Ms. Christine (Chris) Wieland Welcome, Parents and Guardians! Ms. Christine (Chris) Wieland
Welcome!!! Please write your student’s name and your name on the list circulating the room…thanks!!!! Then I know who you belong to!
Chris Wieland A little bit about me: I student-taught Biology and Chemistry at Issaquah High School 24 ½ years ago. I was part of the team that opened SHS.
Chris Wieland A little bit about me: During the 15 years I have taught at Skyline, I have taught… Current: Biology (currently) IB Biology Past Biodiversity and Lab Concepts Physical Science (Lab Methods Chem/Phys) Chemistry
Chris Wieland I have a The Hope Heart Institute: Bachelor’s in Biology Master’s in Teaching. The Hope Heart Institute: I took a break from the classroom and Oversaw Ed programs from 2005-2010…but I missed the classroom.
Casey Sullivan Teacher Intern University of Washington Bachelors of Science in Biology; Evolution, Ecology and Conservation Masters in Teaching, Secondary Science Skyline High School Graduate: 2013 Assistant Cheer Coach at Skyline Exhibit Attendant, Woodland Park Zoo
Success in General Biology Scaffold for Success Their success is, in the end, up to the student but we are here to support them!!! Success in General Biology Your Student Parent/ Guardian (Home) Teacher (Classroom)
Scaffold for Success 9th Grade: Transition Year First Step to being a more independent student. MOST 9th graders still need support from home! At least until after 1st Semester Grades have come in! Checking Teacher Websites Daily (Favorite them!) Checking Family Access Together Weekly Appropriate Use of Technology Encouragement to Attend Weekly Help Sessions (2X’s/week) Activity bus available!
Top Ten Things Parents Should Know About Biology This Year
10. How to contact me: I check my email daily respond within 48 hours (unless on the weekend or over a break). Phone: 425.837.7822
9. Check the classroom website staff/mrs_wielands_site/biology_20132014/c/307 is the window into the classroom Important documents and links Helpful resources listed on the website. If your student gets stuck, have them check out those links!
8. Grades are online. I try to update grades by the end of every weekend. A great time to go over grades with you student is Sunday night.
7. State Testing Update No more Biology End of Course Exam. This year’s 9th graders will take the “Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science” (WCAS) at the end of the junior year. This exam is based on the newest science standards: “The Next Generation Science Standards” (NGSS) WCAS is slated to be a High Graduation requirement in 2021.
NGSS-Topics Microbiology Macrobiology Microscope Cells and organelles Biochemistry (fats, sugars, nucleic acids) DNA Genetics Macrobiology Evolution Ecology Populations Human Impact
NGSS-Skills Cross Cutting Concepts: Patterns Cause and Effect Scale, Proportion and Quantity Systems and Models Energy and Matter Structure and Function Stability and Change
NGSS-Skills Science and Engineering Practices Asking Questions and Defining Problems Developing and Using Models Planning and Carrying Out Investigations Analyzing and Interpreting Data Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions Engaging in Argument from Evidence Obtaining, evaluating and Communicating Inforamtion
6. Help/Review Sessions With me: 1-2 Days a week with, weekly schedule posted on Biology Connect Calendar With a National Honor Society Tutor: Thursdays, 2:30-3:30 in 2115
5. Expect Homework almost nightly. Typically not more than 20 minutes to ½ hour at a time.
4. Our Textbook has online access. Your student is welcome to check out a hard copy of the book at the library. Pilot of New Curriculum: Topic Covered: Same as Traditionally Taught Text and Resource Materials: New 3 different curricula in Quarter 1 The two most experienced teachers are doing is at SHS (all schools teaching biology are participating in some way)
3. Cell Phones are often a distraction to the learning environment I could use your support…please contact the front office if you need to contact your student. They can ask permission to use for educational purposes in class . If not, I will turn it in to administration for a parent or guardian to pick up.
3. Cell Phones are often a distraction to the learning environment If you have not already done so, please fill in the parent portion of the Course Expectations (last page).
2. Gel Electrophoresis and DNA Fingerprinting. Each year, we borrow $10,000 worth of materials and equipment. ors/sep/index.html Learn to use real-life technical skills Apply to real life scenarios such as DNA fingerprinting for finding the gene for a specific cancer.
1. Ask your student what we are learning in class! Students understand the material better when they are asked to explain it in their own words. As an added bonus, Biology is fascinating because it is the study of life all around them. It is meant to be hands-on and fun!
Thank you for coming! Any questions for me?