ESEA Committee of Practitioners


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Presentation transcript:

ESEA Committee of Practitioners February 22, 2018

Agenda 10:00 – 10:20 Committee Business 10:20 – 10:45 Executive Director’s Update 10:45 – 12:00 Technical Assistance 12:00 – 12:30 Break for Lunch 12:30 – 1:15 ESSA Improvement Planning Review and Approval 1:15 – 1:45 Consolidated Application 1:45 – 2:45 Monitoring 2:45 – 3:00 Clarify Next Steps; Questions; Adjourn Meeting

Committee Business

Committee Business Items Approval of October Meeting Minutes Adjustment to Agenda Format and Minutes Membership Attendance

Technical Assistance

WIDA Training Opportunities

Technical Assistance – WIDA Training Opportunities The Office of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE) will provide WiDA Screener (online & paper) and English Learner Identification Designation trainings in May and August 2018.

Technical Assistance – WIDA Training Opportunities, Date and Locations Dates & Locations: May 4 – Greeley May 8 – Limon May 10 – Rifle May 14 – Colorado Springs May 17 – Steamboat Springs August 20 – Alamosa August 21 – Durango Registration links will be posted on the CLDE website in late March

Best First Instruction Summer Institute

Best First Instruction Summer Institute Focusing on providing tools and resources developed by teachers for teachers that highlight the teaching and learning cycle in:  Planning for Instruction    Enacting Instruction  Reflection on Instruction Providing on-going support in Best First Instruction to participating schools Providing a framework in implementing the strategies and plan of Best First Instruction in participating schools

Best First Instruction Summer Institute - Project Overview When: June 4, 5 and 6, 2018 Where: Embassy Suites, Loveland, Colorado What: Best First Instruction Who: Districts with schools as identified as comprehensive support, targeted support, and additional targeted support

Best First Instruction Summer Institute – Funding CDE will award grants to school teams that would like to participate in the Institute. Funding is provided through reallocated Title II, Part A funds. Funding will cover: Travel expenses including mileage, airfare or train Lodging Meals Substitutes (for follow up meetings, or to attend the institute) Teams – one teacher from each subject area and at least one administrator.

Best First Instruction Summer Institute - Foundation The Best First Instruction opportunity is the next step in meeting the needs and requests from the field around support in delivering standards-based instruction. This opportunity is a hands-on coaching model based on the four phases of the District Sample Curriculum Project launched in 2012. The timing for this opportunity is optimal, it will incorporate strategies to understand the revisions to the Colorado Academic Standards

Best First Instruction Summer Institute - Teachers Institute launch: Experience a model standards based lesson (taught by state teacher leaders and CDE content specialists) Learn about the key instructional shifts and recent research unique to each subject Develop a model lesson to teach during the institute Work with participating school leaders to implement best first instruction key learnings within ta full school model Online Coaching: Offered by subject specific teacher leaders/coaches and CDE content specialists Every 5-6 weeks there will be online afterschool check-ins throughout the school year Discuss reflections of recent instruction using multiple data points and offer strategies to meet all student needs

Best First Instruction Summer Institute - Leadership Institute launch: Use a standards based observation protocol to observe a model standards based lesson (by state teacher leaders and CDE content specialists) Discuss observations and learn about the key instructional shifts and ‘look fors’ unique to each subject Develop an action plan to bring the best first instruction key learnings back to all staff members during the 2018-2019 school year. Online Coaching: Coaching opportunities throughout the school-year will be offered based on the timeline developed by participants at the institute (led by state school and district leaders) Discuss strengths and needs of instruction through multiple data points and offer strategies to meet all student needs

We need your feedback.

Best First Instruction Summer Institute - Feedback Are we targeting the right group of schools? Is the application clear as to the intent of the program? Are there any other considerations we need to have before releasing this application?

