Rules Changes Major Editorial Changes Points of Emphasis 2012-13 Volleyball Rules Changes Major Editorial Changes Points of Emphasis
Rules Changes and Major Editorial Changes 2012-13 Volleyball Rules Changes and Major Editorial Changes
Libero Uniform Rule 4-2-2 Note PlayPic® PlayPic® PlayPic® The uniform rule has been changed with a mandated implementation date of July 1, 2016. Schools may follow these new uniform requirements now should they choose to do so. The No. 9 uniform top in PlayPic® is legal as it meets all the requirements to be in contrast to No. 2. It would not be legal if the teammates’ uniforms were multicolored and the solid color also appears on approximately half of the teammates’ top. Beginning 2016, either the libero and/or his/her teammates shall wear a solid-colored uniform top. The solid-colored libero uniform top must clearly contrast in color and be distinct from other members of the team. TEAM UNIFORM LIBERO UNIFORM
Solid-Colored Uniform Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Either the libero and/or his/her teammates shall wear a solid-colored uniform top. Regarding the solid-colored top: The solid-colored uniform top shall clearly contrast from the predominant color(s) of the teammates’ uniform top. Predominant color(s) is the color(s) appearing on approximately half of the uniform. Sleeves shall be the same color as the body of the uniform top. Piping/trim not exceeding 1 inch in total at its widest point may be placed along the seams and may be a different color(s) than the uniform top. Lettering and collars may be different color(s) than the uniform top. Numbers shall be a contrasting color to the uniform top and meet all other specifications in Rule 4-2-4.
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE It has become increasingly difficult to discern the libero’s legality when playing the ball when he/she cannot be easily identified apart from the teammates due to multi-colored uniform tops Requiring either the libero or the other team members to be in a solid-colored uniform top of contrasting color will assist the referees in identifying the libero and determining legal playing actions There are several options as to the use of the solid-colored uniform top by the individual team. The team may choose to have only the libero wear the solid-color top and thus purchase special uniforms. The team may choose to have one set of solid-colored uniforms opposite a second set of contrast.
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Teammates in either a different color solid top, or top with colors and/or design Libero solid contrasting colored top Libero in top with colors and/or design Teammates in solid contrasting colored uniform top Who must wear the solid-colored top? Libero, or Teammates with libero in a contrasting colored top. Both may wear solid-colored top, but libero must be in contrasting solid-colored top.
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE PlayPic® Piping or trim may be placed on the solid-colored uniform top but shall not be wider than 1 inch at any given point. Piping and/or trim may only be placed on the seam. FRONT BACK SIDE
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Front Back Side Piping/trim on seams – no wider 1” Collar/neckline may be different colors Sleeves same color as body Here is an example of the basic rule. A seam is the stitching that functions to secure two or more pieces of material together. Stitching to create a fitted look for example that does not function to hold pieces together is not considered a seam.
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Accent on seam Cuff may have trim of color(s) but not exceed 1 inch No wider than 1 inch Accent located on seam The uniform top may have accents which are considered trim. Such accents may only be placed on the seams of the uniform. The accent shall not be wider than 1 inch at its widest point. The cuff on a uniform may have trim but such trim cannot be wider than 1 inch. It may contain colors within the 1 inch. If the cuff itself is wider than 1 inch the trim/piping is still limited to a width no more than 1 inch.
