Korea and Vietnam
Descent From hunting and herding peoples of Siberia and Manchuria….not Mongolia
Chinese introduction 109 BCE Earliest Korean kingdom conquered by the Emperor Wudi Korea divided into three “states” - Koguryo: North, resisted Chinese rule, constantly at war with southern half - Silla and Paekche: Southern states
Sinification Sinification: extensive adoption of Chinese culture Sinfication of Korea: Adopted buddhism Chinese writing introduced Unifed law code Established universities Chinese style bureaucracy
Tang Alliances Made alliance with Silla 668 CE Silla became independent rulers of united Korea, until early 20th century Regular tribute Submission as vassal to emperor China withdrew from Korea
Tribute Chinese influence peaked with Silla (668-918) and Koryo dynasty (918-1392) Tribute guaranteed continued peace Major channel of trade and intercultural exchange
Korean Elite Culture Kumsong: capital rebuilt by Silla to resemble Tang capital Aristocrats Mostly located in capital Studied in Chinese schools Pursued arts/entertainment Reproduced Chinese art Positions in government: by virtue of birth and family connections, rather than knowledge
Civilization of the few Imports from China monopolized by elite Filled most positions in bureaucracy Dominated life in the kingdom Artisans/Merchants: limited life styles Artisans: considered lower status and poorly pai Merchants: weak, never formed distinctive class Classes: aristocrats, government functionaries, commoners, near-slaves
Koryo collapse 1231 CE Mongol invasions Yi dynasty formed Established in 1392 Ruled until 1910 Restored aristocratic domincance and links to China
Making of Vietnam Nam Viet Name given by Chinese Meaning “peoples in the south” Chinese left little lasting initial presence, except in trade Silk for Ivory Tortoise shells Pearls Peacock feathers Aromatic woods Other exotics Ethnicity of Vietnamese Intermarried with Mon-Khmer and Tai peoples to form ethnic identity of today
Cultural features Language not related to Chinese Strong village autonomy Favored nuclear family No clan networks Women had more freedom and influence Dressed differently Enjoyed cockfights Chewed betel nut Developed and refined art, literature, and poetry separate from China
Sinification of Vietnam China left along until 111 BCE Vietnamese elite realized learning potential and cooperated Developed: Bureaucracy Chinese-style schools Wrote in Chinese script Memorized classics Took administrative exams Introduced cropping and irrigation techniques Eventually adopted extended family model and veration of ancestors
Winning Independence Resistance movements common Writing and poetry filled with determination against Chinese dominance Trang Sisters revolt – 39 CE 939 CE: massive rebellion that secured Vietnamese independence Maintained until 19th century with invasion of the French and Roman Catholicism Two capitals: Hanoi – Trinh family rule Hue – Nguyen family rule Both had goals to unite Vietnam under single monarchy