4th 6 Weeks CCA Test Review


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4th 6 Weeks CCA Test Review Key

George Washington Example for others to follow Explain precedent.   What are some examples of precedents Washington established?  Explain the 3 parts to Hamilton’s Financial Plan.  Complete the chart below: The Whiskey Rebellion Example for others to follow Policy of neutrality, 2 Terms, being called “Mr. President” Create a national bank Assume (take over) all state and national debt Create a tariff on imported goods Whiskey Rebellion that led to the national government stepping in and showing their authority and strength in the situation

John Adams Marbury vs. Madison Explain the Alien and Sedition Acts   Fill out the table below: Alien act – president had power to deport any foreigner suspected to be a threat to the national government Sedition Act – President could imprison citizens for criticizing the national government Marbury vs. Madison Judicial Review: ability of the supreme court to declare laws unconstitutional

Thomas Jefferson When was the Louisiana Purchase bought by the United States from France? On the blank map, shade in the Louisiana Purchase.   Explain the Embargo Act? Why was it necessary? 1803 Embargo Act: Stopped trade with all other countries Necessary because other countries were impressing our citizens (forcing them into their navy - impressment)

James Madison War Hawks Which group in Congress wanted to go to war with Great Britain, and why?   Complete the diagram below about the War of 1812. War Hawks Impressment: Embargo: What does Congress do? What happens to Washington DC? Treaty of Ghent: Significance of the Battle of New Orleans: : Effect of War: Taking American sailors and forcing them into the British Navy Increased manufac-turing and showed Britain that America was truly free Ban on trade with all other nations Declared war on Great Britain Returned all land to how it was before the war British burned down the capitol American victory, Made Andrew Jackson a hero

James Monroe They were both policies of neutrality What did Washington’s Farewell Address and James Monroe’s Monroe Doctrine have in common?   How did the Era of Good Feelings effect nationalism? Explain the political cartoon below about the Monroe Doctrine They were both policies of neutrality Because the Nation was doing so well, people were proud to be a part of the United States The Europeans are caring suit cases because they want to come over and settle territory in the Western Hemisphere. However, Uncle Sam is holding up the Monroe Doctrine and putting his other hand out stepping the Europeans from coming over and colonizing.

Warm Up Review: Colonization Complete the push and pull factors diagram below for the reasons the Pilgrims and Puritans came to the New World. Fill out the table below regarding the geography’s effect on the economy for each of the 3 regions. Push Factors: Religious persecution in England Pull Factors: Religious freedom in New World Geography Economy New England Colonies Rock, Thin soil; natural harbors, tress Cold Winters, short growing season Ship building, trading, fishing Middle Colonies Longer growing season; fertile soil Iron Ore Bread Basket Colonies Manufacturing and Craftsmanship Southern Colonies Fertile soil, swampy coast lines, very long growing season Grow cash crops on plantations using slave labor

Warm Up Review: Colonization Name 3 documents that helped establish self-government in the colonies.   What is the significance of the year 1607? What is the difference between the reasons why Jamestown and Plymouth were established as colonies? Mayflower Compact, Virginia House of Burgesses, Fundamental Order of Conn. Jamestown, the first permanent English colony, was founded Jamestown: to find gold and make a profit Plymouth: Escape from religious persecution

prevent the U.S. from involvement in foreign conflicts. Which one does not belong? Proclamation of Neutrality President Washington’s farewell Address War of 1812 Embargo Act

“Of the complicated European systems of national polity we have heretofore been independent. From their wars, their tumults and anxieties we have been almost entirely exempt” Franklin Pierce 1853 government confusions free