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Collar/neckline may be any color Body is a solid color Trim runs along the side seams Trim is no wider than 1 inch in total width This uniform is legal as the body is a solid color, trim is located along the seams and is no wider than 1 inch at its widest point. Legal for Solid-Colored Uniform Top
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Collar/neckline may be any color and more than 1 color Body is solid color Trim runs along the seams Trim may be more than 1 color Trim is no wider than 1 inch in total width The trim or piping may consist of more than one color. However, the trim in total shall not be more than 1 inch in width at its widest point. Legal for Solid-Colored Uniform Top
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Trim is wider than 1 inch in total width This top does not meet the requirements for the solid-colored uniform top due to the trim. The trim in total, (red, white and orange) exceeds 1 inch in width. Illegal for Solid-Colored Uniform Top
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Trim may be more than 1 color and may contain a design Trim is located along seams Trim is no wider than 1 inch at widest point This uniform top has trim with a design. This is legal providing it runs along the seams and is not wider than 1 inch. Legal for Solid-Colored Uniform Top
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Black piping White White, made of different material This uniform top is all white but constructed of two different materials. The various seams used to piece the top together have piping of a different color than the uniform, in this case black piping on a white uniform top. Wherever there is a true seam, functions to join two pieces of material, piping/trim may be added. Darts, stitching to create a fitted style, are not considered seams and piping/trim could not be placed on this type of stitching. The integrity of a solid-colored uniform must be maintained. If there is excessive piping/trim the uniform top may no longer be considered solid-colored. Legal for Solid-Colored Uniform Top
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Horizontal piping/trim runs along a seam Piping/trim is no wider than 1 inch Sleeves are same color as body of uniform top The sleeves must be the same color as the body of the uniform top, in this case black to black. The piping/trim can be located on any seam providing width requirement is not exceeded. Here we see the gold trim going along a seam across the chest. Legal for Solid-Colored Uniform Top
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Design is not along a seam Design exceeds 1 inch in width Collar may be multiple colors Piping along seams for garment construction A collar of multiple colors may appear on the solid-colored uniform top. Likewise, trim/piping may be placed along any seam that serves the actual function of joining two pieces of garment together. This uniform top however is not legal due to the design on the shoulder not being placed on a seam and exceeding 1 inch in width. Illegal for Solid-Colored Uniform Top
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Collar – legal with multiple colors Body and sleeves – legal as same color Horizontal arc is legal IF it runs along a seam Horizontal arc is illegal IF it is only a design across the chest with no seam or Sublimation may be used to create the piping/trim or design of the trim providing: The piping/trim by way of sublimation is placed along a seam. The piping/trim is no wider than 1 inch at its widest point. Sublimation
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Designs may not be placed on the solid-colored uniform top School/team name, mascot and/or player name may be placed on uniform top To preserve the integrity of a solid/colored uniform top, designs, other than any that are included in legal trim, are not allowed. A team name, school name and/or mascot is permitted. A player’s name is also permitted. The design with the volleyball makes this top illegal. Illegal for Solid-Colored Uniform Top
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE May be placed on uniform top: School name Team name Player name Mascot This uniform top is legal as it contains no design and the number and team name meet requirements within Rule 4-2-4. Legal for Solid-Colored Uniform Top
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Can solid-colored uniform top be white? No Team members’ uniform top, so what is the predominant color? White Here is an example of a uniform with a lot of color and design. The predominant color is white as it is at least half or more of the colors on the top. Therefore, white is not an option for the color of a solid-colored uniform top. As a reminder, only one visible manufacturer’s logo/trademark or reference can be placed on a single part of the uniform, and that logo cannot exceed 2¼ square inches with no dimension greater than 2¼ inches.
Solid-Colored Uniform Top Rule 4-2-2 NOTE Solid-colored top must be of a contrasting color to red and white Both red and white colors appear on approximately half the top Predominant colors are red and white Here is a uniform where the front is one color and the back and shoulders are another. With the new rule, a predominant color is one that appears on approximately half the uniform top. This is important because a solid-colored top, if worn by the libero, must be of a clear contrasting color to his/her teammates. Red or white could not be used as colors for the contrasting solid-colored uniform top with this uniform. Uniform Top – Two predominant colors
Player Equipment and Uniform Rule 4-2-7 PlayPic® PlayPic® Under Rule 4-2-7, the reference to “visible garment” refers to items such as t-shirts and does not refer to a foundation garment, sports bra. Any visible garment (t-shirt, body suit or other similar garment) worn underneath the uniform top shall be unadorned and of a single, solid color that is similar in color to the predominant color of the uniform top.
