Focus: All Students 21st Century Ready Nevada Educator Performance Framework Developing Teacher Expertise Teacher Standard 2 Focus: All Students 21st Century Ready
Goals – Standard 2 Define Teacher Standard 2 Evidence of Practice
Gathering Evidence on Teacher Practice Standard 2
Learn and Share Marzano Rigor in Assignments Study
Key Ideas in Standard 2 Resources Theory Indicators Description Notes
Discuss what Standard 2 looks like in the classroom. What is the teacher doing/saying? What are students doing/saying? 39
Learn and Share Writing for Learning
Learn and Share Scaffolding Strategies
Marzano Rigor
Recording Evidence from Observation of Standard 2 Take notes What is the teacher doing/saying? What are the students doing/saying? What is the task(s)?
Focus on student-centered evidence Strategies for Collecting Evidence… Focus on student-centered evidence Capture evidence of impact of teacher’s behavior on student learning Record evidence, not judgment Quotations, observed actions or movements by teacher and students, literal descriptors, etc. – No scoring during observation Be an efficient note-taker Capture evidence aligned to the Standards - Establish abbreviations - Think note-taking not scripting Slide Template
Types of Evidence Direct observation of teacher practice occurs when the evaluator is physically present in the classroom or venue where the teacher is present and teaching. (Mandatory Evidence) Additional Evidence supporting teacher practice that includes but is not limited to lesson plans, student work, teacher notes, and student feedback. (Confirmatory Evidence) 34
What specific evidence did you see during the observation? Think & Share What specific evidence did you see during the observation? What confirmatory evidence did you collect/review during the observation?
Turn and Talk: Standard 2 - Master-Coded Descriptions Compare to evidence cited? Confirmatory evidence? Compare either master notes with score or without score.
More practice… Choose the other video or select a vignette/video from the CRESST website – Standard 2
Collecting Evidence During Observation –Using a Video/Vignette Recording Evidence Collecting Evidence During Observation –Using a Video/Vignette What is the teacher doing/saying? What are the students doing/saying? What is the task(s)?
Turn and Talk: Aligning Evidence to Standards and Indicators How do you use the indicators to help you identify the specific evidence? Work with your table group to identify potential evidence for each indicator. Think both direct and indirect evidence.
Turn and Talk How do I become more effective with Teacher Standard 2? What support do I need? 43
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