Focus: All Students 21st Century Ready Nevada Educator Performance Framework Developing Teacher Expertise Teacher Standard 3 Focus: All Students 21st Century Ready
Goals – Standard 3 Define Teacher Standard 3 Evidence of Practice
Leading for impact Developing teacher Expertise Standard 3
What the Research Says… According to a meta-analysis of the research, the discussion practices that have the greatest effects on improving students' text comprehension are (Murphy et al., 2009; Goldenberg, 1993) Including a thematic focus (e.g., friendship); Connecting the theme to background knowledge (e.g., using the text or personal experience); Direct teaching of skills or concepts if necessary; Using elicitation techniques to promote complex expression and understanding (e.g., "Tell me more. What do you mean by ___?"); Asking students to provide support for interpretations (e.g., "How do you know? Show me where it says that. What makes you think that?"); Asking questions with multiple answers and fewer questions with known answers; Communicating with connected discourse, in which teachers and students make comments that build off of what others have said; Fostering a nonthreatening environment and encouraging all to participate; Allowing student-directed discourse, in which the teacher does not hold exclusive control over who talks; instead, students volunteer or select others to speak.
Key Ideas in Standard 3 Resources Theory Indicators Description Notes
Elaborate and Clarify Questions Can you elaborate on...? What do you mean by...? Can you tell me more about...? What makes you think that? Can you clarify the part about ...? Can you be more specific? How so? How/Why is that important? I wonder if ...? I’m a little confused about the part...
Do you agree? What are your ideas? Can you tell me why you think that?
Based on , I think… I want to add to your point that… Connecting to that, … Another way to look at that is… If , then . I wonder if…. I respectfully disagree because…
Discuss what Standard 3 looks like in the classroom. What is the teacher doing/saying? What are students doing/saying? 39
Recording Evidence from Observation of Standard 3 Take notes What is the task(s)? What is the teacher doing/saying? What are the students doing/saying?
Focus on student-centered evidence Strategies for Collecting Evidence… Focus on student-centered evidence Capture evidence of impact of teacher’s behavior on student learning Record evidence, not judgment Quotations, observed actions or movements by teacher and students, literal descriptors, etc. – No scoring during observation Be an efficient note-taker Capture evidence aligned to the Standards - Establish abbreviations - Think note-taking not scripting Slide Template
Types of Evidence Direct observation of teacher practice occurs when the evaluator is physically present in the classroom or venue where the teacher is present and teaching. (Mandatory Evidence) Additional Evidence supporting teacher practice that includes but is not limited to lesson plans, student work, teacher notes, and student feedback. (Confirmatory Evidence) 34
What specific evidence did you see during the observation? Think & Share What specific evidence did you see during the observation? What confirmatory evidence did you collect/review during the observation?
More practice…
Additional Resources: ? More Questions Additional Resources: 4 Ways for Structured Conversations Supporting Discourse in Math Edutopia Groupwork Roles Reading Moves Classroom Talk Grouping Helping Student Talk Student Conversations
Turn and Talk How do I become more effective with Teacher Standard 3? What support do I need? 43
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