Common Core Standards for Literacy in Science


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Presentation transcript:

Common Core Standards for Literacy in Science Use This Networking Time To Meet New People. Sit With Someone That You Do Not Know. Have Posted as they enter the room. Encourage people to sit with people that they do not know. You will have the list of participants a few days prior to the session. Feel free to do name tents and purposely mix up the groups.

Get to Know Your Group Share: Your Name Where You Teach How Long You Have Been Teaching One Thing That You Know About The Common Core State Standards Greet the teachers and model what we want shared with the group by introducing yourself using the four bullets. Each group will introduce themselves to their fellow group members using the four bullets. Use the Go-Around Protocol to help support equitable talking opportunities for each person. Go-Around Protocol -- Select the person who will go first (the one who woke up the latest, lives the furthest away, etc.) and then each person will share in a clockwise direction until everyone has shared. After everyone has shared, then open discussion can occur. This helps elevate status issues of one person dominating the conversation.

Secondary Science District Norms Be respectful of other’s time — Begin and end on time   Maintain an open and safe atmosphere for communication and collaboration Remain positive, task/purpose-focused, respectful, and courteous Actively participate and bring requested materials Share a sense of responsibility for student learning Be professional at all times Be the student you want in your class Briefly Review the Norms

Reflections and Important Moments Sheet Briefly draw their attention back to the Reflection Sheet. It is to be used as a reflection and notes tool throughout the day.

Session Goals: Positively Impact Student Learning by Supporting Their Growth as Science Practitioners Provide an Overview of the Structure of the CCSS Literacy Standards for Science Analyze and Discuss the Role that Science Classrooms Play in Developing Strong Literacy Skills Using Informational Texts in Support of the ELA CCSS. Briefly go over the goals for this session.

Common Core State Standards Next Generation Science Standards Common Core State Standards (CCSS) vs. Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) Common Core State Standards Next Generation Science Standards State led through the CCSSO and the NGA with Achieve as one of the partners. State led through Achieve and NRC with NSTA and AAAS as partners. To date, 46 states are participating To date, 26 states are participating Content Standards are Mathematics and Language Arts/Literacy Content Standards are Science and Engineering Includes Standards for Literacy in Science (these are intended to not replace, but supplement the NGSS) Identifies both science content standards to be taught as well as the Science and Engineering Practices Is part of the PARCC and SBAC Assessment Systems Is currently not part of PARCC and SBAC Assessment Systems Evidence-based and Internationally Benchmarked Vetted and Reviewed by the public Completed and under a phased-in implementation Framework is completed and the content is still under public review Briefly go over the comparison between the Common Core State Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards. Although they are very similar, there are distinct differences. Needed Acronyms: CCSSO – Council of Chief State School Officers NGA – National Governor’s Association NRC – National Research Council NSTA – National Science Teacher’s Association AAAS – American Association for the Advancement of Science PARCC – Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers SBAC – Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Both are state led and Achieve (manages the American Diploma Project) is closely involved with both. 26 states have signed on to the Next Generation Science Standards. Many more are expected to join once the final review happens. Tennessee is one of the lead states. The Common Core deals with content for Math and Language Arts, not Science. The CCSS does define Literacy skills to be developed and supported in Science. The Common Core is meant to support the NGSS. The NGSS not only identified content, but also practices as well. NGSS is not part of the national assessment consortia (PARCC and Smarter Balanced). At this point, states are charged to develop assessments. Both are evidence-based, heavily built upon research and what other effective countries do. Both have been or will be reviewed for feedback by the public before implementation. The NGSS will be opened for review again soon. More information about some focus groups will be coming soon. 8. Tennessee is phasing in the Common Core now. The NGSS is still under construction, but states are strongly encouraged to go ahead and start utilizing the NRC Framework.

Literacy for social studies, math, and science Tennessee Math and Language Arts/Literacy Common Core State Standards (CCSS) 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Grades K-2 Math and ELA Grades 3-8 Math (partial) Grades 9-12 Grades 6-12 Literacy for social studies, math, and science We want everyone to be aware of the state’s timeline for implementation of the Common Core. Although the content standards for science are not ready, there are Common Core Literacy Standards for Science. They are fully operational next year. How this will impact assessment is unclear at this point. For now, we know that the current End of Course Tests will still be in place for next year. ** ** Chemistry Session – If participants ask about the Chemistry EOC pilot, that is not the purpose of this session. It is a packed agenda as is. Share that the Chemistry EOC will be discussed in the Science Leaders Network Meeting later in the day. Their Department Head will be bringing more information back to them to discuss.

Digging Deeper into the Common Core’s Literacy Standards for Science What How Why Simon Sinek recently identified a trend in successful businesses that has sparked a change in how some CEO’s are thinking about their work. In the high performing environments, CEO’s approached the process from the inside out (began with the why and then worked outward to the what). In many cases, the Why of the business was not just about the product, it also included a bigger moral or social purpose. The CCSS was developed using this same reasoning. It began with the Why – We believe that public education exists to prepare students for the work-force (college/career ready), then moved to the How – Let’s design a curriculum that is Focused, Coherent, and Relevant, then moved to the What – the CCSS. The Literacy Standards for Science can be viewed in a similar manner. Why – Students are going to need Literacy Skills around Informational Texts in in order to be successful in an every increasing technological world. How – Utilize more Informational Texts in the training of students. Incorporate disciplines that have been utilizing such texts for years (Science and Social Studies). What – The Common Core’s Literacy Standards for Science In other words, Science is formerly being acknowledged for the vital role it plays in the development of Literacy skills in our students.

