die at the age of 69 in Los Angeles on November 22 1963, the same day as President John F. Kennedy’s assassination
Aldous Huxley 1894-1963 A self-identified British “highbrow” with a distaste for mass culture in all its crowd-pleasing forms Huxley was born into a family of renowned scientists At the age of 14 Aldous’s mother died He became ill in 1911 with a disease that would leave him virtually blind. His other brother, Noel, took his own life in 1914. Because of his reduced vision, he would not be able to do the scientific research that had attracted him earlier. Huxley turned to literature. Graduated from Oxford University
What do you know about classical conditioning. Pavlov. https://www What do you know about classical conditioning? Pavlov? What do you know about Henry Ford? What do you know about the Victorian Era’s values, ways of life, and morals? How valuable is efficiency to a society? Rank 0-5. Brave New World
Some Major Stuff This Unit: Shakespearian Allusions in Brave New World Presentation Sex and orgies Drugs in Dystopia and the USA Lesson What is happiness? Brave New World
HW: Read Chapter 1 of BNW and take notes on… Gender Interactions Science Stuff! Especially: Decanting System “Podsnap’s Technique” “Bokanovsky's Process” Make a character list Chapter 1 is VERY complex, so critically read it! HW: Read Chapter 1 of BNW and take notes on…
“Bokanovsky's Process” enables a single egg to spawn up to 96 children and one ovary to produce thousands of children. To further increase the birthrate of Gammas, Deltas and Epsilons, “Podsnap’s Technique” causes all the eggs in the ovary to mature simultaneously, allowing the hatchery to get full use of the ovary in two years' time. Science & BNW