Connecting PMPs to PDUs PDU Puzzle Connecting PMPs to PDUs
Project Management Professional Wow, PMP – How many people here tonight are PMPs? OK How many of your are working towards a PMP? That was no EZ achievement! “Dreaded application”--- Procrastinated Studying PMP Prep Workshop for 10 weeks Then the PMP EXAM! And for those of you that have taken the PMP Exam, you all remember this--- --hit enter at the end of test-- --finally, that 50 or 60 second ETERNITY, until….
You have Successfully Passed the PMP Exam! Appeared on the screen. But, then you had it – P M P So, that all there is to it right? Well not quite… - Hello, I am Nancy Davi and - I would like to personally welcome you to tonight’s presentation on the PMI Continuing Certification Renewal program or CCR
Continuing Certification Renewal Program - I would also like to thank many of my friends for showing up tonight and supporting me in my first PMI Chapter meeting presentation. Now, if you’re like me – you may have gone back to the office the very day that you passed the test and added the PMP to your email signature!! Then your business cards, nameplates… But as most of you are aware passing the exam is NOT all there is to it. And if you’ve tried to figure out the requirements for maintaining your PMP, you might think that it’s like putting a puzzle together. Well tonight we’re going to figure out the pieces and put the puzzle together! Project Management Institute
It’s All About… YOU!
What will you learn tonight? CCR Program PDU Categories PDU Tracker Audit Proof In the next 40 minutes, you will learn **What you need to know and DO to Recertify your PMP Status **What are the five categories and how they fit in your own plan **Take control of your own planning, tracking and reporting **Report as you Earn, Archive and become Audit proof
What is the CCR Program? Continuing Certification Requirements Source – CCR Handbook and PMI Website May be downloaded from: CCR stands for Continuing Certification Requirements The program is detailed in the CCR Handbook Tonight’s program is an overview of the CCR program – not the source The Handbook, as well as the Career development section of the PMI website is your source for all details and updated in the CCR Program, As you are already aware, PMI has been known to update requirements! Here is a link to the CCR program on the PMI website.
What are the three Status categories of the PMP? Active - How do you keep your PMP Status? Suspended - How does this happen? Retired - How can you achieve this goal? Accrue and Report and Apply and Pay the Fee! So, now that we know the CCR program and the source, let’s take a look at three categories that govern your PMP Status Active – Accrue AND Report Professional Development Units (PDU) Apply to Renew their certificate prior to their expiration date PMI Membership in GOOD STANDING In other words – pay your dues! Suspended – Do not earn OR do not report earning PDUs Do not apply for certification renewal Allow their PMI Membership fees to lapse We’ll look at the timeframes and details of this status later in the program Retired – No longer receive primary remuneration for PM PMP in good standing for at least 10 consecutive years Application submitted as a written request Retired status is important if you want to continue to work or present in the PM field after your retire. Do not Accrue or Report or Apply or Pay the Fee! Not receiving primary remuneration for PM Maintain Active PMP for 10 Consecutive Years
In order to re-certify your PMP Active Status, you must… 60 Accrue and report a minimum of ____ PDUs, Over a period of ____ years, Submit the form __________________________, Pay the fee of PMI Members – $ _________ Non-Members - $ _________ Reaffirm the PMI Code of ___________________. 3 Application for Certification Renewal OK – now to the CCR requirements in a Nutshell I know there are PMPs in the audience and even some that have followed the CCR program, with your help lets’ fill in the blanks together! Accrue and report a minimum of 60 PDUs Three years after obtaining PMP or re-certifying Submit Application for Certification Renewal Pay the Certification Renewal Fee of $60.00 Reaffirm the PMP Code of Professional Conduct I’ve included a copy of the Code of Professional Conduct in your handouts tonight – worth reading 60.00 150.00 Professional Conduct
So what’s a PDU? Unit of Measure – Training or Experience 1 PDU Generally = 1 Hour Five PDU Categories for the CCR Program Up to 20 PDUs may be transferred to next CCR period if earned in the final year Measuring unit used to quantify Approved learning and Professional service activities In general – 1 PDU is equal to 1 Hour Fractions of PDUs may be reported in ¼ increments following one full hour. The CCR program organizes PDUs into five categories.
are responsible for reporting PDUs and Re-Certifying Your PMP
What is your CCR Timeframe? Active – If you stay on track with the CCR program The CCR Cycle begins on the day that you pass the PMP Exam and ends on December 31 of the third full calendar year following the year of the examination Suspended – If you go over your timeframe You will become Suspended on the first day after your End Date and will have up to 1 year to gain Active, before your loose PMP and have to re-certify
How can you be proactive? Submit PDUs as you earn them Submit Online at Send in the CCR Application & Fee On Time Submit as you earn – Chapter meeting on Wednesday Have that PDU submitted by Friday! Do it online
Here’s the PMI website opened to the Continuing Certification Requirements page. Both the Professional Development header and CCR selections are circled. Are there any questions on this first section about the CCR Program PDUs or Timeframes? Now, let’s take a look at the categories and some ideas for obtaining those PDUs.
