Knowledge Connections Vocabulary Aggression Appeasement Term Definition Knowledge Connections Picture
Essential Question How did the world react to the aggressive actions of Italy, Germany, and Japan?
Did anyone see the coming problems? Democratic nations watched the rise of dictators with alarm The United States tried to ignore the problem European leaders attempted to negotiate
Democratic nations watched and waited until it was too late…. How did the dictators react? Dictators felt the democratic nations were weak…. and they began to take bold actions Hitler openly violated the terms of the Treaty of Versailles Mussolini and Hitler prepared their armies to invade other countries Democratic nations watched and waited until it was too late….
What actions did Italy take? Mussolini had promised to build an Italian Empire In 1935, he took over the African nation of Ethiopia The League of Nations, having no army, was powerless to stop Italy Italy went on to take more lands in North Africa
What actions did Germany take? Germany openly violated the Treaty of Versailles by: Building up its military Creating an air force Increasing the size of its army through conscription Sending troops into the demilitarized Rhineland
What actions did Japan take? Japan takes Manchuria League of Nations condemns Japan Japan leaves the League of Nations Japan continues with invasions of: Eastern China and Southeastern Asia
People let this happen? France wanted to step in…. But it did not want to take action without British support… Great Britain wanted to pursue a policy of APPEASEMENT Giving in to reasonable demands in order to avoid conflict
Did appeasement work? Hitler continued taking lands in order to unite all German people…. In 1938, he declared ANSCHLUSS (union of Germany and Austria) After Austria, he wanted the SUDETENLAND (northwestern Czechoslovakia) Hitler threatened world war to gain the land he wanted
What happened at Munich? European leaders met with Hitler in Munich to discuss his demands Once again, they appeased him…and Hitler agreed to stop taking new lands Their agreement became known as the MUNICH PACT
Japan agreed to join any fight against the Soviet Union What happened after Munich? Totalitarian government began to form alliances Rome-Berlin Axis Alliance of Italy and Germany Japan agreed to join any fight against the Soviet Union Non-Aggression Pact Germany and the Soviet Union agreed not to attack one another
Essential Question How did the world react to the aggressive actions of Italy, Germany, and Japan?
Aggression and Appeasement Timeline