Officials’ Responsibilities Rule 5-1-3 PlayPic® PlayPic® This editorial change was made to clarify that a state association may intercede before, during or after the referees’ jurisdiction. Such action to intercede may only occur due to unusual circumstances. Referees’ jurisdiction begins upon their arrival on the floor and remains through the completion of any reports of any actions, like imposing disqualifications, that occurred while the referees had jurisdiction. State associations may intercede in the event of unusual circumstances that occur before, during or after the referees’ jurisdiction.
Referee’s Equipment Rule 5-2-2 PlayPic® PlayPic® The referee’s equipment includes for the first referee a whistle, a set of yellow/red cards, a coin and now a watch. The second referee will have a whistle, lineup “card,” a pen/pencil, a set of yellow/red cards, a coin and also a watch. A watch has been added to referee’s equipment. The referee shall have the watch for timing purposes as an alternate to a visual timing device.
Court Protocol Rule 5-3-4d PlayPic® PlayPic® PlayPic® The coin toss before the deciding set will now be conducted at the officials table and always by the second referee. The mechanics are as follows: The R1 calls for the captains. R1 directs the captains to the officials table. R1 then releases teams to the team benches. Prior to the deciding set, the first referee signals the captains to meet with the second referee in front of the officials’ table for the coin toss. CALL CAPTAINS DIRECT CAPTAINS TO TABLE RELEASE TEAMS TO BENCHES
Court Protocol Rule 5-3-4d PlayPic® PlayPic® PlayPic® The second referee shall conduct the coin toss for the deciding set at the officials table. The home team calls the toss. The winner of the toss shall choose serve/receive or the playing area. The loser of the toss shall then be given the remaining choice. Following completion of the coin toss the R2 signals to the R1 the result of coin toss as to who is serving and if teams need to change benches and confirms results with the official scorer. Second referee conducts the coin toss in front of the officials’ table, then signals to the first referee which team is serving and if teams need to change benches.
During the Set Rule 5-4-3b (2) PlayPic® PlayPic® During the set the second referee has the responsibility to mirror the first referee’s signal for each: Loss of rally/point Violation/fault Replay/reserve And end of set Second referee mirrors first referee’s signal at end of set.
Casebook and Manual PlayPic® PlayPic® R2 should stand to the side of the standard on calls by R1 at the end of a rally and mirror R1’s signal.
During the Set Rule 5-4-3b(16) PlayPic® Second referee confirms to the first referee that the 24th point has been scored or the 14th of the fifth set. This editorial change simply includes in the rules that the second referee confirms to the R1 that the 24th point of the set is scored, 14th point in deciding set fifth set. The change is just including this mechanic as a responsibility by rule.
Line Judge Signals Rule 5-8-4 PlayPic® A PlayPic® B State associations may approve the use of flags by line judges. When used, the flags are to be solid red and should be of a size 12 inches by 12 inches to approximately 16 inches by 16 inches. A. Flags may be used by line judges for signals. B. Flags should be solid red in color and approximately 12 inches by 12 inches to approximately 16 inches by 16 inches.
Foul to Fault Rule 9-7 Editorial EC Change The terminology within the rules has been updated to more current sport terminology Fouls are now referred to as Faults throughout rules
Replay Rule 9-8-1 new i PlayPic® Some ceiling suspended net systems are retracted using cables and poles. During play, if a ball hits the pole on the team’s side of the net playing the ball, a replay may be called by the first referee. If the ball strikes a pole used to retract a suspended net system, it may result in a replay at the R1’s discretion.
Illegal Substitute Attempts Entering Set Rule 10-3 Penalty 1 PlayPic® PlayPic® When an illegal substitute attempts to enter the set the penalty is an unnecessary delay. The R2 should be certain to confirm the violation with the scorer and the unnecessary delay (time-out or loss of rally/point). When an illegal substitute attempts to enter the set, unnecessary delay is assessed.