How do you Report PDUs? Report Online – Recommended Method Report by Mail – Complete PDU Activity Reporting Form (Handbook) PMI/CCR Records Office College of Continuing Education 1700 Asp Avenue, Norman, OK, USA 73072-6400 Submitted PDUs take about 3 weeks to be recorded View CCR Cycle and PDU progress Keep your own records Report by mail---refer to last page of CCR handbook
What are the PDU Categories? Category Description Max Per CCR Cycle 1 Formal Academic Education None 2 A – H 2 SDL Professional Activities and Self-Directed Learning Max = 15 2H & 2SDL 3 PMI Registered Education Provider and PMI Components 4 Other Provider 5 Volunteer Service to Professional or Community Organizations Max = 20 Here is a high level table of the five PDU categories. Even with 5 categories, Category 2 actually has several more opportunities broken out in the areas of leaning and professional activity Note the ones that have maximums – category 2 and 5 Details are on pages 5 and 6 of the Handbook
How can you get PDUs from a College course? Category Description PDUs 1 Formal Academic Education - Related to PM After obtaining the PMP Submit transcript for proof Submit each course 1 Hour of Degree Credit earns - 15-week Full Semester 15 - 10-week Quarter Semester 10 OK – Category 1 – Formal Academic education. 1 Academic Course related to PM for degree credit 15-week Semester: 1 credit hour = 15 PDUs 10-week Semester: 1 credit hour = 10 PDUs PDUs may be proportional to percentage of course that is related to PM Each course must be submitted on a separate CCR Activity Reporting Form PMI does not recognize entire degree programs for PDU credits, only individual courses
How many PDUs do I get for tonight’s presentation? Category Description PDUs 2A Author or Co-Author an Article - Reviewed Journal - PM Network 30 Author 20 Co-Authors 2B - Non-Reviewed Journal - PMI Today 15 Author 10 Co-Authors 2C Speak or Teach at a Formal - Conference or Symposium 15 2D Speak or Teach at - PMI Chapter Meeting 5 Category 2 is acutally 2A through 2H, plus SDL, so let’s break these out. Use PM Network and PMI Today as examples here.
Can you get PDUs for working as a Project Manager? Category Description PDUs 2E Member/Moderator at PM - Panel Discussion, Formal Conference, Symposium 5 2F Author or Co-Author Textbook - Harvey Levine “Project Portfolio Management” 40 Author 20 Co-Authors 2G Develop Course Content of Structured PM program - PMP Prep Workshop 10 2H Practitioner of Project Management - More than 1,500 hrs/year 5 per year Max 15 How about PDUs just for working as a PM? Let’s take a look at categories 2E through 2H – 2E allows for 5 PDUs if you volunteer to be on a PM panel discussion or speak, at a more formal PM conference. By a show of hands, is there anyone here tonight that has volunteered for a formal PM event – I believe Brenda Breslin and Jeff Nuding did that a couple of years ago in the Boston PMI Convention. Anyone else? Now we come to category 2 F and again people said Oh leave that one out, none of us is ever going to write a textbook. We’re all so busy with projects!! But How about the book that we always give to presenters, that was authored by an original founder of our very own PMI Chapter – Dr. Harry Levine. Personally, I don’t think any achievement from our Chapter members is out of reach!! Show book Which brings us to another example in category 2 G where members of our Chapter and Board worked to develop the PMP Prep Workshop! And finally Yes, you can count PDUs from your job as a PM. As long as it’s over 1500 hours per year. You can earn 5 per year or 15 towards your total of 60
What if you like to read and research on your own? Category Description PDUs 2-SDL Self-Directed Learning Relevant to PM Personally conducted research or study Meet a specified purpose Knowledgeable resources - Provide evidence supporting learning project Equivalent to the number of hours spent on SDL Max = 15 In 3-Year Period Individualized learning projects involving Informal activities such as discussions or coaching sessions with colleagues, co-workers, clients or consultants Show Rita's book This book, entitled Risk Management may be ordered directly from the Rita Mulcahy website for less than $80 with shipping. If you order this to work on your own time, you can submit for up to 15 PDUs, simply by reading and completing the worksheets in the book. But keep in mind that there is a maximum to this category, so you may want to claim less than 15 – basically it would be equivalent to the number of hours you spend in your reading and research. One of the current initiatives proposed by our PMI Board is to further develop shorter workshops that focus on a community of interest. This could be one of them – perhaps you might want to work on that initiative – or – join the workshop!
