1st Period 4/18
3rd Period 4/18
5th Period 4/18
Drugs, Alcohol, and the Law Bellingham Police Department Officer Brown
Classification of Crimes Felonies Gross Misdemeanor Misdemeanor Infraction
Felonies Class A Felony Class B Felony Class C Felony Up to life in prison, and up to $50,000 fine Class B Felony Up to 10 years in prison, and up to $20,000 fine Class C Felony Up to 5 years in prison, and up to $10,000 fine
Gross Misdemeanor Up to 1 year in a county jail Up to a $5,000 fine Mandatory court appearance
Misdemeanor Up to 90 days in county jail Up to $1,000 fine Mandatory court appearance
Infractions Not criminal Monetary penalty Issued a ticket (NOI) 35 in a 25 mph zone = $124 10 over in school zone = $210 No seatbelt = $124 No insurance = $550 Driving w/ cell phone = $124
Related Topics Liquor Laws Tobacco Marijuana Prescription Drugs Club Drugs Hallucinogens Methamphetamine Cocaine Heroin
Alcohol and the Law
Get The Facts Alcohol affects your brain: Loss of coordination, slowed reflexes, memory lapse, and blackouts. Alcohol affects your self control: Impairs judgment- leading to risky behaviors
Alcohol can hurt you – even if you are not the one drinking: Alcohol can kill you: Alcohol poisoning, impaired driving Alcohol can hurt you – even if you are not the one drinking: Affected by other peoples judgment – car crashes and violent behavior
Before You Risk It… Know the law: MIP- Gross Misdemeanor Arrest DUI- Gross Misdemeanor Furnishing to minors – Gross Misdemeanor Unlawful use of I.D. - Misdemeanor Open container in public - $103 infraction Disguising alcohol container - $124 inf.
Get the facts: One drink can make you fail a breath test – legal limit for driving if under 21 is .02 A can of beer, a glass of wine, a wine cooler, or a shot of liquor; all have the same alcohol content. Alcohol is a drug - mixing it with any other drug can be extremely dangerous – even with common over the counter drugs – Tylenol. On average, the body burns 1oz of alcohol per hour http://safeshare.tv/w/atqUHwXtQw
Know the Signs How can you tell if a friend has a problem with alcohol? Getting drunk on a regular basis Lying about alcohol consumption – how much Believing that alcohol is necessary to have fun Frequent hangovers Depressed or suicidal Having blackouts http://safeshare.tv/w/hzPMwjeiQU
Get The Facts Marijuana affects your brain: Produces over 2,000 chemicals when smoked. The THC remains in the fatty tissues of the brain and body for weeks. Distorted perception (sights, sounds, time, touch) Problems with memory and learning Loss of coordination Trouble with thinking and problem-solving
Marijuana affects your body: Because marijuana smoke contains more cancer causing chemicals than tobacco, marijuana smokers can develop head, neck, and lung cancer early in life. Marijuana impairs the immune system making smokers more susceptible to diseases.
Before You Risk It… Possession up to 1 ounce – now legal 21+ Possession 28.3g - 40 grams – Misdemeanor Possession with intent to deliver – Felony Manufacture – Felony DUI – Gross Misdemeanor Use of drug paraphernalia - Misdemeanor
Know The Signs How can you tell if a friend is using Marijuana? Missing school and a decline in grades Bloodshot eyes Increases sleepiness and hunger Increased use of mouthwash, colognes, or perfumes to mask the odor on breath or clothing
Before You Risk It… Obtaining or attempting to obtain a prescription medication by: fraud, deceit, forgery or falsification. Possess with out a prescription. Possession of prescription medication not in the labeled container. FELONY crimes
It is illegal to buy or sell club drugs. It is also a federal crime to use any controlled substance to aid in a sexual assault. Felony crimes
Methamphetamine Slang Terms: Speed Meth Crystal Crank Tweek Go-Fast Ice Glass Uppers Black Beauties
Get the Facts Meth affects your brain: In the short-term, meth causes mind and mood changes such as anxiety, euphoria, and depression. In the long-term, meth effects can include chronic fatigue, paranoid or delusional thinking, and permanent psychological damage.
Meth affects your body: Increases the heart rate, blood pressure, and risk of stroke. Creates a false sense of energy – pushes the body faster and further that it’s meant to go. Can cause irreversible damage to blood vessels in the brain.
Before You Risk It… Methamphetamine can kill you: An overdose of meth can result in heart failure. Long-term physical effects such as liver, kidney, and lung damage may also kill you. 92% of methamphetamine deaths reported in 2002 involved meth in combination with another drug, such as alcohol, heroin, or cocaine.
Meth users develops skin sores, that they obsessively pick at. Meth users who inject the drug are at a greater risk for HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis. Meth users develops skin sores, that they obsessively pick at.
Meth Labs Clandestine labs – are found in rural and city settings; barns, garages, apartments, hotel rooms and vehicles. Meth labs are very, very dangerous. They expose you to chemical contamination and are highly flammable and explosive. Some warning signs that a dangerous Meth lab may be in your neighborhood: unusual odors (cat urine or ammonia smell), high traffic to the house, and excessive trash.
Some of the ingredients that are used to make methamphetamine are: The corrosive and toxic nature of the chemicals used to produce meth can cause fires, poisonous vapors, and damage the environment. Some of the ingredients that are used to make methamphetamine are: Ephedrine, red phosphorous (match heads), hydrochloric acid, drain cleaner, battery acid, lye, lantern fuel, and antifreeze.
Before You Risk It… Cocaine is expensive. Regular users can spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on cocaine each week. COCAINE CAN KILL YOU – Even the first time cocaine user can have seizures or fatal heart attacks. Cocaine - in any form - is illegal! Felony arrest
HEROIN CAN KILL YOU – Heroin is one of the top three frequently reported drugs by medical examiners in drug related deaths. Heroin is an illegal Schedule I drug, meaning that it is in the group of the most highly addictive drugs. Felony arrest http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYiuRyLnZOk