The future of VET and Cedefop perspectives


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Presentation transcript:

The future of VET and Cedefop perspectives EQAVET Annual Network Meeting 20-21 June 2018, Sofia Tina Bertzeletou, Cedefop

CEDEFOP Research Projects (2016-2018) Part 1 “The changing nature and role of VET in Europe” Analysing developments in the sector over the last two decades (1995-2015) The project focusses on a range of six separate but interlinked themes: The changing definition and conceptualisation of VET; The external drivers influencing VET developments; The role of traditional VET at upper secondary level; VET from a LLL perspective; VET at higher education levels; Scenarios-alternative development paths for EU VET in 21st century Combining a system/institution perspective with both a pedagogical/epistemological and a socioeconomic/labour market perspective Education and training systems as a whole Project coordination: Jens Bjornavold under Loukas Zahilas, DSI, CEDEFOP Research consortium led by 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH led by Jörg Markowitsch

CEDEFOP Research Part 2 First Findings Late 80’s: qualifications in narrow range of industries, mainly in manufacturing and construction Initial VET at upper secondary level – stability rather than decline

The 90’s: decline of employment in traditional sectors and the rise of the service sector VET was integrated into the formal E&T systems focus on practical skills and competences and transversal ones VET provision diversified and modularised new VET pathways for adults including the validation of non-formal and in-formal learning growing importance of learning outcomes access to HE has become easier VET has spread to HE levels increase in VET at higher level greater practice orientation offer apprenticeships at higher level vocational programmes upgraded to a higher level

Possible future tendencies more modularisation transversal skills fewer VET-qualifications further expansion to higher VET further blurring of the frontiers between IVET and CVET general education and VET

Provisional conclusions and issues for debate In relation to the lack of parity of esteem, we could consider whether we underestimate (and therefore fail to communicate the strength of the sector). We may also think that we operate from a too narrow definition of VET contributing in its underestimation which in turn reinforces the lack of esteem. We need to attribute to VET its real value for society and the economy VET sector with its more than 10 million EU-students attending VET programmes at EQF levels 3 and 4, is underestimated Need for solutions spanning several subsectors and involving institutions and providers currently operating individually

Perfecting VET curricula and delivering valuable degrees, using modern technologies and innovative learning methods and environments, aligning VET programmes with the skills required in the labour market, offering new relevant VET or apprenticeship schemes Improving the image of VET, also through structural reforms to improve its quality or relevance Broaden national curricula by integrating an international and global dimension Facilitate navigation between school, labour market and VET VET policies require strong evidence and reliable statistics. How can VET statistics be improved?

Thank you for your attention. Tina Bertzeletou