18th May 2014 5th Sunday of Easter
Gospel: John Ch. 14: 1 – 12
Jesus the Way to the Father
From Birth through life Jesus and only Jesus is the Way
At the Last Supper Jesus talks to his disciples: Jn 13: 31…
Jesus is leaving his apostles: He is killed, He is risen but not to remain physically with them;
a few more days and He will return to his Father … and then a few more days and He will return to his Father … and then? The Apostles are confused.
Trust: Trust in God, trust in Me
Rooms in my Father’s house???
We are sure of a place in God’s house (Heaven).
One day Jesus will come back to take us with Him One day Jesus will come back to take us with Him. Jesus tells the apostles: You know the way. He is the way,
what Jesus tells us in the Gospel is the way to Him, to heaven.
V. 6 Jesus said … V. 7 If you know me … V. 8 Philip said …
The apostles never understood much about what Jesus talked about …
Do we understand Jesus’ words (the Gospel) Do we understand Jesus’ words (the Gospel)? Let us read it again and again.
Remember: Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
5th and 6th Sunday (John tells us what Jesus told his apostles at the Last Supper) Ch. 13: 31 …
Jesus was sad leaving his apostles and going through the passion; a painful journey which leads to a beautiful place … heaven.
We all follow a journey, a life’s journey We all follow a journey, a life’s journey. If we follow our journey with Jesus we are sure of a place in heaven.
Remember that He, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.