IQAC The Enabling Framework for QA at the University Level


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Presentation transcript:

IQAC The Enabling Framework for QA at the University Level Sanjoy Kumar Adhikary QA Specialist. QA Unit HEQEP, UGC

Global context for growth of QA Practices Increase in number of students and diversity of emerging study programs Increasing interest of parents, students & Governments Increasing cross-border mobility of students Increasing competition among the HEIs Cross-border

Bangladesh context for establishing QA Mechanism Number of universities both in private and public sector is increasing Graduates have been increasingly facing difficulties to get gainful employment and remaining unemployed. Increasing competition among the HEIs The cumulative effect creates frustration and imbalance in the society

Bangladesh context for establishing QA Mechanism Only a well-functioning QA system could push HE to greater heights with visible transparency, accountability and peoples’ confidence QA will make align HE to the needs of the society and country QA in HE ensures graduates with positive mindset, skills and competence which can help them to handle the real life situation favorably

Establishment of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) With the compliance of National Education Policy, 2010 UGC is committed to change the HE landscape and decided to establish QAU as its unit and IQAC at the university to promote quality enhancement culture

Indicative Organogram of IQAC Director (IQAC)) Additional Director (IQAC) Officials(Accounts/finance officer, communication officer) Officials(Administrative officer/office manager) Support Staff (Record keeper, data entry/computer operator, messenger/MLSS)

Vice Chancellor of the university (Chair) Composition of QAC Vice Chancellor of the university (Chair) Pro-Vice Chancellor (Pro-VC academic), if any Director of F&A/Comptroller of the University Director of IQAC Deans of all Faculties

Director(s) of all institutes not under the Dean or Faculty Composition of QAC Director(s) of all institutes not under the Dean or Faculty Director of CETL, if any Two senior academics/personnel appointed by the Syndicate Registrar of the University Member Secretary - Additional Director of the IQAC

The Relational Structure of the IQAC, Syndicate, QAC and the QAU UGC VC Syndicate IQAC QAC SAC SAC

QAC vs IQAC IQAC shall be responsible for the quality assurance of the university The QAC shall be an advisory body to the IQAC QAC shall act as a forum for discussion on QA Related affairs QAC shall support IQAC to promote quality assurance culture The IQAC shall place all of its activity reports to the QAC for endorsement QAC shall oversee the activities of IQAC

The IQAC shall liaise between the QAU, UGC and Universities QAU vs IQAC The QAU of UGC shall consider the IQACs as the main agency for establishing the quality culture in HEIs The QAU will provide Policy guidelines to the IQAC to implement QA process The IQAC shall liaise between the QAU, UGC and Universities

VC & SYNDICATE vs IQAC The Vice Chancellor as the Chairman of the QAC of the university shall place all the decisions, documents, QA strategic plan of the university and reports prepared by the IQAC for ratification and endorsement by the Syndicate

IQAC will prepare a schedule of PoE for SA and request PoE to form SAC SAC vs IQAC IQAC will prepare a schedule of PoE for SA and request PoE to form SAC IQAC will take necessary steps for SAC approval by the VC SAC will prepare SAR and the IQAC will take necessary initiative to complete the external peer review of SAR

IQAC will oversee the activities of SAC SAC vs IQAC IQAC will make necessary arrangements for selection, hiring and signing of contract with the PR. Provide administrative and financial support to carry out the SA exercise and peer reviewing. IQAC will oversee the activities of SAC

Working Principles of IQAC Responsibility Focus: safeguarding the interests of SH Involvement: Participation of all Purpose: not to prove but to improve Commitment: Commitment to continuous improvement Continuity: Dynamic and continuous process

Working Principles of IQAC Flexibility Organized effort Shared benefit Fairness Autonomy Transparency

Stages QA Mechanism Recognition Accreditation Stage III IQAC Internal Quality Assurance Cell Stage II Program Level Institution Level Policy Guidelines Quality Assurance Unit Stage 1

Ten Important Works To Be Done By IQAC 1. Form of QAC and take necessary approval by the Syndicate/Regent Board 2. Scheduling of PoE for SA 3. Facilitate PoE to form SAC and necessary approval. 4. Recruitment of IQAC staffs 5. Procurement of Goods, Works etc. 6. Arrange training and workshop following activity schedule keeping in mind the milestones and PIs

Ten Important Works To Be Done By IQAC 7. Facilitate SAC to complete SA Exercise and peer reviewing of SAR 8. Preparing Quarterly FMR and request for advance for the next quarter according to the format 9. Preparing Six monthly M&E report according to the format 10. Submission of PCR timely according to the format

Frequently Asked Matters

Staff Recruitments Appointment shall follow the university’s relevant recruitment and service rules They must be computer literate (MS Office, internet browsing) They must have good command over English and Bengali reading and writing. The Director may also avail the services of the permanent staff of the university by giving them additional responsibilities, and pay them financial benefits as per university rules

Eligible Expenditure Awareness programs for teachers and students about self assessment and QA in higher education Only one overseas training/workshop for Director and Additional Directors which will be arranged by the QAU; External peer review of SAR Organizing training courses within the university Holding workshop/seminar etc Procurement of goods, works and services

Procurements Goods: Collection of books, manuals and office equipment (computer and accessories, photocopier, printer, scanner, multimedia projectors, air conditioner, appliances etc.) for IQAC office and conference room; Furniture/Fixtures for IQAC office; Printing and stationeries for IQAC Office and SA purposes;

Procurements Works: Renovation/Repairing/Refurbishing for IQAC office and IQAC Conference room (maximum BDT 5, 00,000.00 only) Services: Remuneration, TA/DA and local hospitality for the resource persons invited to conduct training/workshop and international (maximum one international) expert invited for peer review of SAR (maximum BDT 3,00,000.00) Repair/maintenance of office equipment; Payments for intellectual properties use etc.

Non-Eligible Expenditure Salary and allowances for the permanent staff Any establishment/recurring/revenue expenditures of the IQAC office; Large civil works Costs not related to IQAC activities and not included in the QAP-IQAC proposal. No foreign visit except the training workshop organized by QAU

Process of Fund Disbursement to the Self-Assessment Committee

Thank You