Digging Deeper into the Common Core’s Literacy Standards for Science CCR Anchor Standards As a group, summarize each Anchor Standard with a 1-5 word phrase. Directions for Naming the Standards CCR – College and Career Readiness   Participants will work in small groups no larger than 5 members. Hand out the Name the Standards Graphic Organizer (White). Assign groups so that half of the groups are working on the Reading and half are working on the Writing College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards. Groups will summarize each Anchor Standard with a 1 – 5 word phrase. Pairs/groups should reach consensus about the most precise “name” for each standard and record their work on the Name the Standards handout. If they finish their assignment, have them move to the other (i.e., finish Reading, go ahead and work on writing). Larger group will discuss findings. (See the attached answer document for discussion guidance.) Launch the activity (2-3 minutes) Development of the Summary Statements (1-5 phrase “names”) – (12-15 minutes) Whole group Share out – Facilitator call on groups to volunteer (8-10minutes)

Digging Deeper into the Common Core’s Literacy Standards for Science Reading College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading Reading Standards for Literacy The CCR Anchor Standards are a broader view. The Reading Standards are designed to add specificity to the CCR Anchor Standards.

Digging Deeper into the Common Core’s Literacy Standards for Science Reading CCR Anchor Standard Reading Standard Grade Band We are going to take a closer look at one set of the Reading Standards. Pass out the Reading Standards Hand-out and the bound book of Standards (Red). The Reading Standards represent skills that students will develop. They are organized by the CCR Anchor Standard Headings in three secondary grade bands (Grades 6-8, Grades 9-10, and Grades 11-12).

Digging Deeper into the Common Core’s Literacy Standards for Science Reading As a group, look closely at the Reading Standards for all three grade bands and discuss the following questions. What am I already doing? What will my students be expected to do later? This slide and the next two are designed to use with a specific audience. Middle School – Use Slide 12 High School Grades 9-10 – Use slide 13 High School Grades 11-12 – Use slide 14 High School Mixed – Use Slide 13 and regroup the teachers by what grade band their course falls under. (Example: For some campuses, Biology may be offered in 10th grade and other campuses it is not primarily offered until 11th grade. Regroup those teachers by their band and have them focus on the appropriate questions.) Grades 9-10 would focus on all three questions. Grades 11-12 would focus on questions 2 and 3. Activity: After grouping teachers, have them discuss the focus questions in pairs. Encourage them to mark on the text and to look for similar ideas that build in complexity. Focus on the Key Ideas and Details Anchor Standard. If they finish, they can move on to other ones. Note that they have a copy of this Anchor Standard for them to mark on. It is also in their bound copy. Any others that they investigate will need to be done in the bound copy. (5-7 minutes) Have them discuss their findings with their small group. (5-7 minutes) Have a short whole group discussion allowing teachers to popcorn their Aha’s and connections from the standards. (3-5 minutes)

Digging Deeper into the Common Core’s Literacy Standards for Science Reading As a group, look closely at the Reading Standards for all three grade bands and discuss the following questions. What background skills and knowledge should students come to me with? What am I already doing? What will my students be expected to do later? This slide and the next two are designed to use with a specific audience. Middle School – Use Slide 12 High School Grades 9-10 – Use slide 13 High School Grades 11-12 – Use slide 14 High School Mixed – Use Slide 13 and regroup the teachers by what grade band their course falls under. (Example: For some campuses, Biology may be offered in 10th grade and other campuses it is not primarily offered until 11th grade. Regroup those teachers by their band and have them focus on the appropriate questions.) Grades 9-10 would focus on all three questions. Grades 11-12 would focus on questions 2 and 3. Activity: After grouping teachers, have them discuss the focus questions in pairs. Encourage them to mark on the text and to look for similar ideas that build in complexity. Focus on the Key Ideas and Details Anchor Standard. If they finish, they can move on to other ones. Note that they have a copy of this Anchor Standard for them to mark on. It is also in their bound copy. Any others that they investigate will need to be done in the bound copy. (5-7 minutes) Have them discuss their findings with their small group. (5-7 minutes) Have a short whole group discussion allowing teachers to popcorn their Aha’s and connections from the standards. (3-5 minutes)

