TOEFL IBT Prepared by M.S.A FU
WHAT IS THE IBT TOEFL TEST? The IBT TOEFL TEST is a test to measure the English academic skills of non-native speakers of English.
HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE IBT VERSION OF THE TEST 1-You must work to improve your knowledge of academic skills that are covered on the IBT TOEFL test 2-You must work to improve your knowledge of the academic skills that are covered on the IBT test 3-You must understand the test taking strategies that are appropriate for the IBT TOEFL test 4- You must take practice tests with the focus of applying your knowledge of the appropriate language skills and test taking strategies
DESCRIPTION OF THE IBT TOEFL TEST The IBT version of the TOEFL test currently has four sections; 1-Reading 2-Listening 3-Speaking 4-Writing
READING: This section consists of three long passages and questions about these passages. The passages are on academic topics which might be found in an undergraduate university textbooks
QUESTION TYPES 1-Main idea 2-Details 3-Inferences 4-Sentence restatements 5-Sentence Insertion 6-Vocabulary 7-Function 8-Overall ideas
LISTENING The listening section consists of six long passages and questions about these passages. The passeges consists of two student conversations and four academic lectures or discussions.
QUESTION TYPES 1-Main idea questions 2-Details 3-Function 4-Inferences 5-Stance
SPEAKING The Speakins section consists of six tasks; 1-Two independent tasks 2-Four integrated tasks
TWO INDEPENDENT TASKS In the two independent tasks, students must answer opinion questions about some aspects of academic life
FOUR INTEGRATED TASKS In the first two integrated reading, listening, and speaking tasks, students must read a passage, listen to a passage, and speak about how the ideas in the two passages are related In the two integrated listening and speaking tasks, students must listen to long passages and then summarize and offer opinions on the information in the passages.
WRITING The writing section consists of two tasks: A)One integrated task B)One independent task In the integrated task, students must read an academic passage, listen to an academic passage, and write about how the ideas in the two passages are related. In the independent task ,students must write a personal essay.
FORMAT of an IBT TOEFL TEST The probable format of an IBT TOEFL Test is outlined in the following 1-READING:3 passages and 39 questions=60 minutes 2-LISTENING:6 passages 34 questions=50 minutes 3-SPEAKING:6 tasks and 6 questions=20 minutes 4-WRITING :2 tasks and two questions=55 minutes