Buglawton Primary School Meet the Teacher Welcome Back! Year 5
Meet The Teachers Mr Oakden Teaching Assistant Mrs Gear
Our aims for your child: To be happy and feel safe and secure. To feel respected and respect others. To behave appropriately in different situations. To be independent. To become a fluent reader. To write accurately and with confidence. To have a broad and balanced knowledge of the whole curriculum through creative planning. To ask questions and know how to find the answers – be independent learners.
Attitude Politeness Maturity Responsibility Independence
Calmness Empathy Thoughtful Want to improve Thankful
Daily Timetable 8:45 Bell for registration. Line up on the playground with coats and bags. 9.00 Mathematics (Thurs Music) 10. -10.15 Assembly 10:15 – 10:30 Play time 10:30 Literacy 11:45 Guided Reading 12:15 Lunch 1:00 Monday: RE and PE Tuesday – PE and ICT Wednesday- Science Thursday Topic Friday – Topic 3:00 School closes
P.E P.E Kit Black shorts Red or White T Shirt Pumps Dark Tracksuit(woolly hats are useful in the winter months!) Trainers Please remove all jewellery before coming to school on these days.
Topics Year 5 Autumn Spring Summer All living things, Earth and Space Ancient Greeks Gymnastics Dance –Invasion games – Islam-Muhammad, ‘Specific Focus- Sacred Texts’ ‘Christmas - Angels’ Spring Properties of everyday materials, Magnetism Extreme Environments Gymnastics – Net/wall games Invasion games (Focus on football) Judaism- Places of Worship ‘Jesus’ Teaching & its Impact on People’ Moving toys – cam mechanism Summer Animals including humans The mayans Dance – Divali Athletics Striking & Fielding – (Cricket) ‘Worship’ ‘Christian Creeds’
Homework Year 5 Friday At school: Reading EVERY night – 10 mins English Also a mathematics sheet linked to the work done in the previous week. Spelling list in homework book. Practise Tables and Learn its At school: Return Homework on Wednesday Big maths test Four calculations Reading EVERY night – 10 mins
Big Maths Year 5
Ideas to help with Homework. A Dictionary A Thesaurus Useful Websites BBC schools Age 4 – 11 Good for topic work and games linked to subjects – Spelling with the Spellits Good for revision of Science, Literacy and Maths- Bitesize KS2 www.woodlands-junior
Positive Discipline Lots of praise for good work and behaviour. Team Points Line up trophy Attendance Bee Celebration Assembly Certificates Sanctions displayed clearly for when necessary. Made and agreed by the class.
Expectation that as many a possible go. Residential 2017 Year 5 and 6 France Expectation that as many a possible go. Launch Meeting 27th September 6.00pm
Dates for your diaries P.T.A A.G.M – Tonight at 7pm! Parent Forum – Tuesday 27th Sept – 4:30pm Residential Visit to France Launch Tues 27th – 6.00pm Macmillan Coffee Afternoon – 30th Sept – 3pm Chocolate Bingo - Friday 14th October 6-8pm Open Afternoon - Thursday 20th October 1-4pm Bonfire Disco – Thursday 3rd November 4- 5:15pm (KS1), 5:30 – 7pm (KS2) Parents’ Evenings – Wed 23rd & Thurs 24th Nov Christmas Fair – Friday 9th December 5-7pm Christmas Play – TBC Pantomime Trip – 21st December Check red letter or website for other dates.
Our doors are always open. Come and see us or use the planners to write and tell us about anything you are concerned about. Tell us before it becomes a bigger issue. Tell us the good things as well! Together we can support your child on their exciting journey. Thank you for coming