NANC WG: TF Number Assignment Modernization March 16th, 2018
Agenda Meet the Working Group Logistics Update Review: our area of focus 3 main areas Relation to open proceeding Status Questions / Scope narrowing effort Baseline knowledge of history and current state of toll free: “Somos Toll Free 101” Key Remaining challenges Next Steps Agenda
Roll Call of WG Membership
Update 1st TFAM Meeting held 2/15 4 Meetings conducted (1hr calls) Intro / Logistics 2 substantive discussions on the 3 focus areas Somos Presentation: “Toll Free 101” Somos had provided info on history on Toll Free and 833 code opening, and relevant assignment statistics, etc Update
Objectives WG Mission statement: The Mission of the Toll Free Number Assignment Modernization (TFAM) Working Group is to consider the questions raised in the FCC’s December 7th, 2017 Letter to the NANC Chair re: Toll Free Assignment Modernization, and following that consideration to provide a written report to the Commission in response to those same questions. Specifically, the TFAM working group will consider the following three areas of inquiry in relation to the overall proposals outlined in ongoing FCC Docket 17-192 and attempt to develop consensus opinions where possible
Three areas of inquiry... Questions A: Contemplates rule changes needed to facilitate a market based approach to Toll free number assignment Question B: Contemplates the creation of a secondary market for the sale of toll free numbers Question C: Contemplates reserving new toll free numbers for public interest and/or government use
Question A : Rule Changes Associated with Market-Based Approach Rule Changes Associated with Market-based approach to Number Assignment: Notwithstanding the Commission’s proposed revision to the first-come, first served rule, should the Commission revise any of its other current rules (such as the general definitions, lag times, or caps on toll free number reservations) to promote a market approach to assigning toll free numbers? What are the implications of such revisions?
Question A : Issues Highlighted Work done to date on rule changes associated with a market-based approach: Try to clarify what is being asked in the question: What is meant by “market-based approach”? Is the question first asking about support for / opposition to a market-based approach? Is the question asking for assistance with rule changes in the event of adoption of a market-based approach? Discuss whether it is appropriate to answer questions that were not asked. Narrow scope of deliberations: Rule changes and implications in the event of a movement away from first come / first served.
Question A : Issues Highlighted Work remaining to be done: Assign research on potential rule changes within Working Group Deliberate pros and cons of potential rule changes and implications Draft statement for consensus vote Draft report detailing consensus opinion and implications
Question B : Secondary Market Development of a secondary market: Should the Commission revise its current rules (including the hoarding and brokering rules) to promote development of a secondary market for toll free numbers? What are the implications of those rule revisions?
Question B : Issues Highlighted Work done to date on development of a secondary market question: Clarify difference between illegal secondary market (black market) that exists today and creation of a new legal secondary market Deliberate whether recommendations regarding increasing existing enforcement are within the scope of the referral question Narrow scope of major deliberations to inquiry regarding creation of a new legal secondary market
Question B : Issues Highlighted Work remaining to be done: Deliberate pros and cons of developing a legal secondary market and implications thereof Draft statement for consensus vote Draft report detailing consensus opinion and implications
Question C : Government use numbers Set aside / reservation of desirable TFNs for Government use: Should the Commission set aside certain desirable toll free numbers for use, without cost, by government or non-profit health, safety, education, or other public interest organizations? If so, how should this number set aside system be structured and what should be the roles, if any, of the Commission and the Toll Free Number Administrator? What are the implications of the Commission setting aside certain numbers for these purposes?
Question C : Issues highlighted Work done to date on reservation of TFNs for Government use: Discussion of need for reservations of this kind Discussion of how criteria need to be clear and limiting Discussion of concerns around abuse of this process and possible stimulation of demand from a set-aside. Discussion around historical treatment of number assignments for non-profits
Question C : Issues highlighted Work remaining to be done: Assign research re: historical occurrences of either unmet needs for this class of user or number conflicts under current rules Assign research re: current methods of assigning numbers to this class of user and / or resolution of conflicts Develop consensus recommendation with discussion of implications Draft report detailing consensus recommendation
Toll Free 101 Somos Presentation Joel Bernstein February 27th, 2018 A overview on toll free history, how it works, a breakdown of assignment statistics, the applicable rules, and the recent 833 code opening Toll Free 101 Somos Presentation Joel Bernstein February 27th, 2018
We received a great overview, and a great baseline of knowledge. NANC TFAM WG Status Update – March 16, 2018
Toll Free 101: Existing rules in focus Rules to evaluate impact of WG questions…. Section 103 Lag Times - outlining the various service statuses Section 105 Warehousing - reserving #s without an end user Section 107 Hoarding - also includes prohibition of number brokering Section 109 Reservation caps - limits on the ability to reserve numbers Section 111 Toll Free number assignment - first come, first served
Status Clarified scope Achieved clarity regarding the scope of the questions being asked of the WG Established baseline context Ensured basic understanding of current rules and toll free assignment issues by all WG members Status
The TFAM WG’s task presumes changes not yet enacted (ie an auction and secondary market). Not all WG participants are aligned in support of these changes making enthusiastic deliberation on the needed details surrounding them a challenge. Challenges
Next Steps Research remaining issues needed to inform deliberations Subdivide work efforts into smaller teams to return structured feedback on rule changes Continue to ascertain areas of consensus on the threshold questions in the referral notice Draft report of findings to Commission Next Steps