Best First Instruction Summer Institute - Contacts DeLilah Collins Federal Programs Lulu Buck Support Staff

Supplement, Not Supplant Demonstration under Title I, Part A

Supplement, Not Supplant Demonstration - Guidance Released guidance outlining the Supplement, Not Supplant Demonstration requirements under Title I, Part A in December 2017 Demonstration includes: An assurance stating the LEA is in compliance with the provisions of section 1118(b) of the ESSA; An indication of the type of methodology the LEA has adopted and is implementing in regard to the allocation of State and local (non-Federal) funds to all schools; and, A narrative description of the methodology or a reference to the LEA’s Financial Transparency document in which the methodology is described.

Supplement, Not Supplant Demonstration - Timeline Scenario Timing Considerations LEA can demonstrate compliance with requirements Submits by May 30; receives substantial approval upon submission of Consolidated Application LEA is not currently in compliance but will have a plan (including a response to section (c) in the demonstration) to come into compliance by September 30 in place by May 30 LEA is not currently in compliance and cannot provide a response to section (c) in the demonstration requirements by May 30, but the LEA can provide a description of how the LEA intends to come into compliance by September 30 Submits by May 30; resubmits additional details by June 30; receives substantial approval upon submission of Consolidated Application; will not receive final approval until CDE is able to verify demonstration requirements are met LEA does not submit any information by May 30 LEA will not receive substantial approval until information is provided; will not receive final approval until CDE is able to verify demonstration requirements are met once information is provided

Supplement, Not Supplant Demonstration - Webinar The Office of ESEA Programs and the Office of School Finance will host a webinar to discuss the demonstration guidance and specific examples of acceptable methodologies on Friday, February 23. What additional information would be helpful for CDE to address through the webinar or additional guidance to ensure LEAs understand the requirements and are prepared to meet the demonstration timelines?


Waiver Requests – Authority to Request Multiple avenues of authority enabling CDE and LEAs to request waivers from requirements under the ESSA, including: Statutory provisions (i.e. 40% requirement for schoolwide programs, waiver option provided in statutory language) Ed-Flex Partnership State Status (currently still approved as a partnership state under previous application) Requests directly to the U.S. Department of Education (i.e. Section 8401) CDE is currently reviewing the statutory requirements in which LEAs may seek to request a waiver and discussing the opportunity to provide a standardized request process

Waiver Requests – Feedback Do you have feedback or suggestions to help inform the standardized approach to waiver requests? Are there specific requirements under the Every Student Succeeds Act that LEAs or BOCES are currently considering requesting a waiver?

Waiver Requests – District Managed Activities Currently, CDE allows LEAs to set-aside up to 20% of their total Title I, Part A allocation to support district managed activities (DMA). LEAs that exceed the 20% limitation are currently permitted to do so on an as-needed basis. CDE is reviewing the use of DMA and the limitation currently imposed in order to provide more specific guidance regarding the allowable use of Title I, Part A funds in this manner. In addition, CDE is considering incorporating a request to exceed the limitation into the standardized waiver process.

Waiver Requests – District Managed Activities, Feedback Please provide feedback regarding the current use of or limitation on Title I, Part A funds budgeted to support district managed activities. What, if any, change to the limitation should be considered? What justifications should be provided to CDE when LEAs choose to direct funds to the district level, rather than school level, in light of rank order requirements? (Both up to and exceeding the limitation) What additional considerations should be included in guidance regarding the use of DMA?


ESSA Improvement Planning Requirements Nazanin Mohajeri-Nelson Federal Programs Unit Director, Data, Program Evaluation & Reporting

ESSA Statutory Requirements (CS Schools) ESSA §1111(d) School Support and Improvement (1) Local educational agencies with schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CS) shall, for each identified school, in partnership with stakeholders, locally develop a comprehensive support and improvement plan for the school to improve student outcomes, that – Is informed by all ESSA indicators, including student performance on state-determined long-term goals Includes evidence-based interventions Is based on a school-level needs assessment Identifies resource in equities, which may include a review of local educational agency and school-level budgeting, to be addressed through implementation of such comprehensive support and improved plan Is approved by the school, local educational agency, and state educational agency

