John 17:3.


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Presentation transcript:

John 17:3

John 8:24

Luke 16:24-26

God’s Nature Teaches Us About Mercy Powerfully revealed on Mt. Sinai – Exodus 34:6,7 Man’s concept of Mercy and God’s are very different Knowledge of this truth about God will be vital to knowing how to approach Him!

What Is Mercy? Matthew 5:7 “blessed are the merciful” Merciful – pity, especially on account of misery” “good will towards the miserable and afflicted, joined with a desire to relieve them” Mercy denotes both an attitude and an action God’s mercy denotes willingness to give what we alone must have from Him

God’s Mercy Draws Men To Him In Evangelism When men see what God is like they will open their hearts – 1 Timothy 1:13,16 Christians delight in giving what they have learned of God’s mercy to others – 2 Corinthians 1:3,4 Growth based on our willingness to approach our God Who is both merciful and tender- Hebrews 2:17,18; Luke 1:78

Teach Children About God In Our Homes What do your children know about the mercy of God? Do we know of our need for mercy? Satan fills men’s heart with pride and blinds them to their need of God – 2 Corinthians 4:3,4 Honest men can see their sins and their need of forgiveness Honest men can see the uncertainty of life and their need of help

Examples of Men Who Saw Great Need For Mercy The Demon Possessed – Matthew 15:22 Epilepsy Victims – Matthew 17:15 The Blind – Matthew 20:30 Greatly humbled by their circumstances

God’s Mercy Often Changed Those Who Received It What motivated Mary Magdalene? – Luke 8:1,2 Why are people blind to the need of forgiveness? Must be taught to see – Joel 2:13,14 Do not need a life of ease lest we become hardened to God’s mercy – Luke 18:13,14

The Motivation Of Mercy Motivated to draw nearer to God – Romans 12:1,2 Must give great emphasis to this – Matthew 23:23 We can work with our brethren – Philippians 2:1-4 What is this church known for? Colossians 3:12-14

Need Merciful People As Examples & Teachers Romans 12:8,9 How may of you received mercy from a school teacher? What examples of mercy have motivated you in your life? Who do you look up to?

We Worship God Because Of His Mercy We Sing because of mercy – Romans 15:9-12 We learn how/why to pray and are motivated to pray – Daniel 9:18,19 We serve a God who delights in mercy!

We Do Not Quit Because Of Mercy 2 Corinthians 4:1,2 James 5:10,11 How did the Pharisees look at others? Matthew 9:10-13 We get out of self & willing to help others who cannot help us- Luke 6:32-36

Learn True Justice & Give God The Place He Holds As Judge Luke 6:37,38 “with the same measure that your use, it will be measured back to you.” When we live to give and not get, we have learned the key to faithfulness. We have become like God!

Let Us Never Be Found Without Mercy! James 2:13 NKJV 13 For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment. Matthew 5:7 NKJV 7 Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy.