33 - Boots to Business (B2B) Small Business Administration Entrepreneurship Track
OBJECTIVES LEARN about the Small Business Administration DISCUSS the B2B training programs DISPLAY how B2B has aided VETS
Small Business Administration Manages most federal small business programs Created July 30th 1953 SBA has at least one office in each state Development of a small businesses and franchises through their “3 Cs” Capitol Contracts Counseling
Small Business Administration Veteran Business Outreach Center(VBOC) Provides instructors for the SBA’s Boots to Business Program
Two-Step Training Program Introduction to Entrepreneurship Two-Day Course A two-day course offered as on of the three Transition GPS elective tracks Foundations of Entrepreneurship 8 week, instructor-led online course on the elements of a business plan Tips and techniques for starting a business
Boots to Business | Reboot Designed for VETS and their dependants post transition from service and includes: Steps for evaluating business concepts Foundational knowledge for developing a business plan SBA resources available to access start-up capital and tech assistance
Resources https://www.sba.gov/offices/headquarters/ovbd/resources/160511 http://www.cnic.navy.mil/regions/cnrma/ffr/support_services.htm https://sbavets.force.com/s/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86pFa6Sd0iM
Summary and Review LEARNED about the Small Business Administration DISCUSSED the B2B training programs DISPLAYED the benefits of B2B