ESSA Statutory Requirements (TS & ATS Schools) ESSA §1111(d) School Support and Improvement (2) Each school identified for targeted (TS) or additional (ATS) targeted support and improvement shall locally develop, in partnership with stakeholders, and implement a targeted support and improvement plan to improve student outcomes based on ESSA indicators for each student groups that resulted in the school’s identification that – Is informed by all ESSA indicators, including student performance on state-determined long- term goals Includes evidence-based interventions Is approved by the local educational agency prior to implementation Is monitored, upon submission and implementation, by the local educational agency Results in additional action following unsuccessful implementation after a district-determined timeline For ATS, Identifies resource in equities, which may include a review of local educational agency and school-level budgeting, to be addressed through implementation of such plan

ESSA §1111(d)(3) There is More… CDE shall provide technical assistance to each district serving a significant number of identified schools CDE shall periodically review resource allocation to support school improvement in each district with a significant number of identified schools CDE may take action to initiate additional improvement in any district with schools that are consistently identified for CS and not meeting exit criteria or a significant number of schools implementing targeted support and improvement plans Need help defining what significant means

What is an ESSA Improvement Plan in Colorado? CS Improvement Plan The school Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) from any school identified for comprehensive support and improvement TS Improvement Plan The school Unified Improvement Plan (UIP) from any school identified for targeted or additional targeted support and improvement Any plan designed by the district that meets all of the ESSA improvement plan requirements

CS Improvement Plans TS Improvement Plans When are They Due? April 16, 2018, via the UIP submission process TS Improvement Plans ESSA requires implementation by 2018-19 Establish reasonable parameters re: timeline for planning and implementation.

How and When Will They Be Reviewed and Approved? CS Improvement Plans By using a rubric that checks for compliance with ESSA improvement requirements and allows for feedback on how to meet requirements Target date ~ May 31, 2018 Changes will be due by fall of 2018 CDE will provide training, technical assistance, and support TS Improvement Plans May use the CS plan review rubric or use it as a model to develop a local one Target date ~ to be determined by the district Changes will be due before plan is implemented District must establish the timeline for additional action if unsuccessful in implementing the plan

Proposed Timeline for CS Improvement Plans Entity Activity Timeline Avenue CDE Provide overview and general guidance on ESSA planning requirements January 2017 - present Several ESSA presentations and webinars CDE website CDE Update Develop general feedback to early UIP submitters (January 2018) March 1, 2018 UIP Review Process Communicate general feedback and guidance to all CS schools March 16, 2018 Email to districts of CS schools Provide training on the review and approval process and rubric 1:00 to 3:00 Webinar Info:; 1-866-684-8605 LEA Submit CS improvement plans April 16, 2018 UIP Submission Process Review and approve CS implement plans, provide feedback on required changes ~ May 31, 2018 UIP Email to district of CS schools Submit revised CS improvement plans Fall 2018 Provide TA and review resource allocations Ongoing Multiple pathways - TBD

Proposed Timeline and Work on TS Improvement Plans Entity Activity Timeline Avenue CDE Develop guidance on TS Improvement Plans March 2018 CDE website Finalize and publish CS Improvement Plan rubric and review process to serve as a model for LEAs, if they want to use it March 31, 2018 CDE Update CDE website on ESSA Improvement Requirements LEA/CDE Develop a template for TS plans May use the UIP template By 2018-2019? TBD LEA Develop a review and approval process TBD by LEA Identify and publish examples of LEA review and approval tools and processes By 2019-2010 Provide TA and periodically review resource allocations of districts with a significant number of identified schools Ongoing Multiple pathways - TBD

We Need Your Help and Would Greatly Appreciate Feedback! General input How can we improve the flow, clarity, and conciseness of the whole document? Does the timeline work? How should we define a “significant number” of identified schools? Indicators (1– 5) Are these the right indicators? What is missing? Guiding questions Are these helpful? Should we keep them? Success criteria What should these be called? Are these the right criteria? Rating scales Are these the right levels? Is this sufficient detail to help improve the plans? How can we improve them?

