Towards a Trade Union Development Cooperation Network – Project Report 2009/10 - TUDCN General Meeting June 21, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Towards a Trade Union Development Cooperation Network – Project Report 2009/10 - TUDCN General Meeting June 21, 2011

TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil Overall Objectives A more coherent & integrated approach for Trade Union movement Permanant & structured north/south dialogue Improved ‘donor’ coordination Political relations with UE & global development players SUCCESS The overall objective: “enable the Trade Union movement to develop a more coherent and integrated approach, enabling better coordination and synergies” was successfully achieved. The network has now allowed for a permanent, and structured dialogue on partnerships with the South and improved “donor” coordination among the Solidarity Support Organisations It has strengthened the TU political relations with the EU and other global development players TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil

TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil High Level Events Stockholm Conference – oct. 2009 “Trade Unions actors of development” A number of high level events were organised, involving governments, parliamentarians, commission officials and development experts around the trade union development cooperation agenda. This was the case with the Stockholm Conference under the Swedish EU presidency, under the title: “Trade Unions Actors for Development” in October 2009, and the Madrid conference under the Spanish Presidency in March 2010 on “Crisis and Development Cooperation Effectiveness”. TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil

TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil High Level Events Madrid Conference – March 2010 “Crisis and Development Cooperation Effectiveness” TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil

TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil Position Papers An important number of information notes & position papers were produced “Principles & Guidelines for Trade Union Development Cooperation Effectiveness” “A dialogue & actor based cooperation for improved development cooperation effectiveness” An important number of background documents, information notes and position papers have been produced along the process of the Structured Dialogue in 2010. The working groups produced policy guidance on Principles and Guidelines for Trade Union Development Effectiveness One of the main results of this first working period of the TUDCN has been the document on Principles and Guidelines for Trade Union Development Cooperation Effectiveness. This document has been approved as the official guideline for Trade Union Development Cooperation by the General Council of the ITUC. Another major working document was published : “A dialogue and actor based cooperation for improved development effectiveness” TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil

TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil Newsletter 15 Issues 3 Languages + 350 subscriptions Need to improve the format & contributions from national/international level Improve the online format & review the structure. Expected & wanted contribution from external volunteers has not taken off as a project. TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil

Training & Capacity development First Network structures in the South Africa, Latin America Training on UE policies & programs New Member States Updates for TUDCN Members A The training and capacity development events (in Africa, Latin America and with the NMS) have allowed the first network structures to start operating in the Southern continents, especially in Latin America. Materials for information and training initiatives have been produced for these different initiatives. Training seminars were organised for responsibles from the NMS and an update seminar on EU programmes for the staff of existing trade union development cooperation units. TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil

TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil Database The database results were slowed down Initial data input but lack of dedicated resources (human & financial) Will be taken further in 2011-2012 Will need more investment or simplified procedures Database purpose : bring together & make accessible the information available on the development projects organised by the ITUC affilited TU confederations. A test version is accessible but the database in such is not yet operational. This is partly due to a lack of inputting of data => lack of human & financial resources + complex procedures It will be reviewed & taken further in the coming months More investments or simplifying procedures should ensure quality results in the coming months. TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil

TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil Mapping & Research 3 mapping exercises : Decent Work in official development policies Gender dimension of Trade Union development cooperation projects Support schemes for Trade Union development cooperation Underestimated human resources Will be taken further in the coming months 3 mapping exercises : (…) There has been a considerable delay in the processing of the researches & the publishing of results Due to underestimation of the human resources that were required. influenced quality of the polls & responses (Spport sheme) Delay in procucing the survey & process and publish the results (gender) TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil

TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil Participation 609 participants to the network activities 42% women 31% from the South 59% from EU REGIONS Total number Proportion EU 358 59% Europe non-EU 11 2% Other North 51 8% South 189 31% Total participants 609 100% GENDER   Total Number Proportion Men 352 58% Women 257 42% Total Participants 609 100% The network has tried to implement an active policy of gender equal representation (along the ITUC policies and standards of 30% minimum participation.) The network explicitly sought the participation and coordination with the Southern regions. TUDCN General Meeting - 20.06.11 - Stéphanie Genteuil

Thank you for your attention !