Planning an overseas study tour with home stay Tips for Trips Planning an overseas study tour with home stay
Getting started Use a travel company Less leg work, but more expensive Address Risk Management Address Child Protection 1 year to plan Arrange it yourself More research, but more affordable Address Risk Management Address Child Protection 1 year to plan
Step 1 - decisions, decisions... Where to go? France, or… When to travel? Who to include? students & staff How many? min. & max. numbers
Timeline - what to do when... Regular meetings with participants: 6 months ahead Submit Application for trip (DET): 4 months ahead Final payment: 3 months ahead Arrange payment to all agencies: 2 months prior Submit details of group to travel agent: 2 months prior Initaite contact with host family: 2 months ahead Meet with parents & participants, distribute tickets, last-minute medical info, full brief about trip: 2-3 weeks ahead Register group with DFAT: just prior Preliminary Research: 12-13 months ahead Expressions of Interest: 12 months ahead More research to finalise costs and start building itinerary: 12 months ahead Initial meeting with parents & participants: 11 months ahead Intention to Plan : 9-10 months ahead Request deposit, consent, medical info, code of behaviour: 9-10 months ahead Commence bookings: 8-9 months ahead
A useful resource for planning
Step 2 - Expressions of Interest
Step 3 - Initial meeting
Costing the trip Try to include airport transfers - it’s worth it Consider Teacher loading on to the cost per student. Remember to include travel insurance + meals for escorts Err on the generous side, to allow for currency fluctuation Ask for a substantial deposit, that will cover all place holding fees. This should be non-refundable.
Step 4 - making reservations In Australia Flight Centre Vanessa Newman Assistant Manager Flight Centre Groups P 61 7 3032 9502 F 61 7 3032 9555 Interstate 1300 557 813 Book as much prior to departure as possible - train tickets - Paris Visite cards - Museum visits / tours - dinners / lunches - airport transfers
* Group accommodation in France: Australian Embassy Sophie Guignard Public Affairs Department 4 rue Jean Rey 75 015 Paris * Group accommodation in France:
E : Accommodation in Paris 1)Fiap Jean Monnet 30, rue Cabanis 75014 Paris T.: 01 43 13 17 00 Résa.: 01 43 13 17 17 F.: 01 43 13 17 07 E : 2)MIJE (Le Marais) Dominique LAMBERT Séjours Educatifs en France Tél. direct : 01 42 74 78 34 Fax direct : 01 42 74 52 05
Language Lessons & Home stay CAVILAM (Vichy) Christine Barge 1, avenue des Célestins – BP 2678 - 03206 Vichy Cedex Tél : +33 (0)4 70 30 83 65 Fax : +33 (0)4 70 30 83 84 INSTITUT DE TOURAINE (Tours) AnnMarie Johnson Chargée de développement 1, rue de la Grandière, BP 72047 37020 Tours Cedex 1 – France Tel : + 33 – (0)2 47 05 67 22 Portable : +33 682 501 965 Fax : +33- (0)2 47 05 48 98
Useful conatcts: French Language Consultants Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) DFAT (Australia) French Tourism Office MAISON DE LA FRANCE - AUSTRALIE FRENCH TOURIST BUREAU Tel/Ph: +61 (0)2 9231 5244 Fax: +61 (0)2 9221 8682
Little extras... Make a journal de voyage for students to fill in along the way Maps - France, Paris & Paris Metro Discuss home stay gifts / gifts for hosts Establish Code of conduct - signatures required Take photocopies of each passport and insurance policy. Keep in bottom of suitcase Put all student info in summary tables Put all trip info into a booklet Tie same coloured ribbon on all group luggage
Bonne chance et bon voyage!