ND Vision June 17-23, 2018
ND Vision has been a program that Prep has participated in since 2008 2008 Group 2017 Group ND Vision has been a program that Prep has participated in since 2008
What is ND Vision? Summer conference and retreat for high school students. Notre Dame Vision is a series of 5-day conferences that includes dynamic large group experiences, reflective small group time, profound liturgies, and excellent music. Speakers from all across the country will break open important themes throughout the week and help participants to relate them to their own lives. Sixty-five Notre Dame undergraduates will serve as Mentors, whether as musicians or small group facilitators.
Can you see yourself here this summer? Vision invites the students into a college environment where the levels of responsibility and personal investment are higher than are typically the case in a high school setting Can you see yourself here this summer?
Student Reflection Highlights from 2017 Being honest, I am most grateful for my small group. Going into Vision, I was extremely nervous that I wasn't going to have a good experience, but my small group helped me turn my mindset completely around. I grew with all of them throughout the week, and even now (almost 2 weeks after meeting them) I am trying to keep in touch with all of them. They helped me rediscover who I am as a Catholic, which might sound weird, but I don't know how else to explain it. By being open to growth, I truly believe they led me to the change I feel I've experienced, so I am grateful.
Student 2 As for the religious aspects of the retreat, I loved the new talks and discussions that I experienced. As this was my third year attending Notre Dame Vision, I was worried that I would receive many of the same speakers, discussions, and overall the same experience. However, the experience became quite the opposite, and I witnessed unique speakers from the best areas around the United States. Many of these speakers, including Terry Nelson Johnson, spoke directly to me at the core of who I am and where I am at in my faith life. Those experiences were clearly once in a lifetime
Student 3 God was present to me throughout the week at Notre Dame Vision in every way imaginable. I especially could see him in all of my Small Group members as they all had valuable insight and differing experiences which truly inspired me. They really showed me how God really is everywhere as my small group was very unique in the fact that they were from all over the country. I was blessed to meet and share experiences with my group counselors, Helen and Zach, both rising Notre Dame Juniors, Niels from Indiana, Brandon from Iowa, Christopher from Texas, Jackie from California and Elena from Ohio.
Student 4 I was very thankful for being able to go on the trip in the first place. It was a great experience that I would of regretted not taking. I am also very thankful for being put in a great group with a bunch of people I still keep in contact with after leaving the retreat. They were a very supportive group towards me and others in and out of the small group talks.
ND Vision promotional video: ALIVE
What does Prep Campus Ministry ask of our students when they return? Get involved - CM Student Leadership Team (Monday afternoons) - Retreats - Liturgical Ministers - Service (including immersion trips)
Travel Costs We will once again travel by Coach Bus. We leave at night on June 17 and return early morning on June 23. Bus allows us to take a larger group of students and we get door to door service. Final cost will be determined by the number of students attending; the more students we have the cheaper the bus will be. Last year it was $440 a student.
If interested: Fill out “Group” application and return to Mr. Gualtiere with at least a $100 deposit (checks should be made out to Fairfield Prep; deposits are non-refundable unless you can get a replacement). App can also be completed online using a credit card. Please inform Mr. Gualtiere if doing an online application. The conference will cost $425 after we apply group and early app discounts ($325 plus $100 deposit). Final transportation costs will be determined later. Total cost will be approximately $825 (conference plus transportation) Attach to your group application a response to the questions: Why do I want to go to ND Vision? What am I hoping to gain from this experience? (max one page in length typed) Please apply by January 31, 2018. We will max out at 30 students including any Lauralton Hall students.
Financial aid/scholarships for this trip are available through Vision for the conference fees (Emerging Leaders Scholarship) Fairfield Prep can assist with transportation costs once they are determined (Fill out financial assistance form). Up to half of the transportation costs can be covered by assistance if a student qualifies; and this is also based on the number of students applying for aid.