Review for Lab Practical III & muscle anatomy test Digestive System 11/12/2018 Title: Anat & Phys 2/15/07 Objectives: . Class Topics Review for Lab Practical III & muscle anatomy test Digestive System “We can never discover new continents until we have the courage to lose sight of all coasts.” Andre Gide Monday, November 12, 2018 4:34 PM
Class Assignments Lab Practical III 2/20/07 Muscle Power Point 2/22/07 11/12/2018 Class Assignments What By When Lab Practical III 2/20/07 Muscle Power Point 2/22/07 Due this class period Due next class period Due in the future
Body Worlds How many would be willing to go March 21? 11/12/2018 Body Worlds How many would be willing to go March 21? Cost = $5.50 and meals Due by Feb. 23
11/12/2018 Test Review Attachments Heads Naming Movements
11/12/2018 Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Xiphihumeralis Pectoantebrachialis Serratus anterior Latissimus dorsi Trapezius clavotrapezius spinotrapezius acromiotrapezius Teres major Rhomboideus major Rhomboideus minor Levator Scapulae Rectus abdominis external obliques internal obliques Transverse abdominis Sternocleidomastoid Sternomastoid Cleidomastoid Sternohyoid Digastric Deltoids Clavobrachialis Spinodeltoid Acromiodeltoid Biceps brachii Triceps brachii Long head Lateral head Medial head Epitrochlearis Brachioradialis Brachialis Hamstrings Semitendinosus Semimembranosus Biceps femoris Quadriceps Rectus femoris Vastus lateralis vastus medialis vastus intermedius Sartorius Gracilis Adductor longus Adductor femoris Tensor fasciae latae Soleus Tibialis Anterior Gastrocnemius Gluteus maximus Gluteus medius
Digestive System Muscular tube - like a donut Composed of 11/12/2018 Digestive System Muscular tube - like a donut Gastrointestinal tract (GI) Alimentary canal Digestive tract Composed of Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus
From: 11/12/2018 From:
Accessory Glands Liver Gall Bladder Pancreas Salivary Glands teeth 11/12/2018 Accessory Glands Liver Gall Bladder Pancreas Salivary Glands teeth tongue brain
Steps of digestion 1. Ingestion - place food in mouth 11/12/2018 1. Ingestion - place food in mouth Conscious control 2. Mechanical processing mouth - chewing and tearing of food mastication stomach - churns food 3. Digestion breakdown of food into small organic particles Glucose from carbs, amino acids from protein
Steps of digestion 4. Secretion 5. Absorption 6. Elimination 11/12/2018 Steps of digestion 4. Secretion Enzymes, acids, saliva, buffers, bile 5. Absorption Movement of organic materials into cells 6. Elimination Defecation of wastes Fiber moves you coprophagy - eating feces - some types of rabbits
Histological Organization 11/12/2018 Histological Organization 1. Mucosa inner lining of tract secretes mucus contains endocrine cells releases into bloodstream, not tract Highly folded - more surface area microvilli - small projections to increase surface area Cells renew every 2-6 days
2. Submucosa Mainly connective tissue 11/12/2018 2. Submucosa Mainly connective tissue Blood vessels carry away nutrients Lymphatic vessels for immune response and fat transport Exocrine glands acids, buffers, enzymes Nerves - autonomic control (unconscious)
3. Muscular Smooth muscle 2 layers Move articles by peristalsis 11/12/2018 3. Muscular Smooth muscle 2 layers longitudinal circular Move articles by peristalsis
11/12/2018 4. Serosa Connective tissue Outer protective covering