Thomas Prime World Class Course Information
Prime students... ... speak only English in class, ... know that every class is an opportunity to practice their English, so they avoid missing classes, ... are highly committed to their learning and know the importance of doing homework,
2 1 Prime students... ... want to improve their writing skills, so they follow the steps of process writing: 2 1
Course Material Students’ Book + Workbook
Course Material Student CD-ROM
New Assessment System Now Formative assessment Six assessments throughout the module Helps students monitor their progress Helps teachers adjust instruction Before Summative assessment One written test and one oral test
Course Material E-Folder pratique-ingles/e-folder/
ECCE – Examination for the Certificate of Competency in English Self-evaluation Purposes International Certification Experience with an International Examination
TOEFL ITP – Institutional Testing Program End of the Course Prime 8 No Additional Cost Self-evaluation Purposes Practice for TOEFL iBT
Have a great module! Important Dates February 17: Carnival Tue/Thurs Groups February 17: Carnival April 2: Recess April 21: Holiday April 28: Final Assessments Dates can also be found on the “Meu Espaço” area on the site: Have a great module!