Other Feedback Needed Should the improvement plan, rubric and review/approval process differ for AECs? Schools identified due to low participation? K-2 schools? Small schools? If so, how? Should the improvement plan, rubric and review/approval process be the same or different for TS versus ATS schools?

Contact Information Nazanin Mohajeri-Nelson 303-866-6205 Laura Meushaw 303-866-6618

Consolidated Application

Consolidated Application – Training Updates The Office of ESEA Programs has intentionally included programmatic training in the Regional Network Meetings throughout the 2017-18 school year. Additional training specific to the Consolidated Application will be provided during the March Virtual Network Meeting and the April Regional Network Meetings.

Consolidated Application – Training Additional Updates Additional virtual training opportunities will be provided on: March 21 at 9:30am – Specific Consolidated Application Support for BOCES March 26 at 11:00am – Title III, Part A: Opportunities to Participate through Consortia or BOCES Registration information will be included in the upcoming Scoop, as well as posted online.

Consolidated Application – Timeline Projected Timeline Fall/Winter 2017 Application Updates and Development Winter 2017/Early Spring 2018 Platform Testing Program Training for 18-19 Planning Purposes Spring 2018 Application Available to LEAs/BOCES Application System Training LEA submits plans for supporting schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement May 2018 Non-public Consultation Forms Due June 2018 Consolidated Application Due Approval & Transmittal Due July 2018 Consolidated Application Review Timeline presented to CoP in August 2017

Consolidated Application – Timeline, Updated Processes Timeline Consideration BOCES: Intent to Participate – Member Districts Must be submitted to CDE prior to submission of the Consolidated Application* School Improvement Funds – Request to Retain Funds Form (as applicable) Due by May 30, annually* Supplement, Not Supplant Demonstration Due by May 30, one-time demonstration unless substantial change in methodology* *required to receive substantial approval

Consolidated Application – Review Organizational Changes, GEPA Example of updated organizational structure for GEPA Statement Barrier Type (Required) Describe the steps taken to identify potential/existing barrier(s) (Required) Describe the Potential/Existing Barrier (Including the ESEA program in which barrier may exist) (Required) Describe how the LEA will mitigate the barrier(s) identified (Required) Indicate the funds that will support these activities (Required) Notes (Optional) National Origin UIP a lack of cultural competency in instruction; inhibiting students from fully accessing Title III supports provide professional development opportunities for teachers by addressing culturally responsive instructional practices (including more detailed description) Title II, Part A Presented to CoP and ELD Stakeholders on September 20 via webinar

Consolidated Application – Review Organizational Changes, Title III Example of updated organizational structure for Title III, Part A Narrative Questions Describe the Proposed Activity Who/What organization is implementing the proposed activity? Select the intended Audience Describe the Intended Outcome of the proposed activity. Describe the timeline for implementation of parent, family, and/or community activities (i.e. Describe how the activity will be delivered throughout the year). Indicate whether the proposed activity will be funded with Title III, Part A; Title I, Part A; or, State/local funds. If the activity will be supported with Title III, Part A funds, describe how the activity is supplemental to the core ELD program. Additional notes open narrative(will mirror budget activity descriptions) open narrative Drop down menu: Students Parents/Families Community Teachers Administrators Other (add narrative) Title III, Part A Title I, Part A State/local funds open narrative (optional) Presented to CoP and ELD Stakeholders on September 20 via webinar

Consolidated Application – Preview, Title III, Part A Narrative Questions

Consolidated Application – Preview, Title III, Part A Question 1

Consolidated Application – Preview, Title III, Part A Question 2

Consolidated Application – Preview, Title III, Part A Question 3

Consolidated Application – Preview, Title III, Part A Responses

Consolidated Application – Development Update Updates to the Consolidated Application have been in development since October 2017. CDE will be reaching out to specific CoP members regarding their ability to participate in testing the platform soon. Outreach is based on the geographic location and size of the LEA/BOCES to ensure we have adequately captured the needs of the field. Testing participants will support the delivery of an error-free platform and while programmatic and functionality suggestions are appreciated, they will be taken for consideration for future planning years only.


