Internet Site Legitimacy Evaluating Internet Websites Authority– Who created the page, what are their credentials and check the domain of the page. Accuracy- Are there sources listed and site is free of grammatical and spelling errors? Is there a way to contact author or webmaster? Objectivity – Is there any bias on the page, is it a virtual soap box, or advertisement? Currency – Are there dates for when site was first written, placed on the Internet or when the page was last revised? Are there dead links? Coverage – Is the subject covered in depth or only briefly? Are there fees?
Internet Site Legitimacy Domains A "tilde" (~) in a URL usually means it is someone's personal page. Because it is difficult to verify the legitimacy of an individual, personal home pages may be a useful source for personal opinion but use extreme caution when citing them as a source for factual information). Domain TypeWhat It Means.comCommercial business, organization or company.eduAn educational institution.intAn international organization.govA nonmilitary government entity.milA military organization.netOther organizations: nonprofit,,.au, ca, jp, etc.Servers found in other countries
Internet Site Legitimacy Check a web address!!
Internet Site Legitimacy
Internet Site Legitimacy References (2006, 06, 01). Evaluating Internet Sites. Retrieved May 27, 2009, from Antelope Valley College Web site: f f Richmond, Betsy (2003). Evaluating Internet Sources. Retrieved May 27, 2009, from Taft College Web site: Kapoun, Jim (1998). Five criteria for evaluating Web pages. Retrieved May 27, 2009, from Cornell University Library Web site: