Do-now What religions existed in early Rome? What were the Romans’ policies on religious tolerance?
Christianity Chapter 5 section 4
Religion in Rome Romans were polytheistic Tolerated other religions as long as they showed loyalty to the Roman gods and acknowledged the divine spirit of the Emperor
Judea Jewish homeland conquered by Rome in 63 BC
Reluctant Jews Zealots were Jews who wanted to revolt from Rome
Looking for a leader The Zealots were waiting for a messiah or anointed king sent by God to lead them in a revolt against Rome
Revolt! When revolts did break out in Judea the Romans crushed them and then destroyed the city of Jerusalem
Jesus Although Jesus is often referred to as the messiah he was executed years before the revolts in Judea occurred
Apostles Followers of Jesus continued to spread his teachings after his death.
Gospels The Apostles wrote the first four books of the New Testament
The Bible The Torah (Old Testament) + the teachings of Jesus (New Testament) = The BIBLE
Fear of Jesus The Jewish Priests believed Jesus was challenging their authority The Romans believed Jesus was a revolutionary leader
Death Sentence Jesus was executed by the Romans with the support of the Jewish priests.
Christianity spreads Roman roads and seas provide the network to spread the new faith throughout the Empire. (cultural diffusion)
Fear of Christians Romans distrust the Christians who meet and pray in private and would not make sacrifices to the Roman gods
Executing Christians Christians were executed for their beliefs (martyrs) Present day example?
Christian Rome Christianity continues to spread and win converts By 313 AD, the Edict of Milan gives freedom to all religions in Rome to practice freely