Digging Deeper into the Common Core’s Literacy Standards for Science Reading As a group, look closely at the Reading Standards for all three grade bands and discuss the following questions. What background skills and knowledge should students come to me with? What am I already doing? This slide and the next two are designed to use with a specific audience. Middle School – Use Slide 12 High School Grades 9-10 – Use slide 13 High School Grades 11-12 – Use slide 14 High School Mixed – Use Slide 13 and regroup the teachers by what grade band their course falls under. (Example: For some campuses, Biology may be offered in 10th grade and other campuses it is not primarily offered until 11th grade. Regroup those teachers by their band and have them focus on the appropriate questions.) Grades 9-10 would focus on all three questions. Grades 11-12 would focus on questions 2 and 3. Activity: After grouping teachers, have them discuss the focus questions in pairs. Encourage them to mark on the text and to look for similar ideas that build in complexity. Focus on the Key Ideas and Details Anchor Standard. If they finish, they can move on to other ones. Note that they have a copy of this Anchor Standard for them to mark on. It is also in their bound copy. Any others that they investigate will need to be done in the bound copy. (5-7 minutes) Have them discuss their findings with their small group. (5-7 minutes) Have a short whole group discussion allowing teachers to popcorn their Aha’s and connections from the standards. (3-5 minutes)

Digging Deeper into the Common Core’s Literacy Standards for Science Writing College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing Writing Standards for Literacy Quickly note the Writing Standards are structured similar to the Reading ones.

Digging Deeper into the Common Core’s Literacy Standards for Science Writing As a group, look closely at the Reading Standards for all three grade bands and discuss the following questions. What am I already doing? What will my students be expected to do later? This slide and the next two are designed to use with a specific audience. Middle School – Use Slide 12 High School Grades 9-10 – Use slide 13 High School Grades 11-12 – Use slide 14 High School Mixed – Teachers should already be appropriately grouped from the Reading activity. Grades 9-10 would focus on all three questions. Grades 11-12 would focus on questions 2 and 3. Activity: Have teachers discuss the focus questions in pairs. Encourage them to mark on the text and to look for similar ideas that build in complexity. Focus on the Research to Build and Present Knowledge Anchor Standard. If they finish, they can move on to other ones. Note that they have a copy of this Anchor Standard for them to mark on (It is on the back of the Reading one). It is also in their bound copy. Any others that they investigate will need to be done in the bound copy. (5-7 minutes) Have them discuss their findings with their small group. (3-5 minutes) Have a short whole group discussion allowing teachers to popcorn their Aha’s and connections from the standards. (3-5 minutes)

Digging Deeper into the Common Core’s Literacy Standards for Science Writing As a group, look closely at the Reading Standards for all three grade bands and discuss the following questions. What background skills and knowledge should students come to me with? What am I already doing? What will my students be expected to do later? This slide and the next two are designed to use with a specific audience. Middle School – Use Slide 12 High School Grades 9-10 – Use slide 13 High School Grades 11-12 – Use slide 14 High School Mixed – Teachers should already be appropriately grouped from the Reading activity. Grades 9-10 would focus on all three questions. Grades 11-12 would focus on questions 2 and 3. Activity: Have teachers discuss the focus questions in pairs. Encourage them to mark on the text and to look for similar ideas that build in complexity. Focus on the Research to Build and Present Knowledge Anchor Standard. If they finish, they can move on to other ones. Note that they have a copy of this Anchor Standard for them to mark on (It is on the back of the Reading one). It is also in their bound copy. Any others that they investigate will need to be done in the bound copy. (5-7 minutes) Have them discuss their findings with their small group. (3-5 minutes) Have a short whole group discussion allowing teachers to popcorn their Aha’s and connections from the standards. (3-5 minutes)

Digging Deeper into the Common Core’s Literacy Standards for Science Writing As a group, look closely at the Reading Standards for all three grade bands and discuss the following questions. What background skills and knowledge should students come to me with? What am I already doing? This slide and the next two are designed to use with a specific audience. Middle School – Use Slide 12 High School Grades 9-10 – Use slide 13 High School Grades 11-12 – Use slide 14 High School Mixed – Teachers should already be appropriately grouped from the Reading activity. Grades 9-10 would focus on all three questions. Grades 11-12 would focus on questions 2 and 3. Activity: Have teachers discuss the focus questions in pairs. Encourage them to mark on the text and to look for similar ideas that build in complexity. Focus on the Research to Build and Present Knowledge Anchor Standard. If they finish, they can move on to other ones. Note that they have a copy of this Anchor Standard for them to mark on (It is on the back of the Reading one). It is also in their bound copy. Any others that they investigate will need to be done in the bound copy. (5-7 minutes) Have them discuss their findings with their small group. (3-5 minutes) Have a short whole group discussion allowing teachers to popcorn their Aha’s and connections from the standards. (3-5 minutes)

Summary and Reflection Time Provide Private Think Time for teachers to reflect utilizing their Reflections and Important Moments Sheet (2 -3 minutes) Popcorn Share Out/Whole Group Discussion around the following question: -How will the relationship between ELA and Science need to adapt in the future? (3-5 minutes) Make announcements (1-2 minutes) - Remind them to keep utilizing the website ( All of the handouts will be posted there.   -The next session begins promptly at 1:00. -The Evaluation will be turned in during the last session as a Ticket-Out- The-Door. Have them go ahead and begin to fill out the evaluation for the morning sessions. (3-5 minutes).