ESEA Monitoring – CDE’s Goal CDE’s goal in monitoring is to help build the capacity of school districts so that they are aware of the requirements of the federal funds, have the ability to self-assess against the requirements of the grants, and understand how they can utilize funding under the grants to improve services for children. Monitoring is an opportunity to identify the supports LEAs need and to leverage federal funds in support of better outcomes for all students.

ESEA Monitoring – Timeline for 2017-18 ESEA Program Requirements are posted. The requirements list out requirements that LEAs must meet to accept ESEA funds. Also included, is a list of acceptable evidence that LEAs may begin collecting to be prepared for monitoring visits.

ESEA Monitoring – Timeline for 2018-19

Monitoring – Timeline Timeline Indicators/Requirements Indicator-specific guidance/trainings Criteria for Compliance Examples of Acceptable Evidence Process Overview Program Self-evaluation Tool Program Effectiveness Meetings Q&A Webinars and Guidance Data Collection Platform Training Targeted (Indicator-specific) Support 5-year Monitoring Plan Desk review of Prioritized Indicators On-site follow-up as determined necessary, incorporating secondary indicators

Monitoring – Five Year Calendar, Option 1 Every LEA is monitored once during a five year cycle Year 1 Years 2-5 Approximately 44 prioritized indicators, plus any additional secondary indicators (as appropriate) Implementation of monitoring feedback and/or supports to improve practices

Monitoring – Five Year Calendar, Option 1 continued LEAs are monitored in non-consecutive two-year cohorts Year 1 Year 3 Years 2,4, and 5 Approximately 22 prioritized indicators, plus any additional secondary indicators (as appropriate) Implementation of monitoring feedback and/or supports to improve practices

Monitoring – Five Year Calendar, Option 3 LEAs are monitored in consecutive three-year cohorts Year 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 and 5 Approximately 11 prioritized indicators, plus any additional secondary indicators (as appropriate) Implementation of monitoring feedback and/or supports to improve practices

Monitoring – Five Year Calendar, Guiding Questions Which of the three options works best for your LEA or BOCES and member districts?  Why? What considerations and implications, both at the school and LEA level, should CDE be aware of that accompany each option? What form (i.e. desk review, onsite, etc.) would be best for an initial monitoring review? When considering options 2 and 3, what kind of support should CDE provide in “off years?”

Monitoring – ESEA Program Evaluation Tool SE 9.1 Stakeholder Engagement in the Consolidated Application for ESEA Funds Through a continuous process, the LEA develops, reviews, and revises, as necessary, the Consolidated Application in partnership with teachers, principals, other school leaders, paraprofessionals, specialized instructional support personnel, charter school leaders, parents, community partners, and other organizations or partners with relevant and demonstrated expertise in programs and activities designed to meet the purposes of ESSA. This review process should include examination of the comprehensive needs assessment, planned actions, funds allocation, and the previous annual evaluation. Examples of Acceptable Evidence Criteria for Compliance Required Documentation of the process for revising the Consolidated Application, including data that is or will be gathered (i.e. climate surveys, attendance trends, volunteer participation) and the stakeholders who are involved. This information may be captured in the district’s UIP. Optional Agendas, attendance logs, and minutes from plan/application development meetings (prior to submission, during revisions, after finalized plan) Description of process for revising the Consolidated Application, including data that is/will be gathered and the stakeholders who are involved. This information may be captured in the district’s UIP. This review process should include examination of the comprehensive needs assessment, planned actions, funds allocation, and the previous annual evaluation.   Stakeholders involved should represent the demographics of the district and Title I schools within the district District determines the languages and formats that the information will be shared. Translation/interpretation services are consistent with this program as well as other policies and processes. Compliance Met Yes No Additional Notes

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