NGSS Standards and Disciplinary Core Ideas Emmaus High School - Science Department - Woonerf Curriculum Model Stage 1: Desire Results NGSS Standards and Disciplinary Core Ideas This section is for your big ideas/transfers. This is your theme statement of the unit. Or you can use this section to answer one of the following sutdent questions: (1) Why are we learning this? (2) Who in the real world ever uses this content? (3) In the end, what will this enable us to accomplish in the real world? Students will keep considering… Students will understand that… Question can be argued or discussed. Open-ended. No simple right answer Can provoke or sustain inquiry. Answer requires support and justification. Raises additional questions Recurs over time. Can be asked again and again. Transfers and connects to other topics and ideas. Important and transferable ideas inherent Wording/language easily understood by students Are full-sentence statements reflecting conclusions about the content through big ideas. Can be gained through guided inference whereby the learner is helped to make, recognize, or verify a conclusion. Transferable to other topics, subjects Assessed through performance tasks Students will know… Students will be skilled at… This is what students need to know to be able to answer essential questions Have a specific, straightforward answer Are asked to prompt memorization rather than to generate a sustained inquiry More likely to be asked by a teacher or found in a textbook as compared to a curious student or person in the world Good to know What skills and processes should students be able to use? Design challenge This is a question that answers the Driving Phenomena statment. Driving Phenomena This is a statment, not a question. This should be something observed, witnessed, or experienced and more specific to content than an EU. Phenom-Driven Questions Investigate and build knowledge through practices Incrementally build models that explain … The assessments should include authentic transfer tasks based on one or more facets of understanding and are aligned with Stage 1. Performance Task(s): Other assessments: Performance Task: What other evidence will you collect to determine whether Stage 1 goals were achieved? Stage 3: Learning Plan Summary of Key Learning Events and Instruction This is the daily unit plan. This is where you’ll start to see teachers’ individual preferences, lessons, etc… Most of Stage 1 and Stage 2 should be common no matter who teaches the course.