WASHINGTON ASSOCIATION OF SHERIFFS & POLICE CHIEFS WASPC Mental Health Field Response Teams Program WASPC Spring Conference 2018 Spokane, WA James McMahan, Policy Director Ned Newlin, Jail Services Liaison & Grant Administrator
Legislative Overview James McMahan
Your Agency Can Do This! Don’t let the grant application process intimidate! Start your conversations now with your community behavioral health provider organizations They can offer… Grant writing expertise Contract for the MHP professional services
HOUSE BILL 2892, Chapter 142, Laws of 2018, 65th Legislature, 2018 Regular Session WASPC is the lead organization for the grant program to Establish and Expand mental health field response capabilities of Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) Use of behavioral health professionals in crisis response Primary Goals Treatment Diversion Reduced Incarceration Legislative Appropriation for fiscal year 2018 (July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019) is $1 Million
WASPC will… Award up to 8 grants per fiscal year (2018) by October 1, 2018 Each award about $100,000 (final cap TBD) One grant from Eastern WA and one from Western WA, if possible Set Data Reporting requirements for grantees Submit an annual report to the governor and legislative committees by December 1st
In grant design, WASPC will consult with … DSHS, Research and Data Section for future research and evaluation of outcomes such as rates of violence and harm, reduced arrests, jail usage, and emergency room usage DSHS, Behavioral Health Administration & Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) regarding requirements for mental health professionals Public Safety Answering Points & Behavioral Health to incorporate telephone triage and dispatch protocols
Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) Grantees will… Develop local proposals incorporating mental health professionals (MHPs), as defined in RCW 71.05.020(35), into their mental health field response plans Two or more LEAs may submit a joint grant proposal LEAs with existing programs may also apply to expand their programs Develop and provide or arrange for training for MHPs to operate successfully and competently within your agency Law enforcement procedures & Safety Tools for MHPs
LEA Grantees Response Plan will… Include at least one MHP performing professional services MHP may assist patrolling officers… In the field or in an on-call capacity Provide preventive, follow-up, training on mental health field response best practices, or other services at the direction of the LEA MHP is not limited to just field patrol Coordinate with your local public safety answering points (911) Report to WASPC, in approved format, data and outcomes on use of funds, participation of MHPs, and feedback
LEA Grantees No supplanting allowed Will be selected by a WASPC peer review panel Consultation with integrated managed care organizations and behavioral health organizations Priority will be given for proposals with local matching funds All awards are final and at the discretion of WASPC Funds distributed to grantees on a reimbursement basis only
General Data Fields Basic Incident Information Basic Officer Information Nature of the Crisis Behaviors Demeanor Observed by LE Threats/Violence/Weapons Injuries during Incident Use of Force Techniques Used Disposition Narrative Anecdotal Stories
Tentative Timeline Mid to Late June -- Grant Application Period Opens No less than 30 days later (about mid to late July) -- Grant Application Period Closes at 4:00 PM Same deadline for scheduling presentations to Peer Review Panel with Grant Administrator Late July, Early August -- Presentations to the Peer Review Panel by applicants at WASPC Office Mid to Late August -- Final Award Decisions On or about September 1 -- Notice and Agreements to successful applicants
Peer Review Panel Need volunteer Sheriffs & Police Chiefs to serve Let me know at the conference this week if interested GTWO will be sent out after the conference as well Final approval of members by WASPC President Plan a day for review and selection of grantees Held at WASPC Office
Your Agency Can Do This! Don’t let the grant application process intimidate! Start your conversations now with your community behavioral health organizations Grant expertise Contract for MHP professional services
Mental Health Field Response Teams Program James McMahan Policy Director james@waspc.org 360-486-2380 Ned Newlin Jail Services Liaison &Grant Administrator ned@waspc.org 360-486-2401