Do you get PDUs for PMI-UNY Chapter Meetings? Category Description PDUs 3 Registered Education Providers (R.E.P.) – IIL, ESI-Intl., other training organizations Defined by Course – PMI-UNY Professional Development Day - April 7 – PMI-UNY Chapter Meetings, 8 per year 24 PDUs in 3 years! In category 3 we have the very familiar Registered Education Providers such as IIL and ESI-Intl or any of the PM training centers that are often advertised in the monthly PM Network. You might also see the acronym R.E.P or their logo. This simply means that PMI has reviewed the company and possibly the course contents and authorized these providers to use their Logo. In most cases PDUs are 1 for 1 with the number of hours in the course. And, in most cases these courses are expensive. But they are important and most people are very satisfied with the level of learning and professionalism that that receive. Under category 3 we also have the PMI-UNY chapter meetings and annual Professional development Day. The last PDD was worth 7 PDUs and we have another coming up in April of 2007. If you attend every Chapter meeting you have a possibility of accruing a total of 24 PDUs over 3 years. Is anyone counting yet?
Can you get PDUs from other training organizations? Category Description PDUs 4 Other Providers Defined by Course 1 Hr = 1 PDU – Organizations not registered with PMI – Need to provide specific course information, such as course contents and speaker information Category 4 is basically the same as category 3, but this one includes other training providers, that are not considered Registered Education Providers The important thing to remember here is that you do save information that is specific to the class, the dates and even the instructor background in order to prove the relationship of course content to project management. Again, 1 hour of training is equivalent to 1 PDU.
How many PDUs do you get if you volunteer? Category Description PDUs 5 Volunteer Service to Professional or Community Organizations PMI Board Members 3 Months = 2 6 Months = 5 12 Months = 10 PMI Committee Members 3 Months = 1 6 Months = 3 12 Months = 5 Community or Charitable Group (Not-for-Profit) Now we come to the last one – category 5. And this is important to you and your community. Volunteering Volunteering gives you an opportunity you to use your PM abilities in ways that you won’t get at work or for your clients. When you volunteer you also bring about change for others. We are always looking for volunteers in our own Chapter. Board and Committee members earn additional PDUs as they work towards bringing you a chapter meetings, the Professional Development Day, the PMP Prep Workshop and joint meetings with other PM groups. If you can’t devote two years towards a Board position, consider joining a committee – such as the current need for people to help out on the Professional Dev Day in April. Or work as a PM for another not-for-profit group! The Big brothers, Big Sisters hold and annual Wine Festival at the Hall of Springs in Saratoga! They definitely need PMs!!
What are your “Next Steps”? Review the CCR Handbook Log into the PMI website, review the CCR Program Calculate your renewal date Review the PDU categories and determine your plan Report PDUs as you earn them and archive Track your progress; adjust if necessary Submit the Renewal Application and Fee on time So, as in every meeting we conduct – What are your next steps? Let’s review… Plan, track, adjust, report, archive – sounds familiar doesn’t it? OK – then let’s move on to the TRACKER!
The PDU Planning Tracker Worksheet in your handouts Columns….
How do I know if PMI recorded my PDUs?
How do you become “Audit-Proof”? PMI may Audit your records up to 18 months after you re-certify Become “Audit Proof” Create a PMP Notebook Archive as you earn and report PDUs If you are selected for an Audit… Hand over a Complete PMP Notebook! PMI Audit – A percentage of certificants will be randomly selected for auditing purposes by PMI Documentation of PDU records should be maintained for at least 18 months after the CCR Cycle has ended CCR Notebook Contents – PDU Certificate Submission of Reported Activity Supporting documents - PMI Chapter Meeting Minutes, Seminar Outlines or Speaker Information Hand over a Complete Notebook
Put All the Pieces Together
Related Websites - Good Luck! PMI-UNY Chapter Project Management Institute Rita Mulcahy Project Management – PM Solutions – International Institute of Learning – ESI International – Good Luck!