2016 SAME Small Business Conference Networking Roundtable for the Federal A/E/C industry Networking Roundtable Table Host Guide
Step 1: Login to ESC At this point, exhibitors should be familiar with the Exhibitor Service Center (ESC): https://s3.goeshow.com/same/business/2016/exhibitor_service_center.cfm E-mail and password were included in the confirmation that was sent to the Point of Contact for the booth. If you do not have that information, please contact your company’s Booth Point of Contact.
Step 2: Profile Setup Click on the left menu item “Exhibitor Networking.” You will see three tabs across the top: Appointments, Profile Setup and Time Blocks. Click on “Profile Setup” and ensure that all of the information is correct. Keep in mind, this information may be used in a search by Small Businesses. Most of this information will be prepopulated from the registration form.
Step 3: Availability Click on the “Time Blocks” tab to block out times where your organization may be unavailable to meet with small businesses. Click on times that you are BLOCKING/NOT AVAILABLE. Don’t forget to account for a lunch break or any other breaks you may need. Lunch will be served on Thursday at 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Lunch on Friday occurs after Networking Roundtables (12:45 pm) Appointments are 20 minutes long with 10 minutes between. Table Hosts may meet with up to 5 SBs at once. A checked box means you are NOT available to meet at that time.
Step 4: Manage Appointments Small businesses will be able to request appointments beginning on October 17. Your booth point of contact will receive an e-mail notification when a small business requests an appointment with your company. You can also view requested appointments and accept or deny them in the “Appointments” tab. Click on the company to send an e-mail. Click here to approve or decline. Print your appointment itinerary!
Step 5: On Site You should continue to check your appointments on-site as there is no deadline for small businesses to request appointments for time slots that are open. SAME will have a help station at the SAME Booth in the Exhibit Hall on Wednesday, Nov. 16. Networking Roundtables will take place in Hall A: Thursday, Nov 17, 10: 30 am - 5:00 pm Friday, Nov 18, 8:30 am – 12:30 pm Please honor all appointments in your schedule. SAME is not responsible for ensuring your schedule is accurate, accepting or denying appointments, checking your appointment schedule, or reminding you of appointments and does not guarantee that appointments will be requested of you by small businesses.