Rainforest: deforestation


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Presentation transcript:

Rainforest: deforestation E10-1 Elia

Summary Deforestation is to remove trees of rainforest. Causes of deforestation are agriculture, logging, overgrazing, road building and fire. Deforestation leads desertification and destruction of animal’s habitat.

How Does this Problem Affect Us? Decrease of trees leads increase of CO2 in the air. Then because of greenhouse effect, global warming become worse. Land become weak and fall down easily. Deforestation promotes desertification. Destruction of animal’s habitat leads loss of biodiversity.

Solutions To designate national park or sanctuary Don’t waste paper. To restrain indiscreet logging International programs (UN-REDD, UNFF etc.)

Statistics During 20 years, world forest cover decreased from 4168 million hectares to 4033 million hectares.

Possible Solutions Rotational grazing : to divide paddock into some parts and to use a part of paddock to graze by rotation. It help land to return to life.

What Will be the Result if This Problem ISN’T solved soon? Most of rainforest will become a big desert. There is no enough food. Animals lose their habitats and start to be exterminated. CO2 in the air will increase.

References http://blog.naver.com/hjks888?Redirect=Log&logNo=131797300 http://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?cid=2907&docId=913895&mobile&categoryId=2907 http://kin.naver.com/qna/detail.nhn?d1id=11&dirId=1120&docId=62407977&qb=7IKw66a87YyM6rS0&enc=utf8&section=kin&rank=9&search_sort=0&spq=0&sp=1&pid=RLVGCF5Y7vZssuzaMHNssssssth-455760&sid=UNs4A3JvLDEAAC0wyzU http://www.fao.org/docrep/005/af298e/af298E10.htm

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