Illegal Substitute in the Set Rule 10-3 Penalty 1 PlayPic® MechaniGram® PlayPic® Once the first referee whistles and signals for serve, should an illegal substitute be detected in the set, the penalty is illegal alignment and results in a loss of rally/point. When an illegal substitute is discovered in the set, illegal alignment is assessed resulting in loss of rally/point. ILLEGAL SUBSTITUTE
A referee’s time-out is not charged to either team. Time-Out Rule 11-1-2 PlayPic® PlayPic® A referee’s time-out is not charged to either team.
Other Editorial Changes EC Editorial Change 7-1-4 Penalty 1 …awarded to the opponent at the start of that set.
2012-13 Volleyball Points of Emphasis
The Net and Markings Rule 3-1-5 PlayPic® PlayPic® Net antennas are required and must be placed in line with the outside edge of the sidelines. Use of a vertical tape marker is not required, but could be used. If used, it is placed over and perpendicular to the sideline and the antennas are on the outside edge of the tape markers. If vertical tape marker is used, net antennas should be affixed to outer edge of the tape and perpendicular to and in line with the outside edge of each sideline. CORRECT INCORRECT
Court Protocol Rule 5-3-4 PlayPic® Players should take their assigned floor position after teams are given signal to go to their court so the second referee may check the lineups for each team and get the set under way.
Manufacturer’s Logos Rules 4-2-7, 4-2-9 Logo, trademark reference Manufacturer’s logo (partial/ whole) Number permitted Only one per piece of uniform including visible undergarment No dimension more than 2¼ inches Size Coaches need to place the athletes in uniforms in compliance with the rules regarding logos. Should the athletes purchase their own visible undergarments, the coach should educate the athlete of the uniform requirements so the items are legal.
Manufacturer’s Logo Rule 4-2-9 PlayPic® Rule 4-2-9 states that only one manufacturer’s logo/trademark/reference is permitted on each piece of the uniform. The company name or logo around the waistband would render this garment out of compliance with the rule.
Authorized Officials Rule 5-1 PlayPic® PlayPic® Schools need to assume responsibility when hosting an event and provide all assistant officials (line judges, scorer, timer and libero tracker) and train them in their duties.
Proper Training of Assistant Officials Rule 5-1-1 Assistant officials include the scorer, libero tracker, timer and line judges Host school has the responsibility to secure and train these individuals Match referees have the responsibility to review the responsibilities for these positions, but not train these individuals Importance of these officials should not be underestimated
Importance of Line Judges Rule 5-8 Importance of line judges to the match referees in today’s fast pace and powerful play cannot be overemphasized Line judges are many times not registered referees and may be parents, other adults or players Burden of quality officiating in the line judge position rests with the schools Advanced and proper training of the line judges is paramount to the quality of the officiated match
Substitutes and Libero Entry onto Playing Court Rules 10-2 and 10-4 R2 must establish rapport and communication protocol with scorer, libero tracker and timer R2 needs to provide close attention to these positions early in the match to be certain their responsibilities are progressing smoothly Lack of focus in any of these positions can result in undetected error Discovery of an error later in play may cause confusion, delay and interrupt flow of the set Good training, communication between R2 and assistant officials and focus on responsibilities are keys for success
NFHS Volleyball Publications The Rules Book, Case Book/Manual, Scorebook and other volleyball materials can be ordered: online at by calling 1-800-776-3462 The NFHS volleyball publications are available to order online or by using the toll free number. The Volleyball Official Scorebook is available now and will accommodate 30 matches.
Fundamentals of Coaching Volleyball The NFHS is proud to have the partnership with USA Volleyball and the American Volleyball Coaches Association to provide the Fundamentals of Coaching Volleyball. Please take a few minutes to go to to check out this course. It is ideal for the newer or even returning coach as well as officials. This course has been well received and you are encouraged to get the word out to the coaches in your state.