7-1 Reunifying China Essential question: Examine how Confucianism influenced the Chinese Society and Government
Fall of the han dynasty Founded in 206 B.C. Period of progress and prosperity for China Political and social struggles and widening gap between rich and poor Han Dynasty falls in A.D. 220 Chaos and disorder kingdoms fighting among themselves Floods droughts, food shortages across the land Nomad invasions Major changes in belief systems Chinese culture survives
Belief systems Confucianism: based on the ideas of Confucius Used for comfort and guidance Taught moral virtues and ethics, right from wrong Emphasized Relationships to produce social order Respect for family and older generations Educated individuals and society Act in a morally correct way
Confucianism influences Chinese Taught to advance you must be educated Educated society = educated government officials Society should be organized around 5 basic relationships Ruler to subject Children should respect elders Code of conduct governed the relationshipsn 200 A.D Han Dynasty and Confucianism lose power
Belief systems Buddhism: based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha : the Enlightened One) Teaches: Suffering is a part of life People suffer because they are attached to material things and selfish ideas Can escape suffering by living a wise moral and thoughtful life
Buddhism influences the Chinese Missionaries and traders brought Buddhism to China from India Eventually spread to Japan and Korea Buddhism helped people to get through the hard times
Belief systems Daoism: seeks harmony with nature and inner feelings 600’s Confucianism has a rebirth Buddhism and Daoism cause some changes to Confucianism Daoism: seeks harmony with nature and inner feelings Daoism began in 500s B.C. In Song Dynasty Confucian thinkers blend Daoism and Buddhism into Confucianism
New Confucianism Greatly concerned with human behavior and a persons relationship with universe Emphasized Morality is the highest goal a person can reach Morality can be achieved through education Education can occur through books, observation, or interaction with other wise people
Sui dynasty Named himself the first emperor of the Sui Dynasty after the fall of the Han Dynasty china spent more then 350 years in chaos and conflict reunified China Founded by Yang Jian general of the Zhou army ruler of northern China 581 took the throne by killing the heir to the throne then massacred 59 royal princes in line for the throne 589 conquered South China Named himself the first emperor of the Sui Dynasty Renamed himself Wendi
Sui dynasty Wendi Reunified China Restored old political traditions Allowed people to follow their own belief systems Brought back the civil service exam based on Confucious Public works: rebuilt portions of the Great Wall, built the Grand Canal Raised taxes to pay for public works People revolted against the high taxes Dynasty fell after 37 years
Tang dynasty Expanded China’s borders on all side Sui Dynasty set the foundation for the Tang Tang Dynasty began in 618 last 300 years Expanded China’s borders on all side Expanded network of canals and roads Adopted Confucius ideas on how to run the government Tang government became one of the most advanced and complex in the world at the time
Tang emperors Taizong and his father Gaozu founded the Tang Dynasty Taizong seized the thrown after killing his 2 brothers and all 10 of his nephews Taizong was considered a fair and just leader Helped the peasants Lowered taxes Took land from the rich and gave it to the poor
Tang emperors Zuanzong Wu Zhao Came to power in 690 Only empress of China Greatest achievement was the reconquest of Korea Zuanzong 712 came to power Literature and art Poetry sculptures